

April 18th 2016

      • Leftmost
        Where do you see this happening exactly?
      • Freso
        For the meeting later, I have these people on my list of people to do reviews: Freso, ruaok, bitmap, Gentlecat, chrisskye, reosarevok, alastairp, zas, chirlu, Leftmost, LordSputnik, stanislas, CJ_, kartikgupta0909, armalcolite, QuoraUK, rahulr
      • CJ_
        Freso, No news from me, unfortunately.
      • Freso
        We will go in that order and have at most 3 minutes per person, so please be ready beforehand.
      • If anyone wants off or on that list, let me know, preferably before the meeting.
      • CJ_: Noted.
      • QuoraUK
        Freso, no news from me either sadly, too much school work :/
      • Freso
        QuoraUK: Roger.
      • gcilou
        Meeting is in ~1 hour?
      • chrisskye
      • Freso
        gcilou: Yep.
      • An hour and five-ish.
      • gcilou
        ok! I've been confused since daylight savings :\
      • adesh
        Freso: add me to the list.. We need to share what we did in this week wrt MB, right?
      • Freso
        adesh: Yep, and will do. :)
      • adesh
        Thanks :D
      • MBJenkins
        Project musicbrainz-server_master build #364: FAILURE in 18 min: https://ci.metabrainz.org/job/musicbrainz-serve...
      • rahulr
        Got it.
      • chirlu
        gcilou: There is a short period when the US has already switched to DST and Europe not yet, but after those two or three weeks, it’s the same as before.
      • kepstin
      • Freso
        List/order for the meeting reviews is now as follows: Freso, ruaok, bitmap, Gentlecat, chrisskye, reosarevok, alastairp, zas, chirlu, Leftmost, LordSputnik, stanislas, kartikgupta0909, armalcolite, rahulr, adesh
      • I'll repeat again once the meeting starts. I'll try and find some food now. :)
      • Gentlecat
        alastairp: would be nice if you could look at https://tickets.musicbrainz.org/browse/AB-120 and AB-121 and give some feedback
      • Freso
        11 minutes.
      • Mineo
        it's the Fresos countdooooown
      • gcilou
        great thanks guys!
      • gcilou snuck in a good hour of violin practice 👍
      • Leftmost
        gcilou, ooh, violin. Very nice.
      • gcilou
      • Leftmost has been learning to fiddle.
      • LordSputnik was going to say "Leftmost prefers a good fiddle" but that sounds a whole lot worse than intended
      • lol I'm not so good at fiddle, mostly just violin ;)
      • Leftmost
        LordSputnik, good that you didn't say that. We'd think you're weird.
      • gcilou
        not like we don't already
      • LordSputnik
      • Leftmost
        LordSputnik, look at the other people here. We're all weirdos. <3
      • Freso
        Leftmost: What? There are no more languages left, so now you're learning all the instruments?
      • Leftmost
      • I'd actually wanted to learn fiddle for a very long time. Then it turned out that my (Norwegian) great-great-grandfather played and my grandmother still had his fiddle.
      • So she gave it to me.
      • Freso
        LordSputnik: I know that Leftmost also wants to learn to whack the goat properly.
      • <BANG>
      • Darn. 4 seconds late.
      • LordSputnik
        Freso: failure
      • :P
      • Freso
        I'm losing my grip.
      • Yeah. Sorry. Meeting cancelled. I'll get better for next week. D:
      • Not really.
      • Freso, ruaok, bitmap, Gentlecat, chrisskye, reosarevok, alastairp, zas, chirlu, Leftmost, LordSputnik, stanislas, kartikgupta0909, armalcolite, rahulr, adesh is the list and order of people for reviewing.
      • At most 3 minutes (but preferably less!) per person.
      • I'll start out:
      • In the last week I have…
      • Written up notes from last week's meeting: https://community.metabrainz.org/t/notes-from-m...
      • Did some GSoC administration, as we got our slots. Only 4 more days until everyone knows! :D
      • I went to a festival to perform over the weekend ( https://musicbrainz.org/event/dc6ab123-d724-467... ), but I also still managed to do some Jira administration:
      • Jira is now called "MetaBrainz JIRA" (instead of "MusicBrainz JIRA"), MBH is now "MetaBrainz Hosting" instead of "MusicBrainz …", and the Jira e-mails getting sent our now use https:// links.
      • Oh, and almost all the projects have actual MetaBrainz icons now, with AREQ and INST using gcilou's new icons. ( https://github.com/metabrainz/musicbrainz-serve... )
      • And I spent a fair amount of time reading Discourse posts, Twitter, IRC, … - being around and available.
      • ruaok's up next.
      • """
      • Last week I:
      • - Chatted with Google about BigQuery.
      • - Wolfram Alpha about monies with Chrissky.
      • - Had lunch with BMAT and Chrisky trying to iron out a misunderstanding.
