

      • Mr_Monkey
        ruaok: Yep. consul-template yields malformed json
      • With holes in it
      • ruaok
        that'll do it.
      • yvanzo
        bitmap, reosarevok: it is very weird, MBS images latest build fails because it’s trying to reach jessie-updates which has been archived last month, but current mb beta website is using xenial.
      • Mr_Monkey
        Trailing comas will break it
      • Killing the container for now
      • yvanzo
      • Mr_Monkey
        ruaok: OK, gotta work on that consul template a bit, then :)
      • watan
        I already looked at the documentation and tried with different web servcie but not able to get the same data as web search
      • ruaok
        Mr_Monkey: did you just post a client secret to IRC???
      • go revoke that key right now and update it.
      • Mr_Monkey
      • yvanzo
        watan: equivalent request to your search page: https://beta.musicbrainz.org/ws/2/work?query=La...
      • watan
        It will be of great help if anyone can help with the required web service
      • yvanzo: If you see in https://beta.musicbrainz.org/search?query=Lady+..., the first artist is Law Ralws But we aint getting this artist from web service
      • yvanzo
        watan: MB search web service doesn’t support including additional data, if you need some, make additional browse requests.
      • watan
        Already tried with the query you gave me and failed
      • yvanzo
        This is because recording artists are not given in search web service results.
      • at least not for work search
      • watan
        okay. so how can I get this from web service ?
      • yvanzo
        watan: see the first recording in the output of the link I gave, it is 06ba8e8e-604c-4a9e-a0da-e150a75b739a
      • watan
      • Is this the correct way @yvanzo ?
      • yvanzo
        Seems so :)
      • watan
        Thanks for the help but I am not getting the results as expected when I match with web search
      • I think the web search involves some other process
      • yvanzo: It is very important for me to get the correct web servcie. I will be greatful if you can provide me with some more directions and if you know more about the web services
      • reosarevok
        watan: you're not going to get the same as the web search because that is partially built straight from the database, not just from the web service
      • I'm not sure there's a great way to get all performers from a work without querying for the recording info separately. The closest you are going to get is probably your artist query, unless I'm missing something
      • watan
        okay. But any other way using web service to get as likely as the web search
      • okay. But I have been already using the artist query with work mbid but failing to get the correct results
      • If you find any other way to get the results as close as web search do let me know
      • amCap1712 joined the channel
      • BrainzGit
        [musicbrainz-server] reosarevok opened pull request #1018 (master…MBS-9923-pt-2): MBS-9923: Convert the url index page to React https://github.com/metabrainz/musicbrainz-serve...
      • BrainzBot
        MBS-9923: Convert the URL public pages to React https://tickets.metabrainz.org/browse/MBS-9923
      • yvanzo
        watan: you should be more specific about what would be “correct results” for your own use
      • as reosarevok wrote, web service search does not return as much details as website search, but it can be completed using additional web service queries.
      • amCap1712
        hi gr0uch0mars
      • saw your comments
      • Cyna joined the channel
      • i suggest that we add option to view all mediums in this pr only
      • then merge it
      • watan has quit
      • yvanzo
        bitmap, reosarevok: it actually fails while trying to build postgres context for cron beta, but again docker-postgres 9.5.6 is based on xenial, moreover did we ever deployed cron as beta?
      • reosarevok: browsing recordings by work seems bugged to me, am I missing something? https://musicbrainz.org/ws/2/recording?work=06b...
      • reosarevok
        yvanzo: .... wtf
      • waan joined the channel
      • waan
        yvanzo: Basically what I need is the first artist returend by the web search https://beta.musicbrainz.org/search?query=<s... through web service
      • CatQuest
        [11:03] <reosarevok> And I know I shouldn't feel weird seeing internet things in Spanish
      • [11:03] <reosarevok> But for me, except for a few newspapers, internet = English and that's how my brain sees it :/
      • this but replace spanish with norwegian
      • Mr_Monkey
        ruaok: So I've corrected the consul template and pushed/pulled the docker image, brought back the test container and merged my PR, watching the output of my container. Clean exit from my node app after consul picked up on the config change, and no rogue processes in the tree. So that part at least is working nicely.
