

      • alastairp
        see the first one, @attr: {nowplaying: "true"}
      • there is no timestamp for this song
      • Gentlecat
        keep what together? methods?
      • armalcolite
      • alastairp
        I guess ruaok and I always scrobble data, and you didn't when you were testing
      • you should skip that one in the import
      • armalcolite
      • i have a ticket for this.
      • Gentlecat: Yes
      • alastairp
        I would say that this is more important than almost anything - as we can't test with it like this currently
      • Gentlecat
        but that's what modules are for
      • armalcolite
        Gentlecat: earlier i had all of them in the single file, but just yesterday (on alastairp's) suggestion i made them modular.
      • Gentlecat
        just to clarify, I'm talking about these modules https://docs.python.org/3/tutorial/modules.html
      • armalcolite
        Gentlecat: But using classes made things easier to handle in the code.
      • alastairp: not sure what do u mean? How are you exactly importing the data?
      • Gentlecat: I have to constantly access the various values of tokens in the code (ex, token_id, api_key from which token was created, user_id who is attached to the token)
      • alastairp
        armalcolite: to extend what Gentlecat is saying, in acousticbrainz and listenbrainz our policy has been to pass around objects as dictionaries
      • rather than creating an explicit class to carry the data
      • Gentlecat
        yeah, I see what you mean
      • alastairp
        it's true that classes help encapsulate data, but we haven't been doing that
      • Gentlecat
        I've been actually thinking about this
      • there are some benefits, but it's easy to make it unnecessarily complex
      • alastairp
        I suspect Gentlecat's comment is pointing out that we generally don't do this, and so adding a second way of working with data can make it complicated to understand what's going on
      • armalcolite
        and, making the classes static reduced the number of calls that i have to make to achieve something
      • Gentlecat
        it's easier to understand when you just see what comes in and what comes out
      • kind of functional-ish style
      • alastairp
        although, to add to this, we didn't have have significant database access before armalcolite added his stuff (compared to e.g. acousticbrainz)
      • armalcolite
        Though the logic in the db codes is pretty naive
      • alastairp
        if we get to this stage, I wonder if going full-sqlalchemy ORM is a way to go
      • armalcolite
        they have no authentication, so complexity is not much
      • Gentlecat
        (I have CB to compare with, though it's deep in ORM hell)
      • alastairp
      • I guess you have counter examples there then :)
      • interesting
      • Gentlecat
        it takes me a lot of time to understand some parts now that I'm coming back to it
      • alastairp
      • Gentlecat
        nothing beats the good old SQL query
      • alastairp
        I agree, I prefer to write and understand sql
      • though there are some ways of using the ORM which are almost a direct translation of the sql
      • Gentlecat
        yeah, you have to be very careful though
      • armalcolite
        \me agrees with Gentlecat comlpetely
      • alastairp
        armalcolite: regarding your question about importing
      • Gentlecat
        and I wasn't at the time
      • alastairp
        I put my username in http://localhost:8080/user/import?lastfm_userna... and click "import"
      • Gentlecat: yeah. I think everyone learns something the first time they naievly use an orm :D
      • me too
      • armalcolite
        This is what i did.
      • alastairp
        with my username or with yours?
      • armalcolite
        oh, with mine.
      • I remember this error
      • pingupingu has quit
      • alastairp
        armalcolite: can you treat that as an urgent ticket?
      • we definitely cannot release without this part working - and it was affecting ruaok's testing too
      • armalcolite
        ok. (But i have some open code for api_compat that i need to finish first)
      • You can use other channel for testing, for now.
      • alastairp
        yeah, sure. don't drop everything. next time you're moving
      • what other channel? I need to get data into my db to test
      • armalcolite
      • it has a lot of listens!
      • alastairp
        right, but that's only going to work as long as CatCat isn't listening to anything at the moment!
      • I managed to import by stopping my music and then importing
      • armalcolite
        yeah. :P
      • But CatCat is not that frequent song lover.
      • Everytime i used it, he was not listening. :P
      • github joined the channel
      • github
        [listenbrainz-server] pinkeshbadjatiya opened pull request #90: Add support for getting scrobbles from api_compat via ws.audioscrobbler.com (master...update-ngnix-config-for-ip-mapping) https://github.com/metabrainz/listenbrainz-serv...
      • github has left the channel
      • alastairp
      • I think there's another more annoying bug here which isn't quite fixed
      • I remember Gentlecat and I spent a *long* time trying to get it to work correctly
      • MBJenkins
        Yippee, build fixed!
      • Project listenbrainz-server build #111: FIXED in 1 min 12 sec: https://ci.metabrainz.org/job/listenbrainz-serv...
      • armalcolite
        alastairp: oh, can u share more info.
