

      • Freso
        This is the week where our students have to submit their Final Evaluations. (Submission time started same time as meeting.) Hopefully all students are all set and all but ready to submit, but just in case you're not, mentors should be aware that there's a hard deadline coming, so please be available for your students!
      • (Mentors' final evaluations start next week, so I'll ping again then. ;))
      • So this is just a heads up. I'll keep an eye on submissions during during the week.
      • Gentlecat: MeB PR #234/MEB-38
      • Gentlecat
        some time ago I spotted some issues in new logos (see http://tickets.musicbrainz.org/browse/MEB-38) and decided to fix it myself
      • Freso
      • ruaok
        I've been pondering this issue for a bit.
      • Gentlecat
        now I created a PR with updates for MeB website, but ruaok doesn't think they look good
      • ruaok
        I personally see nothing wrong with the logos monkey created.
      • Gentlecat
        so we want other people to look too and tell us what they thing
      • ruaok
        they are not *perfect*. they are a little unique. each one a little special.
      • Gentlecat
        it's not really *logos*, just text that accompanies them
      • ruaok
        which is quite fitting for us.
      • and fixing them makes us look "normal".
      • CatQuest
      • ruaok
        as if we're the type of people to wear suits. our IBM logo is *perfect*.
      • Gentlecat
        also note that updated small versions are already used on https://musicbrainz.org/ and https://critiquebrainz.org/
      • ruaok sides with quirky
      • Freso
      • CatQuest just doesn't want this to blow up
      • Gentlecat
        yeah, fair point
      • but CAA logo for example is just incorrect
      • ruaok
        Gentlecat: thanks for asking before doing that. I'd really like you to undo that until this discussion settles out.
      • the kerning on the new is is really bothersome.
      • Freso
        ruaok: He did ask before doing that, AFAIR.
      • ruaok
      • next time I would like to be consulted on this, please.
      • Gentlecat is not sure again if that's sarcasm
      • Freso
        ruaok: ... You were.
      • You told him to go ahead.
      • Gentlecat
        you told me we can do changes afterwards and that I can fix it myself, iirc
      • CatQuest
        i actually remember that. it's true
      • ruaok
        yes, you can.
      • but the PR hasn't merged yet, but you deployed the logos.
      • yvanz
        This fresh diff helps to review https://github.com/metabrainz/metabrainz.org/pu... :)
      • ruaok
        which is counter to our workflow.
      • Gentlecat
        wait what?!
      • chirlu
        As I said on the ticket already, the current logo text is ugly, so Iโ€™m all for the update.
      • Gentlecat
        what did I deploy?
      • ruaok
        > also note that updated small versions are already used on https://musicbrainz.org/ and https://critiquebrainz.org/
      • Freso
        ruaok: You gave the go for those.
      • Gentlecat
      • ruaok
      • ruaok should go have his head examined.
      • Freso doesn't disagree
      • CatQuest
        see this is what happens when we upgrade stuff. shoulda never gotten new logoes :P
      • Gentlecat
        anyway, the ticket and PR are there
      • yvanz
        If not perfect, these updated logos seem ready and are real improvement over previous ones. I am all for it.
      • Freso is indifferent towards monkey's vs. cat's logo texts
      • CatQuest
        i approve of cat, out of principle
      • zas
        New ones look better to me
      • CatQuest
        but yes. i liek the newer ones
      • Freso
        Seems like meeting agreement is for the newer ones. If you want more eyeballs on it, perhaps put it up on the forums?
      • CatQuest
      • chirlu
        Whatโ€™s the process? Say again on the PR that the old text is ugly, typographically?
      • CatQuest
        quirky doesnt have ot be ugly. so yea
      • reosarevok
        Definitely the new ones
      • Freso
        I think this topic is done. :) Comment on PR and Gentlecat or ruaok can open a topic on forums if they want non-IRC'ers to look at it too - otherwise agreement seems to favour Gentlecat's new ones by far.
      • yvanz: URLs cleanup tests MBS-6378 & URLs standardisation MBS-9044
      • yvanz
        First, thanks to people currently working on docker containers and hosting issues. I could not help with this, so I just started to work on a small subset of well delimited issues instead. I have been patching tiny bits of the URL Cleanup component of MusicBrainz Server for weeks. (There will always be such tiny issues for this component as external sites continuously change.) I would like to keep
      • improving the code around as I get more used to this part. (Lengthy introduction done.) One of the stoppers is the lack of validation tests. http://tickets.musicbrainz.org/browse/MBS-6378 Is this development workflow appropriate so far? For this issue specifically, I proposed two ones: gradual migration or one go.
      • Freso
        bitmap, Gentlecat ^
      • bitmap
        sorry, reading the comment there
      • chirlu
        Advantage of a flagday change: No duplication between old and new code.
      • Disadvantage: Difficult to see in the history when a certain test was actually added/changed last.
      • bitmap
        I'm fine with converting them all at once if you're willing to put in the work
      • I guess we can't avoid losing history if the current structure is insufficient
      • yvanz
        Maybe it is even more clear (for history) to have only one migration commit at one time, rather than many disparate ones over the time.
      • bitmap
        though I haven't studied the suggestion closely...you may be more of an expert on this code than me at this point
      • yvanz
        I would prefer the flagday change, if it is achievable in practice.