      • Please resume breaking stuff up !
      • yvanzo
        waan: the first artist is not necessarily the main one, are you looking for any interpreter? composer? lyricist?
      • reosarevok
        yvanzo: I'm going out for lunch now, but can you quickly throw a ticket up? I'll look into that later
      • CatQuest
        and newspapers with "nrk/yr"
      • yvanzo
        yup, will do so, bon appetit!
      • Mr_Monkey
        Also, CI tests now passing for that PR 275
      • CatQuest
        reosarevok: hi and happyl unnch oh no i missed him
      • ruaok
        Mr_Monkey: some nitpicks -- consider disabling the login link when redis is down?
      • waan
        I need the first artist. I have checked for multiple instancses. It is giving me the correct result. Basically I need the name of the artist who has made a particular song famous. It may be the original artist or the cover artist
      • Mr_Monkey
        ruaok: Welp, there's another issue with that consul template and the app. Server down
      • On it
      • ruaok
        Mr_Monkey: where did you find the headphones in a glass of water image?
      • waan
        @yvanzo Can I get the required made famous by artist name from musicbrainz web service ?
      • Mr_Monkey
        ruaok: I took it. Ain't got time to waste on stock photos websites
      • ruaok
        great job.
      • did you have a shit pair of headphones laying around or are yours waterproof?
      • Sophist-UK joined the channel
      • yvanzo
        reosarevok: oops, my bad, we just don’t support it yet, see https://musicbrainz.org/doc/Development/XML_Web...
      • Mr_Monkey
        ruaok: I'm pretty sure any music lover has some beloved ex-headphones with only one side working hiding somewhere.
      • Also, I'm curious to see if the one side still works, now :)
      • Unrelated: BB-341
      • BrainzBot
        BB-341: Disable the login link when redis is down https://tickets.metabrainz.org/browse/BB-341
      • ruaok
        well, clearly that image gets my vote.
      • yvanzo
        waan: ok then, isn’t it what you get by chaining the above https://beta.musicbrainz.org/ws/2/work?query=La... with the above https://beta.musicbrainz.org/ws/2/artist?work=0... ?
      • reosarevok
        yvanzo: still, why does it talk about collections??
      • Mr_Monkey
        ruaok: Didn't get the time, but I was thinking of taking a photo of a computer mouse on grass for the 404: "Looks like you got lost…"
      • yvanzo
        waan: 06ba8e8e-604c-4a9e-a0da-e150a75b739a being the MBID of the first entry in search results, and Lou Rawls being the first returned artist in both cases.
      • ruaok
        Mr_Monkey: +1 to that.
      • reosarevok
        yvanzo: that doesn't mean "made famous by" though does it? It just happens to be the first in the list. Is that list ordered in a specific way?
      • waan
        yvanzo: No. just consider the web search https://beta.musicbrainz.org/search?query=Over+... gives me the first artist as Judy Garland but with the web service https://beta.musicbrainz.org/ws/2/artist?work=f... not able to get the judy garland artist
      • yvanzo
        reosarevok: web service allows to list items of your collection
      • reosarevok
        yvanzo: but why would it say something about collections if you're giving a work to recordings
      • waan: that list of artists includes all the artists who performed the work, anyway. It might be programmed to list non-covers on top, but if so that's certainly on the website only
      • Mr_Monkey
        ruaok: test server back up and more resistant to consul-template config changes
      • ruaok
      • reosarevok
        I think the only way to get the "original artist" would be to query for the artists on the recordings not listed as covers
      • yvanzo
        waan: I suspect a bug here
      • reosarevok
        artist-list count="406"
      • Paging issue?
      • yvanzo
        reosarevok: right, the error message is misleading, but the query is not allowed anyway
      • reosarevok
        That certainly isn't 400 artists there, so you might need offsets
      • I'm on a bus on the phone so can't check much better
      • yvanzo: yeah, but we should still try and see why it's giving that error - is it doing a collection query for some reason, or is the error string returned just wrong?
