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Logs all activity.

I keep extensive logs on all the activity in #fanart.tv. You can read and search them at http://chatlogs.metabrainz.org/brainzbot/fanarttv/.


Simple ping test.

Curious if I'm still listening? If you say:

BrainzBot: ping

I'll reply to let you know I'm still here.

Last Seen

Tracks when a user was last seen online.

I have an excellent memory and I never forget a nick. If you are curious to know when I last saw your colleague MrTaubyPants, ask me like so:

BrainzBot: seen MrTaubyPants?


Shows available plugins and descriptions.

Simply ask for help and I'll gladly tell you what I'm capable of:

BrainzBot: help

For further details, you can ask me about a specific plugin:

BrainzBot: help images


Notifies people of the excellent work they are doing.

Let me know who is doing good work:

!m BrainzBot

And I will promptly notify them:

You are doing good work BrainzBot
