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Anybody in here?
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I wanted to learn more about listenbrainz…is it possible to get the data as a stream in realtime via Kafka or similar
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<11abhi_56953> How can I join the IRC channel of musicbrainz.at first it is asking for Nick name.what to do..
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Hey jpeterman (IRC) welcome to Metabrainz!. Since it’s a weekend most of the people are offline. If possible could you please ping again on Monday, your doubt would be answered!
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abhi_56953: if you are using discord, just use the #musicbrainz channel under IRC bridge.
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hello Everyone
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I am new here! i need help with MusicBrainz codebase as i want to contribute in that under GSOC 2024!! I want to know how to start with that and what should i do???
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!recall gsoc
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SavvyCoder: ^^
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mayhem: the table has been generated in prod already fwiw.
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is here anyone who can guide me ?
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ignore the last message!
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lucifer: LB-1366
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12:02 pm
jasje: akshaaatt: Since aerozol is busy right now can I work on a new feature.
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sudip_: i think i might have something in mind for you
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I was thinking of adding a logout feature in the settings screen
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sudip_: um we need to have a discussion before that on how to handle logout. I think you should work on another feature.
12:04 pm
that is
12:05 pm
fetching now-listening when the user navigates to profile screen.
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currently we only connect to a websocket which makes impossible to determine if any song was being played before we connected to the socket.
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socket + rest call fixes this behaviour
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should be easy to do
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you can navigate listenbrainz server documentation to find the required endpoint.
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lmk if you need help
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jasje: I will look into that now and let you know if I have any doubt.
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sudip_: great. please create a ticket with what you understood or just copy my phrases and assign it to yourself
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jasje: Ok
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