      • alastairp
        I'm looking at it now
      • one sec
      • Gentlecat
        was related to the way time zone was specified iirc
      • alastairp
        I have a row in the database with a date of 2016-07-20 14:11:40+00
      • which is correct, that's when I listened to the track
      • however, in the template it has been rendered as 2016-07-20T16:11:40Z
      • which is the time in my local timezone (or perhaps the timezone of the database server. I need to check this), with a Z added at the end
      • mellowdoubt joined the channel
      • Gentlecat
        what's the type of timestamp that comes out of psycopg?
      • datetime?
      • armalcolite
      • mellowdoubt
        hello! this is my first time here :)
      • Gentlecat
        then what does datetime.fromtimestamp(int(listen.timestamp)) do?
      • alastairp
      • mellowdoubt
        I have a quick question which i'm hoping for some help on
      • alastairp
        mellowdoubt: hi! ask away!
      • if it's specifically related to adding or editing data on the musicbrainz website you might have more luck in #musicbrainz
      • armalcolite
        yes, i extract the epoch to compare on the show listens page.
      • alastairp
        armalcolite: did you copy this query directly from the casandra code?
      • armalcolite
      • mellowdoubt
        if an artist uses an ampersand (&) symbol in there name as opposed to calling themselves x and x should that be changed on the database
      • armalcolite
        This shows the listens in the range specified on the listens page.
      • mellowdoubt
        my specific example is the band 'jessica and the fletchers'
      • alastairp
        psycopg2 has some nice features where if you select a timestamp object, it will create a python datetime object with the correct timezone
      • armalcolite
        yes, but the show listens logic needed to be changed then.
      • alastairp
        so, just because the cassandra code selected unix timestamps, and converted them in python, it doesn't mean we should do the same in postgres
      • sure! that's part of the migration
      • mellowdoubt
        on most releases they tend to use the '&' so should it be changed to this or should the existing name be left alone?
      • alastairp
        mellowdoubt: reosarevok may be able to help you with that, but I think you'll get better help in the #musicbrainz channel. In here we are mostly talking about developement, rather than use of the database
      • sorry I didn't manage to review the code before we merged it, I may have noticed it earlier, but I think we should make this change
      • mellowdoubt
        ah, sorry <alastairp> i'll try and switch channels :)
      • alastairp
        no worries! many people are in both channels, so you'll get a response anyway
      • but perhaps the other one will get you one faster
      • mellowdoubt has left the channel
      • I'm thinking back to our original API specification. I see we use timestamps in query parameters and return values. I can't remember why we decided to do that instead of formatted dates
      • and if it was a design decision or a result of what cassandra forced us to do
      • armalcolite
        actually, from what i remember
      • cassandra used partitions and you used this info to separate listens into partitions.
      • (i am not completely sure)
      • alastairp
        yes, but internally I don't know if we stored the listen date just as a number (representing the timestamp) or as a date object with a semantic meaning
      • our tools let us treat listen dates as real objects, so I believe we should take advantage of this
      • armalcolite
        we used to store only the timestamps everywhere.
      • hence, i needed to introduce 'extract(epoch from ts)' to mimic this feature.
      • while adding postgres
      • using timestamps in the query params is much better than using formatted dates?
      • alastairp
        yeah, I understand. it was a reasonable choice to make when replicating the behaviour of cassandra
      • I don't have a strong opinion on either option
      • armalcolite
        the problem with the current code is that fromtimestamp() returns localtime
      • alastairp
      • armalcolite
        if we can just make that part to return utc() then our problem is solved.
      • alastairp
        utcfromtimestamp doesn't :)
      • armalcolite
      • alastairp
        however, to me this still sounds like a solution to a problem that we shouldn't have in the first place
      • my preference would be for Listenstore to return datetime objects
      • we can convert these to timestamps when we need to display them
      • armalcolite
        i thought of that solution earlier.
      • my idea was:
      • Using the built-in DB feature to extract the timestamp would be much more fast than iterating and than converting timestamp for all of them.
      • but i now think it is just a handful of listens and it wont make much difference.
      • alastairp
        I don't understand what you're saying
      • don't consider it in terms of the computation time required to perform an action. no matter what we do we are not going to run into scalability problems with this example
      • diana_olhovyk_ has quit
      • instead we should use the tools which make our task easier for us
      • time is *hard*
      • it is very hard
      • armalcolite
        I meant using extract(epoch from ts) would be faster than using datetime conversion to get timestamp.
      • alastairp
        in fact, we've already shown that if we don't use the tools available to us, we cause problems in our code
      • armalcolite
        sure! i'll keep this in mind.
      • alastairp
        so please use the timestamps from postgres
      • the dates, I mean
      • armalcolite
        ah, ok.
      • i'll do it now.
      • alastairp
        the import of now listening songs is probably more important
      • please make a ticket for it too, so that we can follow what you're working on