

      • Mr_Monkey
        I think (unfortunately) we might want amazon author pages separate from freeform URLs (because they are such a massive book information collector)
      • CatQuest
        uh.. why?
      • all things equal we can link to them like everything else imho
      • Mr_Monkey
        I supposes in the same way and for the same reasons we have a separate amazon identifier
      • Or goodreads author identifiers
      • CatQuest
        nah that's legacy from mb
      • oh I mean, have an auto selected url. but thats he same
      • Mr_Monkey
        I don't follow
      • CatQuest
        I mean discogs and bandcmap and etc have these selected urls. on mb, so on bb we can hav hat for amazon and goodreads and bookdepository and wikidata etc ec
      • Mr_Monkey
        Well, I guess that's my point: we already do have them for specific websites, and I think it makes sense to treat amazon author pages the same
      • Whereas some other random url would be a different type of identifier ("other URL")
      • CatQuest
      • I'd except we'd have like "official website" and "page in database" etc types actually
      • hm so https://community.metabrainz.org/t/copyrights-h... person argues that copyright © should be author - edition (not?) author - work
      • and I kinda agree that I see this infomration in rfitions a lot. but i'd also argue that this would be tied to the work instead, because michael cricton wrote jurasic park, he's got copyright of it, but he hasn't writen every single edition personlaly. he doesnt have copyright of each edition personally
      • reosarevok
        MB does it on releases and with dates
      • Because copyright is usually hard to know except inasmuch as it is printed on a release / book
      • Maybe they no longer own it because they sold it in the meantime
      • Or they died, so the copyright is now their kids'
      • CatQuest
      • so should author copyright work be moved to author copyright edition?
      • reosarevok
        I'm not 100% sure. It might be that the decision is to keep it on works *but* have many of them, one per year indicated on an edition
      • I am not familiar enough with how author copyrights are shown on books
      • CatQuest
        basically it works like releases on mb. (but there is a difference between how this data is shown on bb. both "wrote work" and "copyright " is shown in a lsit rightnow (yes i made a ticket like this)
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