

      • Freso would love, love, love MBS-5452 and MBS-8393 to get in!
      • bitmap
        but I wasn't planning to do the UI for that, only the schema changes
      • if that's something you want to work on, please take it :)
      • chirlu doesn’t like MBS-9271.
      • feel free to comment on the ticket
      • Freso
        I guess there's not really much/anything else for this topic?
      • ruaok
        ok, 3 complete tickets and 1 SQL only ticket, then?
      • hang on.
      • Freso hangs on
      • bitmap: you said that you also wanted to finish the last UI bits from the last schema change.
      • bitmap
      • ruaok
        any rough idea how much time those 3.5 + last UI finish till take?
      • actually, if you could estimate a minimum time and a maximum time for each ticket and comment on the tickets, that would be great.
      • bitmap
        MBS-8973 does not really require any work, except adding those to the upgrade script
      • BrainzBot
        MBS-8973: Carry over intermediary schema changes to next release https://tickets.metabrainz.org/browse/MBS-8973
      • ruaok
        then I can review and sanity check
      • bitmap
      • ruaok
        my main goal with this round is to ensure that this is going to be a total cake walk.
      • in which case it will be "just enough" in the end. :)
      • ok, if you add those estimates and chirlu his objection then I will take a look in the next day or so.
      • thanks bitmap.
      • ruaok is happy to move on
      • Freso
      • Gentlecat: DR: CB-4
      • BrainzBot
        CB-4: Integrate MusicBrainz ratings https://tickets.metabrainz.org/browse/CB-4
      • CatQuest
        for MBS-9271 it makes semce for the "deleted users" but for things that where like sapmmers or name squatters. maybe not?
      • BrainzBot
        MBS-9271: Prevent usernames from being reused https://tickets.metabrainz.org/browse/MBS-9271
      • Gentlecat
        should we just implement ratings separately from MB or is that a bad idea?
      • reosarevok
        I'd like to move ratings off MB entirely
      • Freso
        I think it's a bad idea. Maybe move ratings from MB to CB instead.
      • reosarevok
        If possible. UI wise at least
      • CatQuest
        +1 to that
      • ruaok
        duplicating ratings is a bad idea.
      • Freso
        But having ratings in different places is not good.
      • Gentlecat
        how do you suggest to move them?
      • ruaok
        moving them probably makes sense.
      • CatQuest
        the moving thing!
      • Gentlecat
        which entities can be rated in musicbrainz?
      • ruaok
        good point, Gentlecat
      • CatQuest
        album artist recording
      • and, oddly, RG
      • ruaok
        CB doesn't have recordings.
      • CatQuest
        I think.. mayve lables?
      • reosarevok
        release can't actually
      • Only RG
      • CatQuest
        wat? was that changed?
      • ruaok
        so, moving them entirely would need more changes.
      • Gentlecat: is reviewing recordings in the plan for CB?
      • reosarevok
        It's always been like that, release "ratings" are stored at the RG level
      • CatQuest
        doesn't make a sense, a different release can have worse .. something (loudness and DR t coems ot mind)
      • reosarevok
        I also think releases should have ratings, https://tickets.metabrainz.org/browse/MBS-4816
      • CatQuest
        maybe I'm thinking of folksonomy tags o_O
      • BrainzBot
        MBS-4816: Can't rate releases independently
      • Gentlecat
        I don't think we planned to do this
      • reosarevok doesn't see any reasons to not allow rating anything MB allows to rate
      • CatQuest
        since recordings cna be "released seperatly" i don't see wh not maybe
      • CatQuest agrees with reosarevok
      • ruaok
        well, if we don't have recordings in CB, we can;t move wholesale.
      • reosarevok
        If you don't want to add full reviews for recordings, maybe don't, although being able to review, at least, a music video sounds interesting
      • Gentlecat
        it's just that I think rating are really important and it would be easier to implement that separately in CB
      • Freso
        reosarevok: I guess it's mostly more overhead since it will have to keep track of more entities in CB?
      • ruaok
        If we had an API that was central and easy to use any and all of our sites could do ratings.
      • CatQuest
        lol, i already voted ofr tat ticket reo
      • Gentlecat
        another thing is that ratings in reviews and in MB don't necessarily have to match
      • ruaok
        CB could be the rating store with API and then all our other projects use CB for ratings.
      • reosarevok
        Well, if we want to expand CB to books and whatnot eventually, we should be used to have a lot of stuff to rate, Freso
      • Gentlecat
        someone suggested allowing submitting multiple reviews for the same entity, what are we going to do in that case?
      • SothoTalKer
      • Freso
        FWIW, we already have a rating handling central API at mb.o.
      • Gentlecat
        Freso: this is not something we can use
      • reosarevok
        Freso: only central as long as we only rate MB stuff :p
      • CatQuest
        actually someitme it makes sense to be able ot review recordings separatl. soemtimes I have quit a lot to say aobut spesific songs my favourite but putting it in a release review is.. well
      • Freso
        So if ratings move from mb.o to CB, that API will also have to be considered.
      • Gentlecat
        there's no way to know if someone changes rating on MB
      • and if they do, should we change their rating on a review in CB?
      • Freso
        (Esp. considering tha the mb.o/ws/ ratings API is editable. Ie., you can submit ratings from a player/tagger/program to MB.)
