

April 4th 2016

      • ruaok
        I went to the office with our mural artist and discussed getting a couple of wall murals done.
      • I've got some sketches if anyone wants to see.
      • Gentlecat
        do we have electricity yet?
      • ruaok
        tuesday was a mish-mash email, kind of day.
      • wednesday was travel to london.
      • thursday I had a pile of meetings. one with rassami one of our directors. she does PR and marketing and has agreed to help us tune our messages for our projects and for metabrainz.
      • and we think that when we push LB into beta we will have this polish done and do a press release.
      • reosarevok
        Gentlecat: should I take you off AB and/or LB too?
      • Freso
      • ruaok
        there was an article in vice recently that talked all about music metadata. mentioned everyone, but us.
      • so, we have a perception issue that needs fixing and over the next few months we'll work on fixing that.
      • Freso
      • zas
      • Gentlecat
        reosarevok: yeah, I usually just go and see what's new when I'm working on them
      • reosarevok
      • ruaok
        in the evening I met with a person from Berklee college of music about an initiative to improve music licensensing in the industry.
      • Gentlecat
        but it would still be nice to get separate notifications for things I watch
      • ruaok
        via open standards and open source.
      • it was a good conversation, but I remain skeptical about kumbaya solutions.
      • friday was more meetings and I could've had even more time. lots going on.
      • I'm going back to london in 3 weeks time for a conference. sigh.
      • regarding the office: we have an electrician coming tomorrow morning to sort that. not sure what needs to happen, but we only need to concern ourselves with opening the door.
      • in the middle of the night!!!
      • 8:30am!!
      • reosarevok
        Gentlecat: done too, let me know if there's more
      • Freso
        ruaok: Not like he'll be there before 10 anyway. :p
      • reosarevok
        ruaok: that's surprisingly early for Spain, must be an immigrant electrician :p
      • ruaok
        in theory the internet installer dude will be there shortly after the electrician. if he can do anything without power, that will be a miracle.
      • zas
        10 is still early morning ;)
      • ruaok
        reosarevok: yep. ;)
      • he even reiterated that I will need to be punctual.
      • chrisskye: responded with: he's german. :)
      • so, through a miracle we might have power and internet tomorrow.
      • a nice solid router is arriving tomorrow too.
      • Freso
      • Gentlecat
      • ruaok
        so, I expect power and internet some time next week. :-D
      • Freso
        Gentlecat: What?
      • ruaok
        Gentlecat: next you're going to want water too, right? sheesh!
      • chrisskye: go!
      • ruaok can tell that Gentlecat is ready to move in
      • Gentlecat
      • ruaok wonders if chrisskye returned from making food.
      • ruaok
        reosarevok: go in the meantime
      • chrisskye
        sorry...was getting food...
      • Freso
        Mm. Food.
      • reosarevok
        I had a school-mostly week.
      • Was doing support as needed, including helping some Korean students with schoolwork :D
      • Found out the IA is blocked in Russia apparently which is pretty annoying for our cover art, but not much we can do there I guess
      • ruaok
      • reosarevok
        Speaking of the IA, also got in touch with them re: making bigger thumbnails. There's a ticket in their tracker for it now, no idea when it'll get done
      • But at least it's on their side now
      • And even though the PRs are from last week really, I'm happy to see that I got the biggest part of this week's release! (at least in ticket numbers, if probably not in lines of code :p)
      • But that's about it. chrisskye: if you're not too busy with the food, go
      • chrisskye
        I’m here.
      • My main activity of last week was the time spent at Hacienda (Revenue/Tax office).
      • We have a business ID number (provisional).
      • So...I was able to start the process of getting our internet connected.
      • Still waiting for the bank approval of an account, but one step closer.
      • Other than the usual correspondence... I had a phone call with Omnifone.
      • They claim to have the ‘capability to ingest’ our metadata...but not to actually use the data.
      • Regardless...they were planting some sort of idea related to AcousticBrainz and sharing something audio...
      • So...we will keep up the conversation.
      • They were part-way to agreeing to support...or at least get their clients to... ya know, if/when they ever were to use that data...
      • Freso
        (Btw, chirlu, alastairp, zas, LordSputnik, Leftmost, rahulr, kartikgupta0909 are still on my list. Let me know if anyone wants on/off.)
      • chrisskye
        fin for me
      • Freso
        chrisskye: Pick one from that list :)
      • chrisskye
        how about in order...
