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      • aereaux
        kellnerd[m], Do you possibly have an example of using the musicbrainz parser in your client?
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      • relaxo[m] joined the channel
      • relaxo[m]
        Does anyone know how to pass multiple mbids to the "mbids" parameter for the similar artists endpoint or is it just not possible? I thought it is because of the plural s.
      • kellnerd[m]
        aereaux (IRC): Yes, I am using it for the "listen" command of elbisaur: https://github.com/kellnerd/elbisaur/blob/5484e...
      • monkey[m] joined the channel
      • monkey[m]
        relaxo: After some testing, I think you should be able to send the same parameter multiple times, like so `artist_mbids=f58384a4-2ad2-4f24-89c5-c7b74ae1cce7&artist_mbids=fac74c62-3e64-4fa6-86b5-7870780ccfd2`
      • Not ideal or very clear, I must say
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