[17:02] afrocat_[m] I think the reason is because there's no way to search bandcamp by barcode, like the rest of the providers
that's.. because there *are* barcodes on bandcamp.but you need the "bandcamp import script" to expose them
wonder if it's possible for harmony to work with it some how 🤔
lazybookwyrm[m] joined the channel
If Harmony finds a barcode it'll use it to search the other providers and include them
I belive the "barcode" on bandcamp pages is hidden. in the source of the page! or the apisomewhere. i forget whichone :d
Yeah, you can find it in the source. Since Harmony can grab it, I assume it's also returned by the API
outsidecontext[m joined the channel
There is no API. But the metadata is inside the HTML as a machine readable LD+JSON schema. Harmony doesn't read the schema but reads the metadata from the embedded player, where it is also available. No sure why exactly, but AFAIK there are some edge cases where the embedded JSON has not all data.
* If a barcode exists, it should generally be findable within the release page `<script type="application/ld+json">` tag as the following:... (full message at <https://matrix.chatbrainz.org/_matrix/media/v3/...>)
Does anyone here have abn Apple Music subscription, and is willing to help me test a feature?
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my subscription ended 3 days ago ðŸ˜ðŸ˜ðŸ˜
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@monkey: I have one
wileyfoxyx: 👋 Could you please go to https://test.listenbrainz.org/my/playlists , choose a playlist (or create one with a few tracks, if you don't have any), and try to export it to Apple Music
In the options, top right of the page:
monkey[m] uploaded an image: (30KiB) < https://matrix.chatbrainz.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/chatbrainz.org/AjMEeHPHyGEzQfoVZsyaiuJh/image.png >
Oh, if you don't want to create playlists, you can go to the "created for you" tab and save one of the playlists, that'll work
@monkey: out of 50 tracks from the top 2024 discoveries playlist it was able to export only 15
Even though other tracks are available in my region
Was just going to aask for a link :) Thanks for testing.
No problem
Appreciate it!
I also noticed some songs are wrongly picked. Like when my actual discovery was for an MTV Unplugged version of a track but the playlist had its original versions instead
I'm French, and all the French artists I listen to sing in English.
I only have one song in my collection that is in french, and it made by a Canadian
... Song lyrics language stats when?
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<rustynova[m]> "... Song lyrics language stats..." <- how
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metadataismydrug uploaded an image: (204KiB) < https://matrix.chatbrainz.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/chatbrainz.org/DEmafAiBSseRMapqNJdvPcOb/Screenshot-2025-01-15--12-33-55.56.png >
It works again! Thank you for re-adding the mapping data to exports 😄
Isn't Celine Dion?
* Isn't by Celine Dion?
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[Pushed away by Tristam and Rogue](https://musicbrainz.org/recording/dfa1348a-4c2c-47d6-bc23-800182868997)
Really obscure IK
Works have the lyric language~
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The blog post linked below mentions that the similarity datasets weren't complete as of November—is that still in process? /does anyone have a sense of how often that algorithm will be run to update the similarity data?