

March 1st 2016

      • rgp100
        I am getting this error upon attempting to start up the virtual box containing the database and I was wondering if anybody had any idea whats going on here. Failed to open a session for the virtual machine musicbrainz-server_default_1438788303650_86044.VT-x is not available. (VERR_VMX_NO_VMX).Result Code: NS_ERROR_FAILURE (0x80004005)Component: ConsoleInterface: IConsole {8ab7c520-2442-4b66-8d74-4ff1e195d2b6}
      • kepstin
        that's hilarious, the A/C unit they used in that picture looks like the same model as I have :/
      • (aside from mine having 'LG' branding instead of 'GoldStar')
      • it's actually nice and quiet, when not broken :)
      • er, well, maybe it's just they used the same metal body for x years, or whatever. but it looks the same.
      • CallerNo6
        kepstin probably knows this, but LG /is/ Goldstar
      • kepstin
        well, "Lucky-Goldstar" :)
      • they stopped using the Goldstar brand in north america quite a while back
      • CallerNo6
        It sounds pretty dated. Good call on their part.
      • ashutoshsaboo
        Hi. I am new to Open Source and wanted to start contributing to MusicBrainz. Could someone guide as to how to start? How to install the development environment? ANd if there are any good first bugs, that I can target to learn more about the code base?
      • JesseW
      • ashutoshsaboo: Probably a good initial step for contributing to MusicBrainz is to contribute some musical data first. What genres/areas of music are you interested in? You could try looking up some artists you are familiar with, and add missing data about them (e.g. homepages, social media accounts, birth & death dates, etc.)
      • And/or add missing albums, or (authorized) online videos, etc.
      • ashutoshsaboo
        @JesseW : Ah. That's nice. Is there any link where I could go and do that?
      • JesseW
        Well, start from https://musicbrainz.org and let us know where you get stuck! That in itself is very useful.
      • ashutoshsaboo
        Yes, I'll definitely have a look at this website. Thanks! :)
      • And also, simultaneously, how should I set up my development environment? I want to contribute something related to python. If there are some other languages involved, then I am definitely ready to lean them up, and contribute using those languages as well. So, Could you help me out on this?
      • JesseW
        (and you likely *will* get stuck -- we certainly don't have an ideal set of documentation yet)
      • https://musicbrainz.org/doc/Development is a good place to start reading about the documentation
      • ashutoshsaboo
        Hm! Yes! I'll have a look at that link.
      • JesseW
        https://musicbrainz.org/doc/MusicBrainz_Server/... discusses our virtual machine, which is a (hopefully) easier way to get things set up
      • Other people can speak more usefully about what languages are used -- I know JavaScript (incl Node.JS) is being used for a lot of the newer projects. I think BookBrainz is mostly in Python (although I may be wrong about that). MusicBrainz itself is mostly in Perl (although we're moving away from that, very slowly).
      • ashutoshsaboo
        Once I install the musicbrainz server, then does that install your new projects like - AcousticBrainz automatically on my system as well?
      • JesseW
        no, they are separate. I know less about how to get the other projects set up.
      • (I've pretty much only contributed to MusicBrainz coding, myself)
      • ashutoshsaboo
        Hmm! I see. Is there any link where I could go to learn about setting up these other projects as well?
      • JesseW
        I'm heading to sleep now -- but other people (many more knowledgeable than me) will likely also pipe up eventually. You can read the logs of this channel here: http://chatlogs.metabrainz.org/brainzbot/metabr...
      • on their own websites -- like acousticbrainz.org, etc.
      • I think for acousticbrainz, it's mostly just checking out the git projects and going from there.
      • In any case, thanks for being interested!
