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      • otrocodigo[m]
        <aerozol> "Are you sure there’s a CD of..." <- I no longer wanted to continue changing things there because it was getting worse, there is no cd, it would be a digital format but I did not want to change until I eliminated the previous one
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      • hi, does anyone have any older last.fm scrobbler client for mac older than Last.fm-2.1.36 ? i can't get the current lgazy or this one to work
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      • otrocodigo[m]
        hi. excuse me. how can I create an "edit" to remove a duplicate artist?
      • reosarevok
        otrocodigo[m]: hi! (¿hola?)
      • Cheezmo_
        Probably best to merge them.
      • reosarevok
        You should merge them - go to both pages, click "Merge" on the sidebar
      • otrocodigo[m]
        reosarevokhola. saludos :)
      • reosarevok
        Pues eso - ve a las dos páginas, y en la barra lateral a la derecha tienes "merge"
      • otrocodigo[m]
        reosarevok: listo. gracias por la ayuda. me meti a colaborar e hice lios al principio :S
      • reosarevok
        Quién no :D
      • No te preocupes, lo suyo es darse cuenta y arreglarlos
      • otrocodigo[m]
        reosarevok: asi es, ya limpio las cosas y ando aportando como corresponde :p ¿cuanto tiempo llevas dentro?
      • reosarevok
        ¿Quince años? No sé :D Trabajo aquí también
      • Pero en su día sí que hice algún destrozo sin darme cuenta :D
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      • kiap
        I'm having an issue with a non-functioning 'Enter edit' button again.
      • Is there some kind of time limit? I've spent several hours on this edit because of adding lots of names of singers for a choir that are all listed in the booklet and now it will not let me save.
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      • aerozol
        Kiap: most likely something is missing but it's being tricky to find...
      • kiap
        And it doesn't tell me what; I actually think that I've started this edit earlier this week but didn't want to submit it because it wasn't finished yet.
      • Now I'm stuck and if I refresh the page; everything I've added will be gone and I can restart at least an hour or two of work.
      • aerozol
        I would go through and double check that each artist has an artist in the db selected for it
      • Not sure what else to check that might block it... That a format has been selected?
      • wargreen joined the channel
      • kiap
        Found it
      • aerozol
        Phew 🎉
      • kiap
        I just realized that I got a mail that ModBot had removed an artist I added when linking the recordings to works because like I said, I started earlier this week and the person was removed by the bot because of no finalized connections
      • I really shouldn't start this type of CD late at night if I'm not sure I have time to finish them in one sitting.
      • aerozol
        haha damn, having an artist pruned while you’re working isn’t ideal! If you can find a Discogs url or something to add to artists as you go it can help
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      • reosarevok
        Yeah, ideally try to always add *something* to the artist
      • While creating it
      • This could be "member of the choir", if you know they are :)
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