

      • COMPL_EXE joined the channel
      • hash[m] joined the channel
      • hash[m]
        hello, is there an API endpoint for taste section?
      • elkiensad[m] joined the channel
      • elkiensad[m]
        weekly playlists also gets automatically exported to Spotify now, huh
      • rustynova[m] joined the channel
      • rustynova[m]
        Done. It's in the new version
      • elkiensad[m] uploaded an image: (263KiB) < https://matrix.chatbrainz.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/envs.net/7ccea170bddcaf6b2de0429837571a00e041ecc41878729085513891840/56e41c7c-218b-47fb-adfb-8ad55fee426a.png >
      • elkiensad[m]
        also these are not automatically deleted it seems
      • fllooo[m] joined the channel
      • fllooo[m]
        Thank you very much, now I just need to get Listenbrainz and Musicbrainz up and running
      • Does someone know how to use the Dockerifle.nginx.prod file? I'm not sure how WSGI works and don't know where to deploy it
      • rustynova[m]
        There's no way to set the MusicBrainz URL yet. I'm stuck dealing with rust not liking me passing down sql executors and reusing them.
      • *Screaming in crab*
      • /1/feedback/recording_feedback
      • It's under "recording" in the api docs
      • elkiensad[m] sent a zsh code block: https://matrix.chatbrainz.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/chatbrainz.org/GmsqmJYUIHjTulZNFfnfXcFq
      • fllooo[m]
      • Whoops
      • rustynova[m]
        Oh- Looks like MB returned something that isn't in the api schema. What's your lb username again? I'll try to find it on my side
      • elkiensad[m]
        <rustynova[m]> "Oh- Looks like MB returned..." <- https://listenbrainz.org/user/egecelikci/
      • but I just deleted bunch of listens so it could be one of them
      • vardhan_ joined the channel
      • rustynova[m]
        I know that it broke when fetching a parent work. So I think it may be an instrument or work relation that isn't set in the schema.
      • I hope I catch it because that it's actually a pain to find those
      • mayhem[m] joined the channel
      • mayhem[m]
        <ruebeckscube> "hi folks! new here, super..." <- Hi! Sadly restricting the DB isn't possible right now. You might consider using the API to fetch the data you need -- that depends on how much data you really need to fetch.
      • elkiensad[m]
        <rustynova[m]> "I know that it broke when..." <- might be this one?
      • rustynova[m]
        Well I can't check right now, but I'll see after lunch
      • mayhem[m]
        <hash[m]> "hello, is there an API endpoint..." <- https://listenbrainz.readthedocs.io/en/latest/u... is where those endpoints are documented.
      • hash[m]
        <mayhem[m]> "https://listenbrainz.readthedocs..." <- pins?
      • mayhem[m]
        pins what?
      • hash[m]
        I was asking. I couldn't find anything related to taste in the docs you linked
      • mayhem[m]
        feedback = love/hate, pins = pins. not sure what else to tell you.
      • hash[m]
        oh alright. thanks
      • vardhan_ has quit
      • rustynova[m]
        I did a sample of a year of listens and i'm still not past the recording fetching phase.
      • Would love to improve the speed of the recording redirect fetching, but when it comes to works, I'd get like 1% of speed Improvement
      • Or I could try adding a multi mirror fetcher to parallel the fetching
      • ruebeckscube[m] joined the channel
      • ruebeckscube[m]
        <mayhem[m]> "Hi! Sadly restricting the DB isn..." <- the similar-artists API is def an option, but I would love to be able to access the raw similarity scores for two mbids that are stored in the database—considered trying to contribute an API for that but I'd be calling it like 1000 times for each search on my website so not really feasible even in a batched setup
      • i think I might just have to suck it up and pay for more server storage! the docs mention building indices locally, I'll see if I can limit that to the ones I need to save space