

December 1st 2015

      • mildused
        What mailing provider does MB use for notifications? I have had 2 messages go to spam.
      • FloorMuse
        Can someone help me with some pip issues when installing metabrainz?
      • mildused
        Sure FloorMuse. Shoot away
      • bitmap
        mildused: you using gmail or?
      • we send the emails ourselves
      • mildused
        bitmap, MetaBrainz Notifications <noreply@metabrainz.org>; for [MetaBrainz] Sign up confirmation
      • FloorMuse
        I have Python 3 installed, the latest version, but the install does not go through.
      • mildused
        FloorMuse, You have to have Python 2.7
      • FloorMuse
        mildused: That was my suspicion of versions not matching. How do I downgrade now?
      • mildused
        FloorMuse, It'll be best to run the folder through virtual env. start with `pip install venv`
      • FloorMuse
        mildused: Done
      • bitmap
        mildused: I meant, are you using gmail or something else?
      • mildused
        bitmap, yes I am in gmail
      • bitmap
      • mildused
        FloorMuse, Now cd into the directory and run `virtualenv venv`
      • FloorMuse
        mildused: It just made a venv folder. What do I do with that?
      • mildused
        FloorMuse, Leave that alone for now. Run `virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python2.7 venv`
      • FloorMuse
        That didn't really seem to do anything...
      • mildused
        FloorMuse, `source venv/bin/activate`
      • FloorMuse
        mildused: Now the terminal says it's under venv. Should it work now?
      • mildused
        FloorMuse, Yeah. It's all good. Run your commands again and it should work. If not, just post your queries :)
      • Freso
        FloorMuse: Are you using Linux? What distribution?
      • FloorMuse
        mildused: Thanks. It's running now. Couldn't have done it without you.
      • Freso
        FloorMuse: Also, "installing metabrainz"? What exactly are you trying to get running?
      • FloorMuse
        Freso: pi card
      • mildused
        FloorMuse, What specifically to do with Picard?
      • Freso
        FloorMuse: But what piece of software are you trying to install? When you say "install metabrainz", I'm thinking you're trying to install https://github.com/metabrainz/metabrainz-server
      • FloorMuse
        mildused: I've been using it for a while, but I want to try to learn how the program is made cross-platform and possibly make my own edits
      • Freso: My error :). Although, I have tried to install metabrainz server before, and I don't have the compatible hardware
      • mildused
        FloorMuse, Picard is built using QT4. QT4 is a Python cross-platform application and UI framework. You can easily edit the source with a GUI like QTDesigner. If you've used Visual Studio, imagine something similar...
      • Freso
        FloorMuse: I'm guessing you're thinking of musicbrainz-server now. ;)
      • metabrainz-server doesn't really demand a lot of ressources.
      • *resources
      • FloorMuse
        Freso: The recommendations are listed as 2 gigabytes of ram for the VM...
      • I am running 4gb
      • Freso
        FloorMuse: For musicbrainz-server.
      • Not metabrainz-server.
      • FloorMuse
      • Freso
        MetaBrainz has *a lot* of different projects.
      • FloorMuse
        So musicbrainz-server does require a lot of hardware?
      • Freso
        MusicBrainz is "just" one of these projects.
      • FloorMuse
        That may have been what I tried
      • Freso
        Not necessarily a lot, but certainly something beefier than an RPi. :)
      • mildused
        FloorMuse, Don't worry. I had the same confusion when I first started recently.
      • FloorMuse
        Freso: So to install the musicbrainz server, I just install it in VM, and once it boots, it'll all be working?
      • Nothing extra to install?
      • I'm on Archy Linux, is that a problem?
      • mildused
        Freso, Another one for Arch. Are you keeping track?
      • Freso
        FloorMuse: Didn't you just say that you were on a Pi of some sort?
      • If so, don't even bother trying to get musicbrainz-server running. It will be painful.
      • mildused: Nope.
      • FloorMuse
        No. I was originally trying to make picard running, but it wasn't working until mildused assisted me
      • but I guess I'll also go with the musicbrainz-server
      • I'm on a 4gb Arch Linux distro.
      • Freso
        FloorMuse: Is there a reason you're not using the picard or picard-git packages?
      • FloorMuse
        Freso: You mean the pre configured installations?
      • Freso
      • FloorMuse
        Freso: Not especially. I may have some plugins I would wish to write
      • Freso: Are you the boss?
      • Freso
        That can be done using a system-installed instance though. :)
      • FloorMuse
        Freso: I was not aware of that...
      • Freso
      • FloorMuse
        FloorMuse: I see. mildused What role are you? One of the tech geeks?
      • mildused: And wow youre a fast typer.
      • Freso
        FloorMuse: Anyway, I'm the resident community manager. mildused is a prospective student for the Google Codeā€in that kicks off next Monday.
      • FloorMuse
        mildused: How many wpm?uA
      • Freso
        Did I /ignore mildused? o.O
      • mildused
        FloorMuse, 110 on a decent day
      • Freso
        Oh, no.
      • Good.
      • mildused
        Is Freso talking?
      • Freso
      • FloorMuse
        mildused: Well all the best in your Code-In thing... What is that about?
      • mildused
      • FloorMuse
        Freso: Where is MetaBrainz based in?
      • Freso
      • FloorMuse: The world.
      • FloorMuse: Our legal basis is in California, the "CEO" and one of the developers live in Barcelona (Spain), the lead developer lives in (somewhere-I-always-forgot in the US), our system administrator, zas, lives in France, and I'm in Copenhagen, Denmark.