      • chirlu
        I generally like the idea. The sketched data format may not be sufficient, though.
      • Freso looks up flagday change
      • yvanz
        If I encounter too many special cases, I might go back to the other one.
      • CatQuest
        i think they mean "in one go"
      • chirlu
        Yes. Kernel speak, sorry.
      • CatQuest
        ehe i guessed correctly :D
      • Freso
        CatQuest: Yeah, that's my reading too. Just looking up where it comes from etc.
      • chirlu is reading too much LWN. ;-)
      • CatQuest
        ir's close to 22 here for me, I'm to tired too :/
      • Freso wants to read more
      • is the meeting
      • Freso
      • yvanz
        chirlu: the sketch is just a sketch, i already found issues in it. :)
      • Freso
        yvanz: Did you get your answers?
      • yvanz
        Freso: well, almost, yes.
      • CatQuest
        !m yvanz
      • BrainzBot
        You're doing good work, yvanz!
      • yvanz
        Do I jump to the second point then?
      • Freso
        Yes, please.
      • yvanz
        There are many issues with URLs standardisation, on a regular basis. I took http://tickets.musicbrainz.org/browse/MBS-9044 as an example only, although we can also discuss this one now. Should it be discussed in STYLE beforehand? Could it be handled more systematically like recent ones (WP/Discogs): DB update with small batches?
      • chirlu
      • Freso
        Thanks chirlu :) WP's search wasn't being cooperative.
      • CatQuest
        always chirlu with links ๐Ÿ‘
      • yvanz
        (If this is taking too long, we can just discuss the geo.itunes (linked issue) instead.)
      • Freso
        yvanz: The last topic is not urgent. You have 10 more minutes. :)
      • reosarevok
        yvanz: in general, I don't think cleanups need style approval
      • yvanz
        Then we better have to discuss the more general standardisation issues handling problem.
      • reosarevok
        Unless they involve outright blocking stuff from being linked, which I guess should be discussed
      • But if it just changes the URL, no problems IMO
      • bitmap
        can't itunes releases in different regions have different tracklists?
      • Freso
        I guess the main thing is the discussion about whether to execute clean-ups silently or by generating edits. And if the latter, do them all at once or in increments.
      • CatQuest
      • yvanz
        If I am not wrong, digital releases on iTunes are considered worldwide releases.
      • Freso
        yvanz: Not in MusicBrainz.
      • reosarevok
        bitmap: probably not with the same ID, I'd expect?
      • Freso
        (5 more minutes.)
      • bitmap
        the last comment in the ticket said it may change the item id, which made me wonder
      • yvanz
        Freso: ok, although the country release is a separate field. Changing the URL target doesn't hurt, I guess.
      • reosarevok
        But not sure
      • Freso
        Until we have more data, it's probably safer to not use the geo.itunes URLs.
      • reosarevok
        yvanz: we generally consider the iTunes releases the same in multiple countries, it's just iTunes isn't really worldwide :)
      • bitmap
        as for silent cleanups...we've only done that for really large changesets so far
      • Freso
        I'm also a proponent for generating edits. :)
      • yvanz
        there are 67K itunes urls in MB DB.
      • bitmap
        okay, that's a lot
      • CatQuest
        that's a lot of edits to add to the que
      • unless they're auto
      • Freso
        CatQuest: They'd be autoedits.
      • CatQuest
      • no issue then fro mme
      • bitmap
        but not really bad compared to the wiki ones
      • CatQuest
        from me, ark pressing enter instead of backward
      • Freso
        But I don't think we'll want to convert iTunes links just yet.
      • chirlu
        Yes, it seems to need more research first.
      • Freso
        Let's get more data on how geo.itunes URLs first.
      • +behave
      • yvanz
        To conclude with: no style ticket for URL-related issues, no change to geo.itunes (no standardisation to "no geo if it is already there" either?).
      • Freso: we can go forth and back with this "geo." prefix change.
      • Freso
        yvanz: I think that's about right, yeah.
      • bitmap
        well, I wouldn't add any special handling wrt geo links until we know what we're doing with them
      • Freso
        yvanz: Let's get more research done (e.g., on albums changing id) and then we can make a decision for geo.itunes or not-geo.itunes.
      • What bitmap said. :)
      • CatQuest
        to geo or not to geo, that is the question
      • Freso
        yvanz: Good enough for now?
      • yvanz
        As for the silent cleanup of existing URLs? Still a per case thing?
      • Freso
      • yvanz
        Freso: yes, thanks.
      • Freso
        We've discussed such cases at the meeting previously.
      • Arguing about whether to deal with them one way or another.
      • So I'd say bringing individual cases here is the way to go.
      • Or at least make an MBS ticket about them.
      • yvanz
        Ultimately, I think it should be done programmatically, but it is really not a priority right now.
      • Freso
      • It's 1 minute past.
      • Thanks for your time!
      • </BANG>
      • TOPIC: MetaBrainz Community and Development channel | MusicBrainz non-development: #musicbrainz | MeB meeting agenda: Reviews, GSoC Final Evaluations!! (Freso), splitting Discourse's MB category (Freso)
      • CatQuest
        but.. what about those
      • Freso