

September 1st 2015

      • reosarevok is now known as reoafk
      • LordSputnik
        ocharles__: don't know if you're interested in being there, but if Leftmost ends up coming to the 2015 MB summit in Barcelona, I might try to do a mini BookBrainz summit on the sidelines or before/after
      • kuno: I would invite you too, but Ecuador is a bit far away :P
      • kuno
      • I think I'm the USA during the MB summit.
      • +in
      • (which is also a bit far away)
      • LordSputnik
        We'll skype you ;D
      • kuno
      • LordSputnik
        Leftmost: Leo_Verto: I think it may be meeting time, who's about?
      • Leo_Verto
        I am
      • LordSputnik
        nice :D fixed all the CSS bugs yet?
      • Leo_Verto
        sorry, started multitasking and forgot about IRC
      • still looking into Firefox 29 stuff and I won't even need a vm set up with it since browserstack has local resource testing :D
      • I noticed you fixed the odd-looking contribute button before I got to it by making it wider...
      • and honestly, it didn't even occur to me that I just could've done that
      • LordSputnik
        What, just made it wider?
      • Mineo says it's still slightly broken for him, but barely noticeably
      • I only tested down to 1340 px wide, and his resolution is ~1200 px
      • Leo_Verto
      • LordSputnik
        So we do still need a padding fix
      • Leo_Verto
        well, I made that, not in stable yet though
      • LordSputnik
        Perhaps we can patch up with some CSS from flat-ui
      • Oh OK
      • great :)
      • Leo_Verto
        You removed some outer divs which made it wider and fixed it for me, didn't have time to test different screen sizes though
      • LordSputnik
        Ahh yeah, that is what I did :) And I've just written the first unit test for the new schema package!
      • Leo_Verto
        (also I just remembered I can update the sandbox now)
      • LordSputnik
        Will commit what I've done when it's all covered by tests
      • Ahh, so you made your unbreakable encryption doubly-unbreakable?
      • :P
      • Leo_Verto
        It's even better than applying ROT13 twice!
      • LordSputnik
        Leo_Verto: Ok, try connecting now, should work
      • Leo_Verto
        yep :D
      • LordSputnik
        Hmm didn't know about the shortcut for kill before
      • Leo_Verto
        Contribute button seems to always be centered now, on all screen sizes
      • Hmm, we could have a "technologies used" on the about page
      • LordSputnik
        Thing is with that it's out of the way. I figured it'd be best if we displayed the logo prominently to make sure that they were happy and be on the safe side
      • So I put it in the footer
      • Leo_Verto
        Sure, I just mean in general to appreciate all the projects we rely on
      • LordSputnik
        Could also add a section to about though, not a bad idea
      • yeah
      • Haha, I've got unit testing and coverage for the new schema code, and currently we're testing 96% :)
      • Leo_Verto
        Woo, nice!
      • By the way, I found new badges for the repos. https://basicallydan.github.io/forkability/
      • LordSputnik
        Hopefully this node coverage library will integrate with CodeClimate
      • Leo_Verto
        forkability tells us to add changelogs to each repo before we get the badges, what was our consensus on handling those?
      • LordSputnik
        Leo_Verto: this can be your new GitHub avatar: http://memegenerator.net/instance2/1655416 :P
      • Leo_Verto: for changelogs we're filtering out the relevant stuff from the changelog generated by JIRA for each repo
      • I guess for these node rewrites, we'll just add "Rewrite in node" as JIRA tasks, and keep going with the existing changelog
      • LordSputnik is off for some sleep
      • Leo_Verto
        Uh, good idea actually
      • Night!