      • FloorMuse
        Freso: So you pick two winners for this code in?
      • Freso
        Me and the rest of the mentors, yes.
      • FloorMuse
        Wow. A pretty decent prize
      • Freso
        Are you eligible to participate? :)
      • FloorMuse
        I am, but idk if I'd go with the MetaBrainz community for this :( My expertise would rather be suitable for Mediawiki
      • Freso
        Oh, and our random jobs guy, reosarevok, lives in Estonia.
      • FloorMuse: I'm sure they would love to have you. :)
      • mildused
        FloorMuse, I understand where youre coming from, and I did some work at Mediawiki just a little bit ago. Regardless, both communities are very active and welcoming. I just feel like I found a better home here. After all, it is your choice, and you should join an organization that suits you and you truly believe in. Think of the contest as just a segue into a bustling coding world.
      • FloorMuse
        mildused: Well when you put it like that, in the short time I've been here, I have felt really comfortable. Thanks to you mildused and Freso
      • Freso
      • FloorMuse
        mildused: Since we're both in the competition, can we work together?
      • mildused
        FloorMuse, The prizes are awarded individually, so Google's rules do not recommend teams, for only one person can win the prize through a group.
      • Freso
      • But you're perfectly allowed (and encouraged!) to help each other here on IRC and via other channels!
      • That's what open source and open data is all about: sharing knowledge!
      • FloorMuse
        mildused: Umm. I was just looking for a partner to help me get started and maybe guide me through some tasks one the competition starts.
      • darwin
        that and getting toasted.. nicely toasted..
      • mildused
        FloorMuse, I guess that is fine. As Freso said, it is safe to stick to the IRC and post questions here. Someone is bound to help you out. Oh, btw. We are also given mentors to help us out
      • Freso
      • FloorMuse: Each task has at least one mentor assigned, but in addition to that mentor, there are a ton of people both here and in #musicbrainz, a lot of whom will be able to help you out with specific questions.
      • FloorMuse
        mildused: You think you can help me solve a few tasks once the competition starts?
      • Freso
        Just keep in mind that not everybody is around at the same time, even if we try to make sure there's always some around.
      • mildused
        FloorMuse, Umm. Sure. I guess. Although we will be competing against each other, I guess I don't mind losing a few tasks in the cause of growing the community.
      • Freso
        FloorMuse: As mildused and I said, the tasks you pick have mentors assigned, who are supposed to also help guide you through the task.
      • FloorMuse
        Freso: Thanks so much, I have to sign off now.
      • mildused: Best of luck on the competition. I'm going to kick your butt. Your knowledge of this seems to be quite rudimentary...
      • Freso
        mildused: It's a friendly competition though. I'd rather have a winner who may have a few less tasks under their belt because they helped other students (and thus the total sum of tasks completed is higher because of that), than someone who has twice as many done tasks but never interacted positively with their fellow students and actively got in their way etc.
      • One of the goals of the GCI is also to foster new contributors to the projects, which means that you have to be able to continue to work together after the GCI as well.
      • FloorMuse
        See mildused. You're confused. Understand what MusicBrainz is looking for!
      • Freso
        That can be difficult if you've been doing hostile competition.
      • FloorMuse
      • Freso
      • FloorMuse
        mildused: Stop getting hostile bro
      • Freso
        I'm pretty sure this goes for Drupal, Wikimedia, etc. as well.
      • FloorMuse: They never were though? mildused did offer to help you get started etc. ;)
      • FloorMuse
        mildused didn't even understand that number of tasks didn't matter
      • Freso
        I didn't say number of tasks don't matter.
      • I just said it isn't the be-all and end-all of it.
      • FloorMuse
        Freso: Don't worry. I'll make sure a joke like mildused doesn't win.
      • Freso
        ^ that's rather hostile comment though.
      • FloorMuse
        Fight fire with fire
      • Freso
        But mildused was never hostile?
      • FloorMuse
        Freso: Didn't you see what he said. He was reluctant to help me. He said ummm and I guess. He doesn't want to help me truly
      • He's just looking for points
      • Freso: mildused doesnt deserve to win if he keeps that up right?
      • Freso
        FloorMuse: Because he's new. He has been around for... less than a week? So likely not the one best suited to help you out.
      • FloorMuse
        Exactly. He has no knowledge at all of this code for metabrainz projects. How can he offer to help me?
      • As reluctantly as he did
      • mildused: Do you know anything about the Metabrainz code?
      • I have a really diverse github. I can prove that I know more code than you mildused
      • The coward probably ignored me. I'll fight him at Code-In and ruin his chances
      • Freso: Thank you for your professional help. Mildused was very unprofessional
      • mildused: I hope you figure out how code works. Seems like you are scared of competition. I will murder your challenge
      • Freso
        FloorMuse: Honestly, between the two of you, you're the one coming off rude and unprofessional.
      • darwin
        (uh, yeah, what the hell? "murder your challenge"?)
      • FloorMuse
        Freso: Do you agree that mildused was too?
      • Freso
        Not really, no.
      • FloorMuse
        It is so obvious though
      • darwin
        (you seemed to really take it and run with it, even if it were obvious, which it isn't? why assume personal bad faith etc?)
      • CallerNo6
        "Trash-talk is a form of boast or insult commonly heard in competitive situations." thanks wikipedia!
      • FloorMuse
        Ohh. I can just send him a private message. We will settle this there.