

February 1st 2012

      • kepstin
        yay, one of the ohloh support folks gave thir server a kick, so http://www.ohloh.net/p/musicbrainz-server is up to date now.
      • reosarevok
      • kepstin
        hmm. their stats might be a bit distorted right now, because there are multiple copies of the git repo in there
      • http://www.ohloh.net/p/musicbrainz-server/enlis... - probably should remove all but the 'primary' one.
      • does the git repository contain all the history from subversion as well?
      • Kangie
      • So, I have a musicbrainz slave node running fine, but it doesn't seem to be passing stylesheets to tlients that access it - Any thoughts?
      • djce
        Kangie: Depends what you mean I guess. Is it serving up links to stylesheets, but the links are doing something other than 200/304?
      • Or is it not serving up css links at all?
      • Kangie
      • This is what I'm seeing at the moment - hm. It seems to be serving them..
      • ah. The stylesheet 404ed.
      • My bad.
      • djce
      • Kangie
        Well, now I know where to start looking - Thanks.
      • djce
        ingestr on stimpy? Really? hmm
      • nikki
        Kangie: you most likely need to either set DEVELOPMENT_SERVER in DBDefs.pm to 1 to turn off the css minification, or run the script that minifies the css
      • I do the former so I don't know where the script for the latter is
      • and if that's the problem and the install instructions don't mention anything about it, it would be a good idea to enter a ticket about it, since you wouldn't be the first person to have that problem
      • warp: if you've run out of 3 month stuff to do, http://tickets.musicbrainz.org/browse/MBS/fixfo... (most popular 12 month tickets) would be a logical place to look next for tickets
      • one of the joint first place ones is a release editor one :P
      • Kangie
        Ah, thanks nikki.
      • ocharles
        well, the most logical place to look next is just all 12 month tickets and work from what is due next :)
      • that's why I'm thinking of merging them together
      • in fact, removing the bucket entirely, and just keeping "Unscheduled"
      • nikki
        ocharles: presumably the 12 month stuff is all due around the same time
      • ocharles
        nikki: as was 3 month stuff
      • reosarevok
        It is now
      • Kangie
        Yup, your solution worked nikki.. can't see anything about it in the install docs either. Thanks.
      • reosarevok
        Won't be if we keep continuously triaging
      • ocharles
        reosarevok: yep
      • and we'll be triaging stuff to 3 months too
      • nikki
        so if you look at the 12 month stuff and it's all due around the same time, the next step imo would be do start with the things people really want to see fixed :P
      • reosarevok
        Undocumented solutions? Someone please fix that! :)
      • nikki
        reosarevok: well, yes, but warp was looking for stuff to work on right now, we can figure out what happens in future when we discuss stuff like getting rid of some of the buckets and whatnot
      • reosarevok
      • nikki
        ocharles: btw, I'm having trouble figuring out how to translate the dropdowns in the interface
      • I don't know where to put the l() stuff :/
      • ocharles
        At the moment we've been putting it in the forms
      • nikki
        well I can't find where it's printing the string
      • if I could find that and shove l() round it, it should work
      • ocharles
        well that's all generated by forms
      • nikki
        I don't get what you mean :/
      • I know it's a html form
      • if you mean some other form, I'm lost
      • ocharles
        i mean MusicBrainz::Server::Form objects
      • nikki
        I still have no idea what I'm doing
      • I guess I'll just make a ticket and you or ian can do it
      • ocharles
        i still don't know what you're exactly trying to change
      • "form selects" is too vague for me to point you in a better direction
      • which form/select?
      • nikki
        pretty much any dropdown field when editing. artist type/gender/country, release group type, etc
      • ocharles
        ok, well lets look at artist type for now
      • so Form::Artist has "options_type_id" to populate this field, which calls _select_all
      • that's provided by MusicBrainz::Server::Form
      • so changing $_->id => $_->$accessor to $_->id => l($_->$accessor) should be enough
      • nikki
        ocharles: yay, that worked, thanks :D
      • nikki was distracted by being pissed off with dpd
      • they've given up and sent the parcel back to the uk, still won't tell me what's wrong with my address, won't try a different address ¬_¬
      • ocharles
      • Mineo
        tsk, german postal services :/
      • nikki
        I googled for dpd's address last week and found 6 reviews, of which 5 were 1-star "omg they suck so much" reviews
      • if only I'd done that *beforehand* :P
      • apparently dpd uk will send it straight back to dpd germany
      • I already gave them a different address so we'll see what they think to that. they won't tell me what's wrong with the one I gave them originally though
      • and I haven't had problems with post here before
      • other than customs being obsessed with my parcels from east asia :P
      • warp
        post here doesn't seem particularly reliable either.
      • out of 5 packages sent from the netherlands (by me or my parents), 3 have arrived, 1 is lost, and 1 is supposedly still with customs (it was sent about 5 weeks ago).
      • nikki
        ocharles, warp: any idea what causes Caught exception in MusicBrainz::Server::Controller::ReleaseEditor::Add->add "Unable to do maketext on: [Ŧīŧŀḗ ϵ靐Džΰſ] at /usr/local/share/perl/5.10.1/HTML/FormHandler/I18N.pm line 17." ?
      • nikki is confused because the translated string is already there
      • warp arrives at work.
      • warp
      • nikki: I have no idea.
      • nikki
      • I'll have a look when I get to it, it's a weird error though
      • Swarup
        Hi ocharles..we started to see mb server requests not responding and getting timeouts..
      • ocharles
        Swarup: ok, what type of requests?
      • Swarup
        after i bounced the server..it was working normally again..
      • api requests
      • api../ws/2/artist/79239441-bfd5-4981-a70c-55c3f15c1287
      • we had two servers..both had same behavior..
      • using with nginx
      • ocharles
      • Swarup
        where do we look for errors
      • is it likely the db connections could go bad..note that our db servers are external..
      • what kind of connection pool is used within mb server?
      • ocharles
        if a database connection is lost it'll be re-established
      • and you wouldn't get timeouts
      • Swarup
        504 error was returned from nginx..
      • where are the logs located?
      • ocharles
        how do you run the server?
      • with daemon tools, /usr/local/mb_server/log/main/current is one place to look
      • Swarup
        ./script/musicbrainz_fastcgi.pl -nproc 10 -listen &
      • after /etc/init.d/nginx is started
      • ocharles
        so you're not using daemon tools?
      • then all your output would go to stderr
      • Swarup
        no we're not..
      • ha ok.. so i guess have to redirect to output file..
      • ocharles
        yep :)
      • Swarup
        do u think daemon tools would make any difference to this issue..
      • ocharles
        no, daemontools just does "./script/musicbrainz_fastcgi.pl ..."
      • it just makes sure that doesn't die
      • note that we do have some queries to our servers that take over 30 seconds and timeout
      • but that's when you make api calls for huge amounts of information
      • Swarup
        right i know..but these requests were ok earlier ..and it works fine again after bounce..
      • ocharles
        yea, that's why I don't know what's going on :)
      • Swarup
        it's scary..since we're going live in a week or 2 :/
      • reosarevok
        warp, check logs :p
      • Got another random 502
      • warp
        a random 502
      • warp logs into the servers.
      • reosarevok: release editor? adding a release or editing an existing one? (if the latter, mbid?)
      • reosarevok
      • Worked the second time, doing apparently just the same things
      • ocharles
        jesus christ
      • last.fm have 49gb of tracks
      • (the majority being typos, etc)