

April 21st 2024

      • Goldmaster[m]1
        why is there a total of 5 disc ids for a 2 cd album? https://musicbrainz.org/release/a89861c9-de1b-4...
      • dont cd releaces have 1 toc per disc?
      • s/releaces/releases/
      • kepstin
        Goldmaster[m]1: if a disc has multiple pressings (e.g. it's produced in multiple regions, or they did additional production runs) it's not uncommon for the different pressings to end up with different disc ids.
      • Goldmaster[m]1
        thank you but its just 1 version
      • <kepstin> "Goldmaster: if a disc has..." <- its mutipule tocs on 1 release
      • kepstin
        yes, that doesn't contradict anything i just said.
      • Goldmaster[m]1
        kepstin: i thought that 1 disc would have 1 disc id not 3 for the same version? i am not talking about different versions of an album or area. i am talking 2 or more tocs on the same disc in the same area. so why would 2 idendical albums have 2 differnet tocs?
      • its a japan releace so 1 toc per disc
      • or are you saying that 2 identical albums could be made in 2 different factories, hence 2 different tocs?
      • kepstin
        that's possible, or if the release was popular sometimes even doing another production run of discs in the same factory can end up with a different TOC
      • in this case, it's also possible that people have submitted TOCs from bootleg (pirate) releases.
      • Goldmaster[m]1
        kepstin: that would be logical that was what im thinking. if someone has these on disc physically, then it worth their help in sorting them out.
      • would be a cool feature where users can request help with cd tocs and only those that have a disc physically can edit and thus sort these kind of issues out. if a factory was to do a new run, like you said, then surely it would be a reissue as a new version?
      • there is a copy of this from archive.org
      • ApeKattQuest
        it is *also* possible, if the data is old, that it was a limitation of our datamodel before the new schema change, and if there are different versions of this (eg german, us, japan) with the same tracks/trackorder. any and all discids where asigned to eacht releaseevent and whne NGS happened there was not enough info to differenciate them
      • check the edit history. if the other discs are *also* attached to other versions of this. but as kepstin said, it could simply be additional fabric pressings
      • Goldmaster[m]1: ^
      • BrainzGit
        [musicbrainz-server] 14mwiencek opened pull request #3243 (03master…mbs-11962): MBS-11962: Update privileges for all database users on schema changes https://github.com/metabrainz/musicbrainz-serve...
      • Goldmaster[m]1
        <ApeKattQuest> "check the edit history. if the..." <- ah thank you for your help. they do appear to be different fabric pressings. there are also 2 bootleg versions from TY in addition to ger and jp. I have sorted the tocs based on the info as the 2 tocs for Japan are from a personal rip. disc 2 of German version has fewer tracks. its best info I have got. but did make a note in the edits that if anyone else has different physical discs
      • to confirm and eel free to edit if new info comes to light. its highly likely the tocs are just dumped into MusicBrainz from random rips that state to be from version jp but are actually from version ty for example.
      • trying to sort out this track https://musicbrainz.org/release/855eb7ba-214d-4... on the beatport version, it says barcode as none but i know its possible to search up and find the barcode from qobuz https://www.qobuz.com/fr-fr/album/let-it-rain-h... and spotify. Does that mean that a barcode should be added to the info even though there is no bar code listed on the beatport page?Also the releace date on
      • qobuz is later than beatport? why the heck cant qobuz get their dates right? i do often think they need to be reported to qobuz so they can get the correct info
      • tux0r
        awesome to have subtitles for the artist origins graph. now i can be sure whether i have 1.0 to 1.0 or 1.0 to 1.0...
      • BrainzGit
        [musicbrainz-server] 14mwiencek opened pull request #3244 (03master…ro-connector): Add a read-only database connector https://github.com/metabrainz/musicbrainz-serve...