

      • outsidecontext[m has quit
      • kepstinbrainz joined the channel
      • kepstinbrainz
        huh, what breaks in picard? is it using one of the deprecated modules that got removed?
      • iconoclasthero
        I had > 200 packages that apt said needed to be updated so I thought that I'd update chunks of them so I could look through smaller lists using apt --only-upgrade <package list>
      • as a result python3.13 got updated and apt **removed** picard when it did.
      • rather: python3 got upgraded from 3.12.8 to 3.13
      • so i rolled back to before the upgrade and upgraded everything and now python3.13 is held with ca. 50 other packages and it leaves picard alone.
      • Package: picard / Version: 2.12.4~dev.1-1+git5367~ppa26~ubuntu24.10.1 / Depends: libc6 (>= 2.4), python3 (<< 3.13), python3 (>= 3.12~) ...
      • so i don't know why it has a limitation of python3 <<3.13, but apt removes it because of that.
      • @kepstinbrainz
      • s/upgraded everything/simply used 'apt upgrade' without trying to narrow things down/
      • i think the problem is that ppa version.
      • i think if i remove the ppa from /etc/apt/sources.list.d and downgrade (on machine gigabyte), it will be ok https://bpa.st/4VNQ because on machine latitude there doesn't appear to be the restriction: https://bpa.st/7Q5Q
      • iconoclasthero has quit
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      • Protopia[m] has quit
      • kepstinbrainz
        ah, so this is an issue with the ubuntu packages on the musicbrainz-developers ppa?
      • outsidecontext[m joined the channel
      • outsidecontext[m
        generally Picard is compatible with python 3.13
      • the PPA packages are built against the corresponding Python packages of the Ubuntu series they are built for. If the development version of Ubuntu changed the Python I think this should be reflected on next package rebuild.
      • lazybookwyrm[m] has quit
      • iconoclasthero
        well, here's what i got: https://bpa.st/OSCQ
      • removing the ppa (which, honestly, i don't need) and downgrading releases most of the held packages
      • outsidecontext[m
        iconoclasthero (IRC): yes, of course. see my comment just before.
      • iconoclasthero
      • question though, " I think this should be reflected on next package rebuild." what sort of schedule/regularity does this occurr on?
      • iconoclasthero[4 joined the channel
      • iconoclasthero[4
        i just realized that [m] meant [matrix] not [mobile]
      • outsidecontext[m
        depends a bit. could be daily, but there needs to have been a change to git I think (in the 2.x branch).
      • kepstinbrainz
        yeah, matrix bridges automatically adds an [m] to avoid name conflicts if someone also connects directly to irc (tho matrix users can choose a different name without the [m] if they want to - like i do).
      • iconoclasthero[4
        well, i got it sorted, sorry for any hassle.
      • <kepstinbrainz> "yeah, matrix bridges automatical..." <- your name always reminds me of the enzyme pepsin. :)
      • iconoclasthero has left the channel