sorry if i jumped the gun thre. but like, I absolutely detest witha passion that thing i said so
d4rkie has quit
Later :)
Welcome to another Monday Meeting!
We have two mailed in reviews today:
aerozol says:
Still been sick and having to work like crazy 😵💫
Starting to get worried that I won’t be better by the summit, but surely that’s far enough away (knock on wood!!)
:( get better aerozol
I’ve basically been doing my best to keep my head above water with MeB work - a bit of GSoC design checking, staying on top of socials, wiki updates, and some brainstorming and mockups for the upcoming LB donator feature.
Getting really excited about the summit now, see some of you very soon!
And yvanzo says
"Weblate authentication is experiencing issues at the moment."
That might be his review, or he might have accidentally pasted an error message instead
I guess we'll never know
On my list for today: mayhem, outsidecontext, theflash_, monkey, pranav, twodoorcoupe, yellowhatpro, reosarevok, rimskii, kellnerd, derat, JadedBlueEyes, MonkeyPython, atj, lucifer, ansh, bitmap, ericd, zas, akshaaatt
(maybe derat doesn't want in, but he keeps doing MB stuff so if around he should brag)
mayhem: wanna start?
last week was a whole lot of meb nonsense. chasing after people to give us more money, dealing with invoice, payment portals and all that sort of stuff. we're still running a deficit, so I'm working hard to try and close that gap.
progress is slow, but I'm at least making progress.
and our accountant informed us to we're getting dangerously close to not demonstrating "public support" as per the US IRS.
failing to do that, could put our tax-exempt status into jeopardy. and that is very much not good.
to that end, I've started a hasty project to create a new donation page for LB.
and, gasp, I set a deadline for getting it done: we should release it during the summit, just prior to the beginning of Q4.
the idea is that we have three months to try and collect more donations from lots of people in order to bolster our public support test.
and the overall goal is to get more serious about donations -- this is something I never really wanted to do for MB. being too strong in asking for donations on a project where people are helping you collect data.
d4rkie joined the channel
but, LB is different. while people give us data, albeit passively, the average LB user doesn't give much back to us.
so, the goal is to having LB donations cover our hosting costs, which are rising... mostly because of LB.
lots to do on this front.
This almost sounds like it should have been a separate agenda topic already 😅
If you want to discuss it further, we could make it one? :)
Jade[m] joined the channel
Could adding donator badges on listenbrainz be a thing? That would give a little social incentive to donate?
also, summit attendees: make sure to bring some chocolate to the summit. and pack it well insulated into the center of your suitcase -- delhi is hott. once you get to the hotel, make sure to move the choco to a fridge.
Jigen: literally that. yes, that.
Jade[m]: that is exactly the plan.
I'll find the design doc in just a sec.
TOPIC: MetaBrainz Community and Development channel | MusicBrainz non-development: #musicbrainz | BookBrainz: #bookbrainz | Channel is logged and not empty as it is bridged to IRC; see for details | Agenda: Reviews, LB donation push (rob)
reosarevok: for now, we're good to go on this. we'll pick this topic up at the summit in detail.
I'll donate 100squid if i can have a specialised lupin themed badge
Only cuttlefish allowed
Jigen (IRC): go
Arararara~! hi!
so this week I'm *STILL* working on fixing the internet, the new internet has not arrived, the internet fixing dumbasses who was supposed to come today didnt', in short AUGH
Anyway, started moving over links for the work environment
rearrange a bit of Piano instrument links to order things better and for dipping my toes into editing again. I'm hyped for instrument work!.
other than that I'm fullup with online AND offline junk and summit stuff
fin, next can be reosarevok!
Still on my list for today: outsidecontext, theflash_, monkey, pranav, twodoorcoupe, yellowhatpro, rimskii, kellnerd, derat, JadedBlueEyes, atj, lucifer, ansh, bitmap, ericd, zas, akshaaatt
So, last week I spent quite a bit of time improving a PR we got to convert some more form components to React
Now that event is converted and seems to be working, hopefully we can move on with most of those
Additionally, I updated our eslint deps, found out eslint or the parser we use is borked, sent a bug report upstream...
I released prod after a long-ish pause (tiny update, mostly all by derat but it's good to not keep stuff waiting)
And I dealt with libera so we can have the newly in use again #listenbrainz channel running all nicely
Plus some Spanish translation, fixing some broken Wikipedia links, and adding a lot of missing music so I can clear more of my missing data page in ListenBrainz
"clear my missing data page" ❤️
^ this
Yeah, i don't usually like adding the stuff I like listening to, it's a lot more boring than editing classical
But now I kinda have to 🤷♂️
outsidecontext: next?
(alternatively, theflash__ (IRC) theflash )
(alternatively, monkey ... )
Hello !
Last week I worked on the summit t-shirt design, and happy to say they were ordered today, in the nick of time.
I talked with the LB team about making donations more prominent on LB, and how to entice our users to donate. Started work on that today.
Had a good video chat with ansh to organize upcoming work on LB, and after that looked a bit into query caching to optimize cover art loading, as he suggested.
And finally did some more bug testing on LB and BB and closed some SEC tickets
That's me! kellnerd go !
Hey there 👋
This week I got back into BB, basically finishing what I left two weeks ago after the basics of the combined pending/accepted entity pages were working.
This involves trying to follow older code (including my own from last month 👀, before I got distracted by uni) and eliminating unused code blocks.
Some of them being eight years old and unused since four... 😇
I also reviewed aerozol's first userscript PR 🎉 - we may still succeed in turning him into a coder in the long run 😜
And finally getting quite a few things prepared and organized for the Delhi summit and traveling.
That's it, go ansh !
Still on my list for today: outsidecontext, theflash_, pranav, twodoorcoupe, yellowhatpro, rimskii, derat, JadedBlueEyes, atj, lucifer, bitmap, ericd, zas, akshaaatt
Hi Everyone!
Last Week, I worked on adding Music Neighbourhood Web to Artist Page and worked on fixing the ordering of albums.
kellnerd[m] wonders why Element is always hanging when it is my turn at a Monday meeeting
I continued working on stat page tickets, and also fixed some bugs on the Fresh Releases page.
kellnerd[m]: Murphy's Law
And had a great discussion with monkey regarding the upcoming work on LB.
That’s it for me.
lucifer: next?
hi all
or yellowhatpro next?
last week, i reviewed rimskii's GSoC PRs and blog post. worked on user data exports, setting up LB bridge, discussed LB donation stuff.
also, some MeB OAuth stuff.
that's it for me.
yellowhatpro: next?
hi everyone!
last week was nothing much, fixed some code to make things work for bitmap to run the mb archiver app
monkey[m]: from all the confetti you're sending (does anyone else get that effect?)
added a script that I can use later to push images to container registry, although it is for dev image now, but will make it work for prod as well
that's it for me, bitmap next?
Still on my list for today: outsidecontext, theflash_, pranav, twodoorcoupe, rimskii, derat, JadedBlueEyes, atj, ericd, zas, akshaaatt
was also working on setting up a mb-exurl-ia-service test container for yellowhatpro's project...ran into a few tiny issues which he fixed, so plan to test those today 🤞
other than that, was trying to debug test failures in the React 19 PR again, and started looking into MBS-13715 late yesterday (sorry, I know it's annoying to people)