      • chirlu?
      • Freso
        (Not like there's any order in the list. :p)
      • chirlu
        Nothing showable, but I may actually open one or two PRs soon.
      • chrisskye
        (“as typed”)
      • Freso
      • chirlu
        Also did some ticket triage etc.
      • fin. zas?
      • zas
        well, i was fighting a flu
      • Freso
        Did you win?
      • zas
        so spent most of my time in bed ... but i feel better now
      • ruaok
        apparently so far.
      • \ø/
      • zas
        apart that, usual maintenance
      • then the havoc saturday after corosync upgrade
      • ruaok
        havoc. good word. :)
      • zas
        i postponed the letsencrypt + chef thing as much i could, ... at a point i didnt do much ... i'll resume on this tomorrow (<---=
      • I did few tasks on Picard + userscripts side though (finally wrote the CD Baby importer)
      • alastairp
        i'm here
      • zas
        and i tried to understand which bots are running or not ... we'll discuss that later in the meeting
      • that's all, alastairp your turn ;)
      • alastairp
        oh, that's quick
      • a week or so ago we submtted a paper using acousticbrainz to one of the main academic conferences which our group participates in
      • will have news in a few months if it's been accepted or not
      • today I got back to AB code review and merged a bunch of stuff that Gentlecat had done
      • Freso
        "in a few months"... gotta love the quick turn-around in academia. :)
      • alastairp
        I'm also starting to formalise some development processes and get them written down so that we can use them for SoC
      • mostly about how much planning we do for tickets, where we talk, what is needed for a merge (tests, style, etc)
      • it's not that bad. I have 4 papers to review before the end of the month
      • then acceptance messages go out a few weeks after that
      • that's about it.
      • chirlu: ?
      • oh, wait. not quite.
      • (sorry)
      • Freso
        chirlu already went :)
      • alastairp
        oh, I see
      • Freso
        LordSputnik, Leftmost, rahulr, kartikgupta0909 are left on my list.
      • ruaok
        alastairp: +1 to documenting the process.
      • alastairp
      • Freso
        Leftmost might not be here either.
      • alastairp
        for any python people
      • I'm having a real hard time deciding how to expose attributes in pymb
      • and would appreciate any feedback on that PR
      • fin
      • Leftmost: if he's here
      • ruaok
        you really don't want my feedback. I suck at that
      • alastairp
        fine. any python people except ruaok
      • Freso
        LordSputnik, Leftmost, rahulr, kartikgupta0909: Any of you around?
      • rahulr
      • Freso
        rahulr: Go :)
      • (Sorry alastairp :))
      • rahulr
        ok. Mostly worked on PICARD-258. Hope to finish it up by tomorrow.
      • had a bit hard time around PyQt.
      • kepstin
        wow, the xml for those attributes are a mess :/
      • rahulr
        Oh, and reported and closed PICARD-806.
      • that's all. finished. :)
      • Freso
        Good job on that :)
      • alastairp
        kepstin: :)
      • Freso
        kartikgupta0909, LordSputnik, any one else?
      • LordSputnik is working on getting a new BB release done within 4 hours, so no review from me for now
      • alastairp
        shall we postpone the meeting 4 hours for you?
      • Freso
        kartikgupta0909: ?
      • LordSputnik
        alastairp: thanks
      • Freso
        Okay, let's move on!
      • zas: Bots!
      • zas
        I did a fast search to see which bots are doing what, with the help of chirlu
      • and it appears to me ... we need to clarify things, especially since some of the bots are quite useful.
      • chirlu
        Essentially, only 1½ are active at the moment.
      • zas
        Yes, so we need to list which bot should run, and perhaps ensure they do
      • ruaok
        we dont have control over all of them, do we?
      • chirlu
        Over none, essentially.
      • zas
        that's the main issue imho
      • ruaok
      • should we declare imminent domain over them and run them ourselves?
      • zas
        i think it would be wise for the most important ones
      • Freso
        I don't see it as an issue, TBH. If we want an official bot, then we should set that up, but I think it's a strength rather than a weakness that we have community members that write, maintain, and run bots.
      • ("it" = that we don't have control over the bots)
      • ruaok
        I see both zas and Freso's statements as true.
      • the important ones might be good for us to run
      • zas
        Yes it is a strength, until a random important bot stops to run
      • Freso
        Sure. But if something's important, someone else (incl. us!) can run it too, as long as the source is provided. :)