[listenbrainz-android] 14rahul31124 opened pull request #534 (03main…Fixed-UI-StateLoss-In-BrainzPlayerSearchScreen): Fixed UI State Loss In BrainzPlayerSearchScreen https://github.com/metabrainz/listenbrainz-andr...
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[listenbrainz-server] 14fettuccinae opened pull request #3150 (03master…LB-1726): LB-1726: Fixed following status glitching when followed from similar pane https://github.com/metabrainz/listenbrainz-serv...
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[listenbrainz-android] 14hemang-mishra opened pull request #535 (03main…feat-createdForYou-hemang_mishra): MOBILE-213: Implementation of CreatedForYou screen https://github.com/metabrainz/listenbrainz-andr...
[listenbrainz-android] 14Shreyassp002 opened pull request #536 (03main…Fix-ArtistOverview-AlbumOverview): Fix: onClick logic for ArtistsOverview and AlbumsOverview https://github.com/metabrainz/listenbrainz-andr...
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[listenbrainz-android] 1407jasjeet merged pull request #518 (03main…Feat-Songs-List): MOBILE-212: Highlight current playing song & dynamic PlayButton https://github.com/metabrainz/listenbrainz-andr...
jasje: I have implemented CreatedForYou screen in my recent PR.
I have a doubt regarding implementation of PlayAll Button, which should play all tracks of a playlist.
But I am not able to figure out how to implement this because we are playing tracks on other apps. I don't know how to make request to play multiple songs. So, should I remove the button for now? Please let me know if there is some way to implement this.
[listenbrainz-android] 1407jasjeet merged pull request #533 (03main…null_song_is_coming_in_recent_played): Bugfix: null song is coming when we click on recently played https://github.com/metabrainz/listenbrainz-andr...
<GautamShorewala[> "jasje: currently in LB when we..." <- Nah, we need landscape orientation. Google is enforcing landscape orientation in foldables and tablets.