

March 10th 2025

      • monkey[m]
        Welcome avantika04 , KrishnaCosmic (IRC) and Mohamed Khaled !... (full message at <https://matrix.chatbrainz.org/_matrix/media/v3/...>)
      • MohamedKhaled[m]
        <monkey[m]> "Welcome avantika04 , KrishnaCosm..." <- ok thanks
      • holycow23[m]
        Hi, I was planning to work on the new proposed statistics, can someone help me with Spark, wanted to since we have no stats on local at the very moment thus wanted to get access to some stats on local and then proceed further with newer statistics.
      • monkey[m]
        holycow23: Sorry, can't help you there, I have 0 experience with Spark :/
      • Maybe lucifer or ansh could be of help, if they have a minute, but generally I think you should try it out as much as possible and come back here with specific questions or requests rather than a broad "please help on X" which isn't very actionnable
      • holycow23[m]
        Okay, will look into it on my own as well once but I think I am lacking with importing stats on local to start working on it, thus needed some help with that
      • glucosesniffer[m
      • monkey[m]
        Hello glucosesniffer
      • lucifer[m]
        holycow23: its a bit cumbersome to setup at the moment, especially the caches required to generate the stats.
      • glucosesniffer[m
        just saying hi
      • holycow23[m]
        lucifer[m]: Is there some other method by which I could use someone else's stats and use them? also the spark setup in the documentation which has the import dump functionality, is there any method by which I could view the same or modify the same?
      • glucosesniffer[m uploaded an image: (61KiB) < https://matrix.chatbrainz.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/QjlqgruSfDaobrWFTLeCsiwB/image.png >
      • glucosesniffer[m
        wrong image basically: i connected my lastfm to listenbrainz it doesnt seem to be importing my scrobbles from lastfm
      • monkey[m]
        glucosesniffer: How long ago did you connect to your lfm account?
      • I mean connect it to LB, sorry
      • glucosesniffer[m
        about 20 mins ago
      • i also disabled the hide recent listening information at last.fm
      • glucosesniffer[m uploaded an image: (60KiB) < https://matrix.chatbrainz.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/EMExYjKVenSGgolSSyPdRyTR/image.png >
      • this is what i had to do correct ?
      • monkey[m]
        OK, I think it can take a while to import everything, so i would advise to wait a bit, and come back if you still don't see your listens
      • Yes, that looks right
      • glucosesniffer[m
        ahh okay, i also wanted to know this is basically lastfm but open source with privacy correct ?
      • lucifer[m]
        <holycow23[m]> "Is there some other method by..." <- What are you exactly trying to do? Develop new stats using spark or work on the new charts for stats etc?
      • monkey[m]
        > lastfm but open source with privacy
      • More or less, it is indeed based on LastFM, but everything open source. As for privacy that's a debate: all the information is open and free, so you can go and peruse my entire listening history.
      • Only your personal feed and a few more pages are private, the rest is open for all
      • holycow23[m]
        lucifer[m]: I was looking into [link](https://tickets.metabrainz.org/projects/LB/issues/LB-1736?filter=allopenissues) which needs a new Stats chart but correspondingly a new stats table as well
      • glucosesniffer[m
        monkey[m]: okay thanks for the info
      • monkey[m]
      • glucosesniffer[m
        do i have to have spotify premium for logging my listening history for spotify?
      • lucifer[m]
        holycow23[m]: I see, for at least the frontend part I think you can hardcode the data and make the charts according to that.
      • monkey[m]
        glucosesniffer[m: For logging your history no, it works for free accounts. If you want to play music on Spotify directly from the ListenBrainz website you do need a premium account
      • holycow23[m]
        lucifer[m]: Yes that could be done for now, but getting it running with Spark might be a little tough that's why wanted to get running with it as well, but cool for now will hardcode and get the chart running
      • glucosesniffer[m
        monkey[m]: okay thank u
      • lucifer[m]
        For spark side of things, we might be able to produce some dumps for metadata caches needed for local setup and then it would be easier to set it up for development
      • holycow23[m]
        Okay, till then I will get working with the chart
      • monkey[m]
        Hey glucosesniffer I see some listens on your account. Hopefully that was the wait I was talking about, but do let me know if anything seems off
      • ParfaitDetchenou
        Hello everyone,
      • I'm currently exploring the codebase, and I think it would be easier if the whole project followed PEP conventions by using a linter. This would result in better-formatted code, cleaner code, fewer unnecessary imports, and make the project more welcoming for newcomers.
      • What I suggest is using a tool like Ruff to check code quality in the pipeline, alongside the unit tests. If you think this is a good idea, I'd be happy to open a GitHub discussion to explain it further.
      • glucosesniffer[m uploaded an image: (35KiB) < https://matrix.chatbrainz.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/nifeEkqxitwgYEYOdpmZgbsf/image.png >
      • glucosesniffer[m
        thy have arrived
      • * they have arrived
      • does u guys have a discord bot similar to fmbot? thatd be awesome
      • metadataismydrug
        check #bot-stuff on discord (Don't think matrix or IRC users have anything similar)
      • https://github.com/coopw1/BrainzBot Is the repo for the bot on Discord
      • reosarevok[m]
        Hmm, re https://community.metabrainz.org/t/seeing-the-n... - is it any easier to see whether there's *any* listens, rather than a specific number of listens, mayhem / lucifer ? Assuming not but just in case :D
      • lucifer[m]
        not really. unless you are a top 10 listener of the artist.
      • reosarevok[m]
      • wileyfoxyx[m] uploaded an image: (16KiB) < https://matrix.chatbrainz.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/chatbrainz.org/OoFBSxxQNvwnuBxcAqYEeIle/image.png >
      • wileyfoxyx[m]
        anyone knows when LB will start showing correct covers for recordings?
      • rustynova[m]
        It's not the correct cover?
      • BlastboomStrice[
        I was thinking something similar today
      • Listenbrainz does a full database dump on the 1st and the 15th of the month I think
      • if something changes in the musicbrainz db and goes into voting (like when changing a cover art I think), it may take 7days for the change to be accepted (this is in case no one votes)
      • so "worst" case senario (as long as your edit on musicbrainz is approved to change the cover art) is 1 week for the edit to be approved + 2 weeks for a db dump, so about 3weeks
      • on average it might be 10days
      • that's my theory