[@suvid:matrix.org](https://matrix.to/#/@suvid:matrix.org) I think it might be best to focus on other importers than youtube for now because of the issues you mentioned with detecting whether the played item is a music track or not.
shisma[m] uploaded an image: (691KiB) < https://matrix.chatbrainz.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/chatbrainz.org/VpYWOgoWNdDcbMzSfEhYdRRv/Screenshot_2025-03-15_at_07.12.55.png >
also runs on OSX 🤷
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hey everyone I’m shivang, interested in the deezer integration project for gsoc. Is this the right channel to discuss this, or should I ask somewhere else
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<shivang_[m]> "hey everyone I’m shivang..." <- That would be #metabrainz channel
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All those GSOCs reminds me that I need to recheck how melba is going now that it's a bit more stabilized