      • Should fix it either way
      • yvanzo
        waan: oh reosarevok was right, it is just a paging issue, see: https://musicbrainz.org/ws/2/artist?work=f82171...
      • that contains Judy Garland
      • ruaok
        Mr_Monkey: seems much more robust to changes and seems acceptably resistent to redis going away.
      • so far so good.
      • now when elastic search is down: https://test.bookbrainz.org/search?q=love
      • yvanzo
        waan: documentation about paging is here: https://musicbrainz.org/doc/Development/XML_Web...
      • ruaok
        500 is ok.
      • Mr_Monkey
        ruaok: Was following and looking at the logs. Looks pretty good. Was about to write that that 500 error page sucks :p
      • ruaok
        but it could be better. 503 with "search is offline" would be much better.
      • :)
      • Mr_Monkey
        Yeah. Error management has a long way to go
      • ruaok
        I think it is acceptable now.
      • I think you should improve the search error page and then I think we can migrate if you feel like it.
      • Mr_Monkey
        I'm going to be off very soon and for the rest of the week, but I'd love to do the migration next week.
      • ruaok
        ok, np.
      • Mr_Monkey
        Thanks for breaking the things, that was some crucial testing and also some good improvements
      • ruaok
      • waan_ joined the channel
      • now you won't incur the wrath of zas quite so quickly.
      • Mr_Monkey
      • waan has quit
      • Mr_Monkey pictures zas in a toga holding a lightning bolt
      • Also: Toga! Toga! Toga!
      • ruaok
      • waan_
        yvanzo: In web search we are getting Judy Garland as first artist but in web service we are gtting after offset 100. This might be an issue or improvement. But the web serch and web service queries the DB very differently
      • In web search it is basically returning the original or made famous by artist as the first artist but in web service it is not
      • yvanzo: please let me know if you have any other suggestions to get the data through web service same as web search
      • yvanzo
        waan_: you should not expect that the first returned artist will always be the one that made it famous, we don’t do anything specific about this.
      • michelv_ joined the channel
      • waan_
        yvanzo: but it tends to give the result in that sense in web search. What is the criteria you are using in web search?
      • yvanzo
        Right, artist’s ordering in the website search seems to be related to its number of occurrences.
      • But web service doesn’t support any kind of ordering, unfortunately.
      • BrainzBot
        MBS-10123: ws/2 error message misleadingly points to collection
      • waan_
        <yvanzo> okay. Thanks for the info. Probably the solution in my case would be to crwal and scrap the data from web search. I don't see any other way around. But being the most looked for open source music api musicbrainbz should include something like madefamousby
      • yvanzo: Can the same results as web search be included in web services in upcoming releases ?
      • yvanzo
        waan_: You’re welcome, I also reported the lack of ability to browse recordings by work (even though work lookup allows to include related recordings) at https://tickets.metabrainz.org/browse/MBS-10124
      • BrainzBot
        MBS-10124: Allow to browse recordings linked to a given work through web service
      • letaiv has quit
      • yvanzo
        waan_: I will look into including the most-frequently related artist at least, it is certainly something that should be made accessible somehow.
      • waan_
        yvanzo: Many thanks yvanzo. Looking forward to getting this feature
      • yvanzo
        It won’t be included in the next server update for sure, since new features are already frozen and available in beta.
      • waan_
        okay. I see.
      • Sophist-UK has quit
      • D4RK-PH0ENiX has quit
      • letaiv joined the channel
      • gr0uch0mars
        hi amCap1712 Sorry I was having lunch
      • what do you mean by “option to view all mediums”?
      • amCap1712
        i mean if a release has multiple discs
      • currently only the first disc is shown
      • so i mean to show all discs
      • gr0uch0mars: ^
      • yvanzo
        waan_: I reported the issue at https://tickets.metabrainz.org/browse/MBS-10125 please feel free to comment :)