

      • tuxpaint joined the channel
      • holycow23[m]
      • ansh[m] joined the channel
      • ansh[m]
        <lucifer[m]> "i think monkey and ansh would..." <- holycow23: The graph looks great! Are you planning to complete this ticket as part of GSoC, considering the official coding period starts on June 2?
      • holycow23[m]
        <ansh[m]> "holycow23: The graph looks great..." <- No, I’m not completing this ticket as part of GSoC. Since I’ve previously worked on a stats-related ticket, I wanted to get hands-on experience with Spark, so I picked this up. I also think a deeper understanding of Spark will help me put together a better proposal
      • lain[m] has quit
      • lucifer[m]
        holycow23: for the spark side of things, you'll have to wait for now. i'll try to produce test dumps soon that you can use in setting up your local spark cluster. in the meantime, i suggest to work on other tickets.
      • suvid[m] joined the channel
      • suvid[m]
        just now realized that this channel exists 😭
      • i was using metabrainz channel only for everything till now 💀
      • Hi monkey ansh lucifer mayhem,... (full message at <https://matrix.chatbrainz.org/_matrix/media/v3/...>)
      • I was also wondering that how can we get reviews on our proposal once our very first draft is ready
      • like should we just post it on the community forum or personally DM the proposed mentors for an initial review?
      • eigenric[m] joined the channel
      • eigenric[m]
        Pretty sure I wrote a script for this when I imported my full Spotify history into ListenBrainz. Got data from 2014 to 2025
      • I'm in the same situation with similar questions
      • suvid[m]
        yea the project is adding the ability to import listening history from many platforms
      • while also checking and validating the structure of the uploaded files
      • can maybe make aq pydantic model for that
      • eigenric[m]
        I was just reading the GSoC 2024 proposal about integrating Subsonic music streaming into ListenBrainz. Does anyone know if it's finished or if there have been any updates on that?
      • suvid[m]
        it wasn't accepted last time iirc
      • and idts its integrated in listenbrainz yet
      • mayhem[m] joined the channel
      • mayhem[m]
        suvid: the sooner you start your proposal, the better. get lots of community review in ASAP.
      • suvid[m]
        mayhem[m]: should i directly post my draft on the community forum or get reviews here on the chat first?
      • mayhem[m]
        I would post a rough outline of your idea to chat -- don't go too far describing things yet. the community will give feedback and change your approach. once that outline looks good, turn it into a proposal.
      • m_shahnawaz[m]
        should we post it here or in the forums.
      • monkey[m]
        On the forums
      • And even with the gsoc-2025 tag if possible
      • ahvalmissaamine has quit
      • ahvalmissaamine joined the channel
      • BlastboomStrice[ has quit
      • zer0bitz- has quit
      • zer0bitz- joined the channel
      • suvid[m]
        I was searching for a song on musicbrainz to find its MBID but I couldn't find it there
      • lemme add it real quick 👀
      • damnn it asked for so much information
      • but it was a rather smooth experience :)
      • * a rather quick and smooth experience
      • dhruv_sha256[m] has quit
      • JuliaHusar[m] joined the channel
      • JuliaHusar[m]
        Hiiiii I'm new here. I posted a preproposal today and I'm not sure if I did it correctly
      • julian45[m] joined the channel
      • julian45[m]
        <JuliaHusar[m]> "Hiiiii I'm new here. I posted..." <- hi, and thanks for posting! i see it's currently under the "musicbrainz" category - could you please move it to the "metabrainz" category?
      • JuliaHusar[m]
      • I added it to the GSOC category within metabrainz
      • julian45[m]
        thanks! also, please be sure to read the [2025 gsoc wiki page](https://wiki.musicbrainz.org/Development/Summer_of_Code/2025) and, when you're ready to make the proposal more formal, please use the [application template](https://wiki.musicbrainz.org/Development/Summer_of_Code/ApplicationTemplate) linked there