

April 1st 2015

      • johtso
        hehe, just being nosey :)
      • Sput|Away
        So, the question is, if my browser is saying that the "Host" header is bookbrainz.org, why is the HTTP_HOST in the wsgi environment just "bookbrainz"
      • johtso
        Sput|Away, is the nginx config somewhere?
      • Sput|Away
      • (for the uwsgi stuff)
      • johtso
        is there a `server_name bookbrainz` somewhere?
      • Sput|Away
        nope, only "server_name bookbrainz.org"
      • bitmap: is the load balancer doing anything funny with the HTTP_HOST header?
      • johtso
        All I can thinking of it try to enable more logging to pinpoint where it starts looking odd
      • bitmap
        I'll try adding a proxy_set_header directive
      • did that help?
      • Sput|Away
        hold on
      • checking
      • wow
      • bitmap: You GentleCat'd it
      • bitmap
      • Sput|Away
      • bitmap
      • Sput|Away
        was that on the load balancer or in our bookbrainz config?
      • bitmap
        load balancer, it was losing the original host and using the name of the upstream
      • sorry I didn't see that sooner
      • Sput|Away
        That's OK, I learnt a lot about Flask and Werkzeug ;)
      • Ahh, so that did fix HTTP_HOST, but still getting the same issue in Flask... I'll continue looking tomorrow
      • Oh nope, that's just my cache...
      • hmm Leftmost: Not Found (GET: /ws/ws/publication/a4dc4915-9d57-4b75-9465-a33f960275b2/disambiguation)
      • Ah, it now seems that relative URLs once again have the /ws prefix - I'll see what I can do to fix that tomorrow
      • LordSputnik
        Leftmost: If you're here, I'm not sure we should try to avoid the "/ws" part of the relative URL
      • Actually, absolute URLs work too - the prefix depends on the HTTP_HOST, so internally, the urls all start with http://localhost:9101, while externally, they all start with https://bookbrainz.org
      • bookzombie
        bookbrainz-schema/master c300981 Ben Ockmore: Added option to not create tables during bootstrap.
      • bookbrainz-schema/master 93329eb Ben Ockmore: Corrected mistakes in arguments to bootstrap.
      • LordSputnik
        Leftmost: Leo_Verto: ping?
      • Leo_Verto
      • LordSputnik
        Ok, I'm not exactly sure what to about Leftmost and ID #2, he doesn't seem to be here and the launch is in 8 minutes
      • Might make a placeholder...
      • Leo_Verto: see PM
      • Leo_Verto
      • something's broken
      • LordSputnik
        Fixing it now
      • Leo_Verto
        I end up on /login/handler
      • LordSputnik
        Leo_Verto: now?
      • Leo_Verto
      • logged in and #3 :D
      • LordSputnik
        Freso: here, and want to claim #5?
      • We're going to need to do something about those times
      • I wonder why that's happened
      • At least there should be a constant offset, so it should be fairly simple to fix once we find out why
      • Leftmost
        I am here.
      • LordSputnik
        Ok, register now and I'll move you to #2
      • Leftmost
      • LordSputnik, why was it you don't think we should strip the /ws from relative URIs?
      • LordSputnik
      • Leftmost: because with "/..." urls, the URL is meant to be relative to the domain name
      • err
      • We may be missing some of the languages - not sure why yet
      • taken things down just to be safe
      • Got it
      • LordSputnik thinks Terry Pratchett should be #8 if not #1
      • since 8 is particularly important in Discworld
      • Leo_Verto
        hmm, 404 on messageForm
      • LordSputnik
        ah, should be message send, I'll fix that
      • bookzombie
        bookbrainz-site/master a77e816 Ben Ockmore: Updated message form URL in editor page link.
      • LordSputnik
        ah, client JS ws endpoint needs updating - relationships form (and editor profile form) currently out of action
      • Leftmost
        LordSputnik, there's just no way to be graceful about how we construct URLs if we include /ws.
      • LordSputnik
        Leftmost: well, if we keep using absolute URLs, we're fine
      • Leftmost
        Sorry, phone company's April Fool's gag is to make tethering not work properly.
      • LordSputnik
        if not, can't we just add /ws to the front of any hand-types urls, and use bookbrainz.org as the ws setting?
      • Ahh, I forgot to update the relationship templates in the bootstrap script
      • Leftmost
        We could. Mostly we just need to decide if we're going to hardcode /ws or if we're going to allow that to be a config thing.
      • What's up with the editor page?
      • LordSputnik
        Looks fine to me?
      • Leftmost
        I'm getting "Cannot read property 'id' of undefined".
      • LordSputnik
        Still? I thought I fixed that :(
      • Leftmost
        Oh, it's because I'm not logged in and there's no check to make sure that req.user exists before accessing it.
      • LordSputnik
        There is as of 5 minutes ago
      • Leftmost
        Not in routes/editor.js for the /:id route.
      • LordSputnik
        It's in view/editor/editor.jade
      • Ohhh
      • Not a template error...
      • fixed
      • Leftmost
        By the way, you violated style guidelines for our first publication. ;)
      • LordSputnik
        the "The" ?
      • Leftmost
      • LordSputnik
        well, it'll give someone something to do when entity updates come in :D
      • Leftmost
      • Leo_Verto
      • so it says "Person" under persons but nothing under the publication?
      • LordSputnik
        Leo_Verto: I couldn't set a type for the first publication - there wasn't really an appropriate one
      • Leo_Verto
      • LordSputnik
        There's journal, but I don't think that covers it
      • Is it a book, maybe?
      • Leftmost
        Okay, I need to go back to bed now. Back in a little while.
      • Leo_Verto
        do we really want the type to be part of the <a>?
      • LordSputnik
        Leftmost: Don't forget twitter, before you go
      • Leo_Verto: I tweaked it so the whole box was clickable, like a button
      • Leo_Verto
        ah nice
      • LordSputnik
        easier for mobile users
      • (and less fiddly for desktop users)
      • Ahh damn
      • I made a bad edit
      • LordSputnik wishes we had reverting in now
      • Hmm, and it's debatable whether I should've made those relationships between creator->publication anyway
      • probably creator<->work would be more appropriate
      • Leo_Verto
        well, MB has the same problem
      • oh
      • hmm, the pre-commit hook prevents me from pushing
      • *commiting
      • johtso
        What does language mean for a creator? and what does the "primary" checkbox signify?
      • bookzombie
        bookbrainz-site/master e622cfe LeoVerto: Updated message form URL in message reply link.
      • LordSputnik
        johtso: you should tick the primary checkbox if the alias you enter is the most commonly used on for the language you specify
      • johtso
      • I see, so it's like adding an alias in MB
      • Leo_Verto
        LordSputnik, can you update the server?
      • LordSputnik
        johtso: yeah exactly
      • johtso: up until about a week ago, you could add many aliases in the creation form, but we removed it because the interface wasn't very clear
      • Leo_Verto: yup, sure, just doing a tweak of my own, then I'll pull
      • johtso
        Is a translation a different work?
      • LordSputnik
        Yeah, it is
      • hey zag :)
      • bookzombie
        bookbrainz-site/master 6a4c8df Ben Ockmore: Add beta notice onto homepage.
      • johtso
        LordSputnik, does that mean it wouldn't make sense to add multiple language aliases to a work then?
      • as a different language alias would be a different translation..
      • LordSputnik
        johtso: I can't see a reason to right now, unless the work hadn't been translated, but still had a different title outside the original country
      • johtso
        I'm sure stranger things have happened :)
      • LordSputnik
        site going down for 20 seconds, just updating a few pages
      • zag
      • johtso
        Hmm, not sure what the right type would be for a "series of short stories"
      • LordSputnik
        johtso: that's probably an anthology or something - we don't have that yet
      • I'd add each story as a separate short story work, then when we add sets/series, we can deal with anthologies properly :)
      • johtso
      • LordSputnik
        hmm, that seems a little more tricky, since the stories could probably also be considered as a single work
      • perhaps an "Anthology" work would be best for now?
      • johtso
        yeah, don't think the stories were every published individually, and there's some kind of continuity between the stories
      • Leo_Verto
        apparently you removed the multiple alias thing but why is the "Primary" checkbox still there?
      • LordSputnik
        Leo_Verto: the checkbox we removed was default - it's still possible to add an initial "non-primary" alias though
      • eg. if you only know some colloquial name or a nickname for the entity
      • johtso: added "Anthology" for you :)
      • Leo_Verto: ahh, adding the culture novels?
      • Leo_Verto
        yup :D
      • johtso
        ah, nice one
      • although... I'm thinking anthology doesn't fit quite right
      • anthology seems to imply a bunch of works that were selected by a complier and released as a group
      • often spanning multiple authors
      • LordSputnik
        Yeah I think you're probably right - not sure what to call a collection of short stories by the same person