

May 16th 2016

      • ruaok
        alastairp: herding cats.
      • alastairp
      • ruaok
        waling out the door very soon
      • wailing too.
      • KodeStar
        Freso: thanks for the link, I've already read that somewhere though I think? lol
      • was there a draft or something linked?
      • Freso
        KodeStar: The blog post itself is mostly an edit of a reply/post on the forum, yes.
      • KodeStar
        ahhh :)
      • so no point doing the lottery whenever the next one is then :(
      • Freso
        But it's neater to point people at a blog post than the Xth reply of some of some topic.
      • Well, that's entirely up to you to decide. :p
      • KodeStar
        agreed, it is neater
      • well you stole my powers of premonition, so no point :(
      • :P
      • Freso
      • ruaok alastairp, FWIW, it seems like they're referring people back to the "federated open libraries" and asking people to "remember to contribute" to those.
      • rahulr
        I'm unable to create an account on the wiki (i.e. wiki.musicbrainz.org). The "Create your account" button is resulting in an alert asking for login credentials, which I don't have already.
      • Can a person with existing account only create a new one there?
      • legoktm[SJS] is now known as legoktm
      • Freso
        rahulr: The pop-up should tell you the credentials to enter.
      • The list and order of reviews for tonight's meeting is: Freso, reosarevok, bitmap, Gentlecat, zas, ruaok, chrisskye, LordSputnik, Leftmost, Leo_Verto, stanislas, alastairp, chirlu, rahulr, QuoraUK, armalcolite, hellska, kartikgupta0909, cetko - let me know if you think you should be/not be on the list.
      • chirlu
        rahulr: And if you are using Chrome, you are out of luck. :)
      • CallerNo6
        rahulr, what browser?
      • rahulr
        Yes, Chrome.
      • TOPIC: MetaBrainz Community and Development channel | MusicBrainz non-development: #musicbrainz | MeB meeting [at 19 UTC] agenda: Reviews, Schema change announcement
      • CallerNo6
        I think Chrome works, but it doesn't tell you what to do.
      • rahulr, try entering "NOTSPAM" for both fields.
      • chirlu
      • CallerNo6
        (at least, it works for me in Chromium)
      • ah, dang, did I miss a chance to give somebody a hard time? (like on construction sites, when you ask the new helper to go get a board stretcher)
      • rahulr
        CallerNo6: Bingo! Thanks. But what's up with the workaround?
      • Freso
        rahulr: Prevents spambots.
      • Freso is set up for tonight's meeting now 🙌
      • CallerNo6
        rahulr, it's a makeshift spam-bot defense. For some reason, the alert window doesn't give the right message in Chrome/Chromium. In FF it tells you what to enter.
      • chirlu
        Here is the bug report for Chrome/Chromium: https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/det...
      • CallerNo6
        (I hate to see traditions die out. http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=... )
      • MBJenkins
        Project musicbrainz-server_master build #402: STILL FAILING in 5 min 34 sec: https://ci.metabrainz.org/job/musicbrainz-serve...
      • Project musicbrainz-server_master build #403: STILL FAILING in 4 min 49 sec: https://ci.metabrainz.org/job/musicbrainz-serve...
      • chirlu
        Seems Jenkins uses one shared database for the master and schema-change tests. The master failures are due to the PL/Perl function already having been dropped.
      • darwin
        fwiw, I find the color scheme at https://blog.musicbrainz.org/2016/05/16/state-o... pretty aggresively hard to read
      • soooo briiiigggghtttt
      • Freso
        I think it's one of the default WP themes.
      • *colour schemes
      • kepstin
        that's dark grey on white, literally the most common color combination on the internet :/
      • kartikgupta0909
        Freso: do we have a meeting today?
      • Freso
      • kartikgupta0909
        Oh okay, add me in todays order
      • Freso
        kartikgupta0909: You should already be. :)
      • <BANG>
      • Hi people. :)
      • kartikgupta0909
      • Freso
        Is ruaok, zas, bitmap, Gentlecat, alastairp even here?
      • Anyway, order of people for review tonight is: Freso, chrisskye, reosarevok, bitmap, Gentlecat, zas, ruaok, LordSputnik, Leftmost, Leo_Verto, stanislas, alastairp, chirlu, rahulr, QuoraUK, armalcolite, hellska, kartikgupta0909, cetko
      • So, Freso, go ahead.
      • Roger.
      • Over the last week I have…
      • Spent some time reaching out to other communities (Mixxx, Quod Libet, VLC), which has resulted in a couple of non-profit sign-ups as well as MeB being listed on VLC's website: https://www.videolan.org/videolan/partners.html
      • Been around and about.