      • reosarevok
      • Someone answered "thank you for youe e-mail" to our subscription mail
      • Well that's better than the usual "I didn't sign up for this take me off"
      • ashutoshsaboo
        JesseW : Thanks man for helping out! I'll have a look at the links. If anyone else could help me out as well, it would be great! Thanks! :)
      • Hi. For solving the issues mentioned here - http://tickets.musicbrainz.org/browse/AB . Do I need to set up https://github.com/MTG/essentia or https://github.com/metabrainz/acousticbrainz-se... for solving these issues? Could someone help me out?
      • I can't find any link mentioned online, as to how to set up AcousticBrainz, or MusicBrainz on linux, without a VM? Any help would be appreciated! :)
      • LordSputnik
        ashutoshsaboo: most of those will be for the acousticbrainz server
      • bee2502_
        Hi , I am Bhagyashree(Bee). I am interested in contributing to MusicBrainz for GSoC. My previous work has been in Data Analytics - including Machine Learning,social media analytics and NLP and I can program well in Python , C++
      • ruaok
      • summer of code spams.
      • "how do I increase my chances of getting this project" in a private message. sigh. read the application template that tells you to NOT do that.
      • all potential GSoC Applicants: ^^
      • LordSputnik
        bee2502_: great!
      • bee2502_
        I was hoping someone could help me get started - I like multiple project ideas currently including AcousticBrainz, social media features for MusicBrainz and statistics
      • LordSputnik ^
      • LordSputnik
      • that should help you get started
      • if you want to know more about the projects, I'd suggest just taking a look around the websites :)
      • I've got a couple more ideas to add for BookBrainz, which'll hopefully be added today
      • bee2502_
        LordSputnik : I see. I was hoping you could provide me with a link to the API documentation for fetching AcousticBrainz/ListenBrainz data ?
      • Also, do you have any suggestions for the initial contributions ? I am interested in the data analytics projects rather than development and I was hoping to do some basic data analytics with the data as an initial contribution
      • What are your thoughts on this ?
      • ruoak ,alastairp ^
      • *ruaok ^^
      • ruaok
        bee2502_: you should really be able to find the API docs for fetching AcousticBrainz data.
      • if you can't, you're not qualified to be participating in GSoC.
      • bee2502_
        ruaok : yeah, sorry, I did
      • ruaok
        and really, we want ideas and projects to come from people in the community.
      • we don't really want to tell people what to do.
      • we want to hear what YOU want to do.
      • bee2502_
        hmm - I see.
      • ruaok
        until your application is accepted, you should be wooing us with your amazing skills. you should NOT be asking us for help.
      • a_k
        hey, i just read about musicbrainz from https://wiki.musicbrainz.org/Development/Summer.... can someone pl tell me what to do next?
      • ruaok
        yes, I'm actually interested in that. thanks!
      • ruaok might actually apply
      • Leftmost
        It'd put you awful close to reo, though.
      • reosarevok
        They do say they "prefer Nordic countries" but we also "prefer performers as recording artists for classical" and it only happens half of the time, so :p
      • I'd say you might as well give it a shot
      • Unrelatedly, sigh, I'm still getting newsletters from my Dutch bank. I wonder if they haven't closed my account even 6 years later
      • reosarevok hopes he doesn't unknowingly owe a ton of fees to ING
      • alastairp
        schrodinger's fees
      • you either owe nothing, or are responsible for the entire european economic downturn, but you won't know until you ask
      • reosarevok
        I mean, I'm not going to ask :D
      • I just hope I never get a legal letter from them
      • a_k
        hey, i just read about musicbrainz from https://wiki.musicbrainz.org/Development/Summer.... can someone pl tell me what to do next?
      • reosarevok
        Well, think what you'd be interested in doing and able to do I guess? That's a very generic question :)
      • ruaok
        reosarevok: I can play up that I am half Danish. :)
      • reosarevok
      • Good luck with that :)
      • ruaok
        a_k: No, you should tell us what you want to do.
      • reosarevok: :)
      • a_k
        i know python and found ListenBrainz: Statistics and ListenBrainz: A submission API compatible with Last.fm scrobblers interesting
      • ruaok: