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Hey Picard team. After following up a query on Mastodon I’d like to add some clarification to the docs. But there’s some nuance that I am still not sure about - would love some assistance!
Adjust the sliders on the right-hand side of each of the various release types to tweak how likely Picard is to match a file or cluster to releases of that types. Moving a slider to the right increases the likelihood of matching that type, while moving the slider to the left decreases the likelihood. **Setting the slider all the way to the left will only return that type if no other types are found.**
For example, you can use this to decrease the likelihood of Picard matching a file or album to a Compilation or Live version.
(My addition in bold, after discussion with outsidecontext)
This is to clarify that it may still return, for instance, a compilation, but only as a last resort
Questions I still have: Does this logic also apply to “Preferred Release Countries” and “Preferred Medium Formats” (e.g. should the note sit above all the sections on the page)
And: Just in case, I assume the logic is the same whether you use “scan” or “lookup”
aerozol: please wait with any changes until we have verified this. Because if you use Lokkup you should for example not ge any types set to 0, at least not when you haven't changed the matching threshold in the advanced options to 0.
No worries, I won’t be pushing anything until it’s clarified
Ah interesting, so the behaviour differs between scan and lookup. I wasn’t expecting that
I need to double check, but Scan does I think not apply the thresholds. Not sure if it should, though
Also about release country and mediums: those behave differently, there is no slider. you just select a few to prefer, this will boost the matching score