<CircularTrapezoi> "How often does the link listenin..." <- Every monday at 2AM UTC in theory, but I can see mine were last updates Jan 20th (it's all on the web page), so it possibly did not recalculate today, I can investigate
Either that or it is currently running and will update later today
Yes in fact I thought I read it refreshed between Sunday and Monday but I can't find that documentation anymore and I thought I was wrong
I'll just wait
bwbuhse joined the channel
is the ListenBrainz iOS app dead? I can’t remember how I joined the beta but it’s not even in my TestFlight now
bwbuhse (IRC): The iOS app is actively being worked on. Can't tell you much more as I'm not on iOS nor part of the team that works on it
RustyNova[m]1 joined the channel
<monkey[m]> "Either that or it is currently..." <- It often doesn't update lately. And still nothing for me