

January 15th 2025

      • _justin_kelly9 is now known as _justin_kelly
      • fllooo[m]
        Okay I'll try that at first
      • derwin
        kepstin: can you help me understand why the magicisrc login cookie timeout is so short? surely it doesn't matter if... uh... someone... who.. gains... access... to my computer ... can ... submit ISRCs without logging in?
      • "external links" seems to be reliably not loading when adding artists from the release editor
      • kepstinbrainz
        derwin (IRC): it's because i haven't implemented support for oauth refresh tokens. so the login cookie is limited by the length of time that the oauth token received from musicbrainz lasts for
      • i haven't bothered fixing it since it's pretty quick to relogin since musicbrainz remembers your login, at least :)
      • derwin
        oh, that makes sense. yeah, it's only annoying if you're editing on and off over the course of multiple hours and have to log in multiple times.
      • reosarevok[m]
        Oh, I was wondering the same :)
      • _justin_kelly0 is now known as _justin_kelly
      • duckfromdisc[m]
        it doesnt remember mine
      • i have to relog basically every time i use it
      • might be user error tho who knows
      • ErBear is now known as Erin
      • aerozol[m]
        This has come up before, but +1 to not having to login every time! I know it’s ‘just a few clicks’ but when you’re importing a lot of releases it adds up. But obviously it’s just kepstin doing the actual work on their free tool so we can’t be too demanding :P
      • kepstinbrainz
        yeah, the problem is that it's really not easy to fix
      • (i don't get what's up with oauth and refresh tokens anyways - what's the point of giving me a long-lived token that can be used to get new temporary tokens - just give me a long-lived token from the start)
      • aerozol[m]
        Vaguely related: I’d love to have a page where users can donate into “buckets” of donations for certain features, e.g. third party tools, userscripts (or even core features, when not done by paid devs)
      • Because maintaining and updating tools starts out fun… but quickly turns into an expectation
      • kepstinbrainz
        ah - i see why i'm not using the refresh token. to get that you have to explicitly request "offline" access
      • honestly, the fix should be done on musicbrainz side - they should hand out access tokens for online access with longer lifetimes.
      • if musicbrainz does that, magicisrc will automatically stay logged in for longer (it checks the expiry time of the returned access token)
      • but yeah - it would be possible to make magicisrc use the "offline access" request, store the refresh token, and generate new temporary access tokens when needed for submission.
      • I'd want to add a "stay logged in" or similar checkbox to make requesting offline access conditional.
      • … it actually might also be possible for me to simply hide the fact that it's occasionally re-authenticating
      • by remembering your user info, and having the submit button silently re-authenticate you (with approval_prompt=auto) when needed
      • ... well, i've thrown up a one-line hack for power users on https://magicisrc-beta.kepstin.ca/ which i'll expand on later. The "Login" button is now one-click, it doesn't re-prompt for permissions if you're previously allowed magicisrc on your account.
      • The full fix will be to make it have a "remember me" option to make it save your username, and a step hidden in the submission process to pop you through the one-click authentication flow if needed before submitting.
      • aerozol[m]
        Amazing!! I would make a ticket re. longer access tokens but it’s all a bit over my head I’m afraid. Let me know if I can help with anything