12:10 am
[listenbrainz-android] 14dependabot[bot] opened pull request #293 (03dev…dependabot/gradle/dev/org.jetbrains.kotlin-kotlin-gradle-plugin-1.9.21): Bump org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-gradle-plugin from 1.9.10 to 1.9.21
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[listenbrainz-android] 14dependabot[bot] closed pull request #281 (03dev…dependabot/gradle/dev/org.jetbrains.kotlin-kotlin-gradle-plugin-1.9.20): Bump org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-gradle-plugin from 1.9.10 to 1.9.20
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[listenbrainz-android] 14dependabot[bot] opened pull request #294 (03dev…dependabot/gradle/dev/com.google.devtools.ksp-1.9.21-1.0.15): Bump com.google.devtools.ksp from 1.9.20-1.0.14 to 1.9.21-1.0.15
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12:12 am
yvanzo: MBS-13320 was released, right? (still "review submitted" for some reason)
12:12 am
12:16 am
nvm I found it, it was in v-2023-11-13
12:16 am
I'll close it and fix the blog post
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[musicbrainz-server] 14mwiencek opened pull request #3114 (03master…mbs-13392-13393): MBS-13392 / MBS-13393: Restore the external links editor submission upon form reload, and reduce the relationship data stored in sessionStorage
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bitmap: Thanks, I've set the fixVersion too, actually needed to unarchive the release to make it selectable.
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aerozol: I've set a couple of blog posts missing the MetaBrainz category which is linked from the MeB website :)
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yvanzo: thank you!
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yvanzo: I realised I didn’t quite understand what you meant, but I see now! Good to know!
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Yeah, I found the footer, thank you! Didn't realize 😊
10:29 am
Thx lucifer !
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11:58 am
Looks quite useful!
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spotify wrapped is out
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500 Internal Server Error here :D
2:04 pm
They might have unwrapped it too soon
2:13 pm
Now it worked... and it shows why genres can get ridiculous
2:13 pm
All my top genres are some variation of "Spanish urban music"
2:13 pm
"Canary Islands rap" is not a genre, ffs :D
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reosarevok: says who? ;p
2:49 pm
Says someone who listens to it and sees it's mostly trap to begin with and also not musically cohesive nor different from other artists :p
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2:50 pm
I guess "scene" and "genre" are kinda close, but still. No.
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lucifer: also top podcast if you listen to those
2:50 pm
Assuming you're documenting wrapped
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reosarevok: oh interesting, yeah never used those on spotify. but LB doesn't need to consider podcasts anyway.
2:54 pm
I guess? I never thought whether those get scrobbled :D
2:54 pm
listened, sorry :D
2:54 pm
I mean they do get listened, but maybe not listen-submitted
2:54 pm
See, scrobbling as a word just works...
2:55 pm
i mean LB doesn't ignore them if you submit it but i feel those are small enough in number to discount as noise/bad data.
2:55 pm
for spotify submissions in particular, we filter out podcast listens.
2:55 pm
never store them in the database.
2:56 pm
Oh, ok, I was wondering if my spotify podcasts were getting stored or not
2:56 pm
probably not.
2:59 pm
lucifer: got a sec for a second set of eyes on this PR?
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3:10 pm
the integration test cases are failing since the web pages throw errors. but the web pages should be setup correctly
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3:11 pm
if you can spot something amiss, plz let me know.
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I hereby propose the word "listend" as the weird ugly child of "listened" and "send"
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mayhem: will take a look
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monkey: sounds a lot like list-send ("send to a list") to me. dunno if that's good or bad.
3:48 pm
Probably bad :p
3:48 pm
I was also thinking it can end up being read "list end"
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Congratulations to our newest elected MusicBrainz autoeditor, atj!
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