bitmap, yvanzo: either of you against me releasing beta to prod today and then we can have the next prod after our summit + hols?
reosarevok: no, sounds good to me
d4rk-ph0enix has quit
d4rkie joined the channel
pite joined the channel
mayhem[m] has survived his first train trip in india
only 2+ hours delayed, apparently a fluke. which according to lucifer means that we'll have better luck on the trip to agra. 🤞
Do I need to do anything to "sign up" as a virtual summit attendee, or can I just add myself to the list?
Welcome to another MetaBrainz Monday Meeting!
The last before our summit 24
So I assume the last for two or three weeks
Enjoy it! Savour it!
TOPIC: MetaBrainz Community and Development channel | MusicBrainz non-development: #musicbrainz | BookBrainz: #bookbrainz | Channel is logged and not empty as it is bridged to IRC; see for details | Agenda: Reviews, Summit (rob)
I have three (III [3]) mailed in reviews
derat says:
'My change for MBS-13751 went in last week, and I filed MBS-13757 and sent a PR for it.'
I was reading the summary notes from last year and apparently nobody had their presentations ready haha. Consider this a reminder!
[Editor's note: joke's on you, MB team is already on it]
I also drafted a blog post/summit announcement, but still need some questions answered before posting. Otherwise we can have a surprise! summit
Apart from that I did some ticket review, some socials, and misc, lots of little things these days.
The person who wants the first pick from the NZ chocolate selection can go next.
That'd be MonkeyPython (IRC) or mayhem and the former wanted to go late todayç
So, mayhem? :D
greetings from Chandigarh in India!
my trip was fairly uneventful, which was nice.
lucifer and I went to look at the hotels and all the summit lodgings to work out who should go where.
we'll cover the summit in more detail in the topic later.
but we'll have a mail going out to everyone with a summary of what the plan is.
aside from that, I was doing the finances so I can work out where we stand.
and I discovered a bug in my one my scripts, which caused a mess. 6 hours of cleaning and i have another 2 to go.
so painful.
but things should be more robust going forward.
I also have push out the announcement for the fairmuse project.
and then helped with PR reviews and discussion about LB donation page and user flair.
and emails, and customer stuff and.. and.. and..
On my list for today: zas, rimskii, kellnerd, pranav, outsidecontext, reosarevok, ansh, theflash_, MonkeyPython, twodoorcoupe, yellowhatpro, lucifer, akshaaatt, ericd, atj, bitmap, JadedBlueEyes, yvanzo
bitmap: go!
may I go after bitmap so i cna deal with "just in the door " stuff :D
I've mostly been preparing for the summit (chocolate acquired, most important), continuing with setting up yellowhatpro's project on aretha (and working through some issues with him), and doing code review (but mainly trying to help out with reosarevok's conversion of the recording editor form to React)
fin (sorry for the giant paragraph), go Goemon (IRC)!
Arararara~! hi!
Managed to *finally* fix my internet connection (was on my mobile teether for almost a month 😩)
Just in time for the summit so I will be away for 10 years I'm paying for TWO internet connections and will be using neither, yaaaayyy 🤦♂️
otherbits: I have done preparations for summit + moving the work enviro over. expect great things!
fin, next can be yellowhatpro
10 years, that's a good trip!
oh. lol
yellowhatpro[m] joined the channel
hi everyone!
On my list for today: zas, rimskii, kellnerd, pranav, outsidecontext, reosarevok, ansh, theflash_, twodoorcoupe, lucifer, akshaaatt, ericd, atj, JadedBlueEyes, yvanzo
. /s /years/days
last week was mostly about figuring out running melba on test.mb
melba is the MB External Link wayBack Archiver
Sounds tasty
thanks yvanzo for the name
Sure it is (🍑 is what he thought while he named it)
But apart from it, we've been running into a couple of issues due to sqlx and pgbouncer not working hand in hand, so ig we gotta use some other way
yvanzo[m] joined the channel
yvanzo[m] was just hungry at that time.
Just some bugs and workarounds done last week
fin. Go yvanzo 🚀
I applauded yellowhatpro for his project which is successfully running on test.mb.o as expected!
Otherwise just fixed my laptop and kept rehabilitating its chair-keyboard interface.
Fin, go zas ?
Still on my list for today: rimskii, kellnerd, pranav, outsidecontext, reosarevok, ansh, theflash_, twodoorcoupe, lucifer, akshaaatt, ericd, atj, JadedBlueEyes
yvanzo[m]: [off] is it finally? 😵
Last week, I mainly did the usual maintenance, upgrades, user support, and tons of MB edits.
Also spent some time on preparing the second week of the India trip (5 of us heading to Shimla via Chandigarh), almost all booked.
fin. rimskii ?
rimskii[m] joined the channel
hi, everyone !
yellowhatpro[m]: successfully in some way at least 🫢
For the last week cant say much, the only things: could finally (finally) finish the gsoc, got my last feedback
participated in hackathon (won 2nd place) so was kinda busy