Logs all activity.
I keep extensive logs on all the activity in #bookbrainz-devel
You can read and search them at http://chatlogs.metabrainz.org/brainzbot/bookbrainz-devel/.
JIRA issue lookup
Returns the description of a JIRA Issue
Notifies people of the excellent work they are doing.
Let me know who is doing good work:
!m BrainzBot
And I will promptly notify them:
You are doing good work BrainzBot
More advanced version of the brainz plugin using the new listens_to_regex_command decorator.
Remembers and recalls arbitrary information.
To have me remember something for you, ask me in this format:
remember thing=stuff I need to remember
When you want me to recall the information, ask me in this format:
recall thing
I will prompty respond to your request with:
stuff I need to remember
To make me forget something use
forget thing
To display all the things I've remembered use
Simple ping test.
Curious if I'm still listening? If you say:
BrainzBot: ping
I'll reply to let you know I'm still here.