      • reosarevok would expect ratings to be disconnected from reviews
      • ruaok
        Gentlecat: perhaps the first step is to design an API that would allow all MB projects to use ratings.
      • even if CB doesn't use recording ratings.
      • CatQuest
        Gentlecat: you can make revew and rating independantly on CB , possin´bly. but it makesm uch more sence to have ratings centralised in one palce
      • Gentlecat
        that rating is probably related to a review, and they might forget that they reviewed an entity
      • CatQuest
        and CB seems lie kthel ogila choice for such
      • reosarevok
        (but that's also because I like reviews without grades)
      • Freso
        I'm personally much more likely to rate something than to review it.
      • Gentlecat
        ruaok: API where?
      • ruaok
        in CB
      • reosarevok
        I assume most people are, yes (re: Freso)
      • CatQuest
        ratings wiouth reviews and rewies witouth ratings should both be possible
      • ruaok
        or a separate new API that uses the CB database. whatever.
      • or RatingsBrainz
      • CatQuest
        isn't that like like CB
      • ruaok
        and API with no web interface
      • Freso
        Also, if the API can be made simple, there are a lot of people that would love for a service to store their ratings of the music so they won't get lost when they "restart" their library or whatever.
      • CatQuest
      • omg yes
      • Gentlecat
        I think this is being made way too complex than it needs to be
      • reosarevok
        http://rateyourmusic.com/release/album/johanna_... allows ratings without reviews, but I'm not sure if they allow reviews without ratings
      • Freso
        (Based on conversations seen on Kodi forums and in #beets and other places.)
      • Gentlecat
        all people want to do is attach a number to their review
      • CatQuest
        also not to mention corrolating your rating s of tracks in different places eg. if yo uswitch musicplayer or use a portable one etc etc
      • ruaok
        Gentlecat: that is true. yet we need to consider the aspects of how to do that.
      • we are doing that.
      • Freso
        Leo_Verto: I think your topic will have to wait for next week.
      • ruaok
        we need to consider all the angles and the solution might be simpler, but you can't arrive at a solution until you consider all the possible cases that might affect this decision.
      • CatQuest thinks the centralised place of ratings in one place is a good idea to prevent deduplication and that other brainz can use the api for ratings+ reviews
      • Gentlecat
        again, I think rating in a review should be separate from a rating that is given outside of a review
      • CatQuest
        seems to be what CB was made for :O
      • reosarevok probably agrees with that Gentlecat statement
      • Gentlecat
        because review might be written around a rating that is associated with it
      • ruaok
        Gentlecat: I don't think anyone suggested to tie the two together.
      • reosarevok
        But then it's not CB-4 anymore :)
      • BrainzBot
        CB-4: Integrate MusicBrainz ratings https://tickets.metabrainz.org/browse/CB-4
      • CatQuest thinks rewiews and ratings shoud lbe independant, but made possibleot link?
      • CatQuest
        so like "you've written a review, (optionally) add a rting:"
      • Gentlecat
        which means that it can be already implemented, if it's going to be separate
      • right, not really CB-4 anymore
      • ruaok
        not until we consider the uses cases to hand.
      • Gentlecat
        but having some kind of rating would be nice
      • Freso
        (3 minutes left of meeting.)
      • CatQuest
        but definitely a bad idea to implement separate ratings on mb and cb and onward . i think
      • reosarevok
        Well, the use cases are a) people want a review with a number in it, b) people want to rate stuff, not necessarily with a review
      • CatQuest shuts up
      • ruaok
        we've grown out of the phase where we can just start coding on things. we need to consider the ramifications of this on our other projects.
      • reosarevok: good start. now how about from a developer's perspective?
      • CatQuest
        reosarevok: c: some people like to read a rewiew that doesn't necessary have a rating related ot it?
      • reosarevok
        a) doesn't need to be connected to b), and actually it might even be better if it's not, then we can decide what sort of rating we want (we can have 1-to-5 as well, but we can have 1-to-100, or even multiple things you could review)
      • CatQuest: yeah I don't think they should be mandatory
      • CatQuest likes that!
      • ruaok
        I think this needs more discussion.
      • either make a new ticket and have someone adopt it or make a topic for the summit.
      • Freso
        Or a topic on the forum?
      • reosarevok
        Like, I've seen reviews that are "Performance: rating X" and "Recording quality: rating Y" (for classical mostly)
      • ruaok
      • CatQuest aproves of forums
      • and review in a week?
      • reosarevok
        Since the two are not connected, and people might care about one more than the other
      • Freso would really like more CB discussion on the forums :)
      • ruaok
        there isn't enough time for reach any sort of conclusion now.
      • reosarevok
        Having 1-to-5 is kinda simplistic for that
      • Yeah, forum sounds good :)
      • CatQuest
      • Freso
      • Gentlecat
        Freso: if only there was a category to discuss CB stuff
      • Freso
        Gentlecat: There is. /c/metabrainz
      • Gentlecat
        sure, but who knows that?
      • CatQuest
        reosarevok: I've been thinking we should have 1-10 or 1-5 with ability to half-heart(star) something.. since rating can be a half star if enough people rate up/down
      • Gentlecat
        still don't understand that decision, tbh
      • Freso
        It says in its description.
      • Anyway. That's not the topic for the meeting.
      • reosarevok would think it'd make sense to have one cat per project - some might see little use, but so what?