      • - We went to the bank to setup the bank account.
      • - Lots of office stuff, including meeting electricians
      • - On Thursday I went to Ikea and bought a bare minimum starting set of furniture and kitchen supplies for the office.
      • - Met with our Artist to discuss the murals for the office.
      • """
      • bitmap: Go.
      • bitmap
        jeez that was fast
      • zas
        Super sonic Freso....
      • LordSputnik
        Freso: request for more time to read before moving on :P
      • Freso
        bitmap: Okay. Take a breath. :)
      • zas
      • bitmap
        I worked on the editing UI for alternative releases/tracklists all week
      • LordSputnik
        Freso: I guess we should rename "MusicBrainz JIRA" in our Alpha banner then?
      • Freso
        LordSputnik: And move to use the new logos too. ;)
      • bitmap
        not much to show still, ironing out all the bugs and implementing the medium editing stuff
      • fin
      • Freso
        bitmap: Still, exciting. :) Will it be testable somewhere soonish?
      • LordSputnik
        Freso: new logos? Not the ones in metabrainz/metabrainz-logos/final-logos?
      • Freso
        LordSputnik: No, those ones.
      • bitmap
        if it's not within two weeks then that's a sign of trouble
      • Freso
        LordSputnik: The current Jira banner is using the old brain logo.
      • bitmap
      • Freso
        bitmap: :)
      • Gentlecat: Go.
      • LordSputnik
        Freso: oh, I was referring to the one on https://bookbrainz.org/ which has no logo
      • Freso
        LordSputnik: Oh.
      • Gentlecat
        I mostly worked on cleaning up old PR's for CritiqueBrainz
      • Freso
        LordSputnik: Yeah, sure. :D
      • Gentlecat
        finished some that were incomplete and abandoned, closed some
      • biggest is probably builds for static files, similar to MBS and AB
      • then I implemented a fix for MEB-34 💰
      • and upgraded sentry
      • that's it. nothing else
      • Freso
        chrisskye: Go.
      • chrisskye
        I can’t recall if we mentioned it last week, but Monday was a conference call with Dart music.
      • Freso
        Gentlecat: Still, it's a worthwhile endeavour getting cleaned out in old PRs. :)
      • chrisskye: I don't think it was.
      • Gentlecat
        nobody else is going to do that, so
      • chrisskye
        They are building a database, that started with a focus on Classical music. They’d like to share/trade. ruaok was reviewed some stuff they sent us.
      • Freso
      • chrisskye
        We had lunch with BMAT. Determined that they aren’t using the database that much, because they need to use the label’s own databases.
      • Legal reasons. But, interesting to talk to them.
      • We also spoke with WolframAlpha.
      • Freso
      • chrisskye
        I believe they agreed to give us a retroactive support payment, and some support going forward.
      • Freso
      • chrisskye
        AND, to build something to help spot commercial users of our database and notify us, maybe.
      • Freso
        And time's up. :)
      • chrisskye
        We need to get their logo up.
      • Freso
        reosarevok: Go.
      • chrisskye
        The rest was trying to get Electricity!
      • reosarevok
        I opened a style discussion. That was about it. A hard one too!
      • Gentlecat
        https://metabrainz.org/supporters probably needs some updates
      • LordSputnik
        reosarevok: what on?
      • Freso
        Box sets and 2-in-1s
      • reosarevok
        I'm on the phone, can anyone get the link?
      • But yeah, 2-on-1 comp
      • Freso
      • Mineo
        chrisskye: sometimes it's easy to spot websites using MB data by search for the musicbrainz test artist :-)
      • Freso
        alastairp: Go.
      • Or not.
      • chirlu: Go.
      • chrisskye
        Mineo: yeah. Wolfram is interesting though....serious tech... ;)
      • chirlu
        Uh, I thought zas was first?
      • Freso
        Oh, sorry.
      • zas: Go.
      • zas
      • chirlu
        Anyway, nothing visible, but I have to finish some schema change things. Fin.
      • zas
        i installed and updated many SSL certs, and did a lot of clean up related to this
      • then i did a lot of cleanup in our gateway nginx confs
      • on Friday, with ruaok, we went through MBH tickets, and closed obsolete ones, plus fixed few
      • usual maintainance, server updates, nagios rules fixes
      • i also fixed a very annoying issue related to corosync and dns
      • it was responsible of very bad things after any corosync package upgrade
      • Freso
        Leftmost: Go.
      • Leftmost
        Worked with LordSputnik to get the April BookBrainz release debugged and out the door. It's out in prod now and we've found more bugs (surprise), so I'll try to get those fixed up this evening.
      • I've also been digging through the current MBS code trying to find all of the places we fetch barcodes from the database to get those fixed up for my schema change ticket.
      • I will probably end up stealing a bunch of someone's time to make sure I get everything.