

February 3rd 2023

      • monkey
        Hi pbryan, not at the moment, but that will happen this quarter
      • About the style repo, definitely a good idea to have it deployed for review!
      • If you're comfortable with all this you can clone the repo and use readthedocs to deploy you cloned copy
      • Happy to help with the process nex5
      • Next week
      • Shelly
        I think this issue https://tickets.metabrainz.org/browse/BB-530 could be a beginner project since the implementation require knowledge wikimedia API and various other language handler functions.
      • BrainzBot
        BB-530: Wikidata Blurbs
      • pbryan
        OK, thanks monkey.
      • ArjunM
        hi, i was trying to setup the dev environment for bookbrainz and this issue propped up. it says there's a syntax error in json file. https://pastebin.com/zrWW03T7. The clientID is my musicbrainz id and i've set it to NULL in the original config/config.json file and rerun, the issue still persists. redis, elastic search and node are installed
      • successfully.
      • when rerun with default values it says  Error setting up OAuth strategy MusicBrainzOAuth2Strategy requires a clientID option. You will not be able to log in.
      • pbryan
        @ArjunM: A JSON string value must be contained in quotation marks. So, "clientid": "value" not "clientid": value.
      • ArjunM
        thanks a lot @pbryan. made the change and executed it. the issue is resolved now.
      • Oops, I forgot to introduce myself here. Hi team. I'm Arjun, a CS undergrad with some experience in Java, CPP and SQL. I'm new to this community and I look forward to contribute to this project as part of GSoC'23 and otherwise.
      • pbryan
        Hi Arjun. Welcome!
      • pinkman7009
        Hi everyone! I have set up the local and environment and was going through the issues. Can I please assign this issue to myself? https://tickets.metabrainz.org/projects/BB/issu...
      • BrainzBot
        BB-301: Include description of Work
      • pbryan
        That issue is labeled “Decision Required”. It would probably be best to discuss what the proposed solution should look like and get consensus on that beforehand.
      • pinkman7009
        Ah sure. I understand
      • Whom should I discuss the solution with?
      • pbryan
        I would just start writing comments in the issue about how it would work.
      • pinkman7009
        Sure. Thanks!
      • pbryan
        CatQuest points out that annotations are doing this right now.
      • So, I think the question will be whether having a separate field will prove useful enough.
      • And, if we do add the field, what the guidelines will be around its use.
      • pinkman7009
        From what I understand, aren't annotations supposed to be certain specific comments about the work? Maybe a description is a more descriptive input, explaining more details about the work.
      • And kind of like a generalized summary sort of
      • Also can you explain to me what exactly you mean by guidelines around its use?
      • pbryan
        If we add a field, we should document what it should contain, and how it should be used.
      • pinkman7009
        Oh, yeah I get it
      • pbryan
        So, for example, the guideline would likely suggest it be written in English, have a certain length, contain or not contain certain information.
      • pinkman7009
      • pbryan
        Annotations are pretty much free-form, without any guidelines.
      • pinkman7009
      • pbryan
        So, description would be better because its semantics would be more defined.
      • pinkman7009
      • pbryan
        Draft disamiguation guideline for those playing at home: https://bookbrainz-user-guide-pbryan.readthedoc...
      • Any feedback would be appreciated.