      • And earlier today I finally got around to finishing up the HTTPS announcement blog post as well as helped ruaok out with a reviewing some other blog posts.
      • And with that, I'll pass the word on to chrisskye:
      • > I’ve been suffering from a chest infection more than a week, so a bit sluggish. That said, managed to do a lot of correspondence. Lots of new sign-ups. A few are paying supporters, some non-profit and community orgs and numerous start-ups. Rob and I continue with the usual run-around trying to get service hook-ups to the new office and dealing with the new Spanish bank account. I’m off to
      • Calgary, Canada tomorrow. Will be working from there. So closer to Pacific Coast time, than European time.
      • And with that, reosarevok, go! :)
      • reosarevok
        Dammit, that was quick
      • So
      • Freso
        reosarevok: ;)
      • reosarevok
        I dealt with support, including delegating some stuff to chrisskye (yay!)
      • And I got tired of not being able to set user emails when they didn't get our verification, so I wrote that code
      • It's in beta now, and I already had to use it once, so I'd say it was a success :p
      • Freso
      • reosarevok
        Then I spent the second half of the week worrying about opening the museum I volunteer / intern at, which means https://community.metabrainz.org/t/2-in-1-relea... still needs me to decide stuff which gah I'm sorry I'll get to it :(
      • (it's not very straightforward at all so I need to consider it carefully and I just haven't had enough peace and quiet to think about it)
      • But that's about it
      • So, next?
      • Freso
        bitmap: Ping?
      • Let's pass the word to LordSputnik until bitmap or Gentlecat or zas or ruaok let us know they're alive.
      • So LordSputnik, go.
      • ruaok
        wait. wait.
      • zas
        we are alive...
      • ruaok
        bitmap wasn't up until 21:06 at the earliest!
      • Freso
        I asked five minutes ago if any of you were around. :)
      • Since I didn't hear back, I figured we'd not wait for you.
      • bitmap: Go!
      • Gentlecat
        I added new customers to meb.org page and reviews GSoC work. fin
      • bitmap
        well, I did schema change stuff fin
      • Freso
        zas: Go!
      • zas
        mostly hacking on new rate limmiter
      • plus search servers
      • fin.
      • Freso
        ruaok: Go!
      • ruaok puts down the important task he was doing
      • ruaok
        last week I struggled with multicurrency accounting.
      • Freso
        ruaok: Well, you shouldn't be doing an important task you can't put aside during the one hour a week we have a meeting. :)
      • LordSputnik was writing what I was going to say
      • ruaok
        apparently quickbooks never thought of having an invoice in USD and payment in EUR.
      • that is going to be a real headache for me.
      • so, I spent way too much time on that. then zas appeared in town and we've been catching up.
      • we threw a really awesome house party, but I guess that is OT.
      • Freso
      • ruaok
        more seriously we've been putting serious amount of time into the search server.
      • Freso
        Old and/or new?
      • ruaok
        we've discovered two particular problems. we've fixed them too, but we're still possibly battling some deployment issues.
      • old.
      • part of this is motivated by the fact that we need to move to NewHost soon.
      • and zas and I are looking at ways to try and reduce the time we spend in order to get to NewHost.
      • so, we've been researching NewHost and making good progress on that.
      • Freso
      • ruaok
        We've got figures for OVH and Hetzer and awaiting others.
      • not going to the full SOLR route, but keeping the search servers might shorten the time to NewHost by a few weeks.
      • but, there is hope for fixing the current search servers.
      • now we're focusing on the schema change release, which we had to postpone for a week... because reasons.
      • Freso
        (More about that in a bit.)
      • ruaok
        I don't think that any of us felt really comfortable with where we were.
      • so, rather than push and make life even more miserable for the jet-lagged bitmap, we decided to postpone it a week and make sure we get it right.
      • the plan now is to go to PG 9.5 tomorrow morning. and then the schema change release in a week.
      • fin.
      • Freso
        chrisskye: Go ;)
      • (Sorry LordSputnik :))
      • chrisskye
        I just wanted to say...I received an email from SiriusFM just now...asking a lot of questions...but basically wanting to sign an agreement for Unicorn Tier.
      • Freso
      • SiriusXM?
      • chrisskye
      • Freso
      • TOPIC: MetaBrainz Community and Development channel | MusicBrainz non-development: #musicbrainz | MeB meeting [at 19 UTC] agenda: Reviews, Schema change announcement, dev priorities (ruaok)
      • LordSputnik
        Are you sirius?
      • Freso
        LordSputnik: Go!
      • chrisskye
        I think Ruaok was copied. I’m travelling the the next day...but I will answer asap...and forward on the tech questions.
      • LordSputnik will show myself to the door