kellnerd[m], Do you possibly have an example of using the musicbrainz parser in your client?
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Does anyone know how to pass multiple mbids to the "mbids" parameter for the similar artists endpoint or is it just not possible? I thought it is because of the plural s.
relaxo: After some testing, I think you should be able to send the same parameter multiple times, like so `artist_mbids=f58384a4-2ad2-4f24-89c5-c7b74ae1cce7&artist_mbids=fac74c62-3e64-4fa6-86b5-7870780ccfd2`
Not ideal or very clear, I must say
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this animation overflows the page as it progresses
<monkey[m]> "relaxo: After some testing, I..." <- > <> relaxo: After some testing, I think you should be able to send the same parameter multiple times, like so `artist_mbids=f58384a4-2ad2-4f24-89c5-c7b74ae1cce7&artist_mbids=fac74c62-3e64-4fa6-86b5-7870780ccfd2`... (full message at <>)
relaxo: I don't think there is a calculation for similarity with multiple artists, so i would assume they are just appended.
As for scores, bigger artists = more datapoints = higher scores, and the inverse unfortunately
Okay, thank you. Then I stay with one artist per query.
Okay. Thats the problem you discussed with sanojjonas in the forums. I understand.
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If i add a release from bandcamp after listening it. Shouldn’t lb be able to automatically link it? I mean this link is pretty obvious
I’m adding the same link to the release
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shisma.: It takes some time for everything to percolate between MusicBrainz and ListenBrainz basically, but we periodically re-check unmatched listens so if you added it to MusicBrainz it's only a matter of time.
>If a listen is not matched, we set a timer for when to try to match the listen again. We start the timer at 1day, but for each time we fail to match it we will double the delay before try it again, up to a max of 30 days.
Sounds smart, but is the origin_url taken into account when matching?
Not at the moment, but there is a ticket for something similar, let me check
The ticket I was thinking of was something different, I've created LB-1740 to track this one.
Currently we don't have access to the link relationships from MusicBrainz in the process that does the matching, but it could indeed improve matches.