

April 18th 2016

      • Leftmost
      • Freso
        LordSputnik: Go.
      • LordSputnik
        This week we released a new BookBrainz into the wild! Release went fairly smoothly, and I set up replication of MusicBrainz area, gender and language tables once per day too. Had some issues with new constraints we've introduced on the database, which meant that I had to change some blank alias names/sort name and identifier values to dummy values. But nothing lost, since they should never have been blank
      • anyway.
      • CatQuest reported some issues with BB. I *think* the big issues he's seeing are easily fixable, and stem from the new Object.assign syntax not being converted to something older browsers can deal with. If he's around we can try a quick fix tonight. However, this doesn't affect any of our officially supported browsers - http://bb-user-guide.readthedocs.org/en/latest/....
      • ^ actually Leftmost already diagnosed that earlier, but I hadn't read the logs back then ;)
      • I've now started looking into MB OAuth for BookBrainz login, and that's also working reasonable well. At the moment I can authenticate visitors to BB with their MB logins, and I've written some prototype code to link existing BB user accounts to MB accounts. Just needs to schema changes to add a new column to store the matched MB user.
      • zas forgot (mainly for bitmap): we change the format of nginx logs on gateways, reducing the number of logs while preserving the valuable data, disk writes ops divided by 2
      • I'm hoping to submit a patch to MB to add the editor ID field to the /userinfo endpoint, but my personal sandbox on Rika is out of date and broken, so I'll probably do it on my own desktop. (as a side note, if someone could nuke my sandbox and set up a shiny new one, that'd be very much appreciated)
      • bitmap
        zas: very nice
      • LordSputnik
      • Freso
        stanislas: Go.
      • Leftmost
        LordSputnik, poke me about that later and I'll see if I can figure it out.
      • Freso
        Or not. And kartikgupta0909 and armalcolite aren't here.
      • rahulr: Go.
      • rahulr
      • Worked on picard design a bit, basically the info dialogs.
      • Currently am working on displaying cover art changes in main window. Will propose a PR soon.
      • Leftmost
        Freso, he was out of the channel when you said that.
      • rahulr
        Besides that, last week was super busy with college assignments and quizzes (all the deadlines hit me pretty bad).
      • that's all. fin. :)
      • Freso
        Leftmost: Oh.
      • stanislas: Go. :)
      • Leftmost
        No excuse now. :)
      • Freso
        Okay then.
      • adesh: Go. :)
      • adesh
        I started working a bit on CB-203
      • Tried to update and fix CB-36's PR and CB-198's PR
      • CB-36 PR has some weird issue
      • Freso
      • adesh
        Couldn't successfully fix either of the PRs :/
      • done
      • Freso
      • adesh
        should i always attach the URL too?
      • Freso
        adesh: Naw.
      • Hopefully we'll Soon™ get a bot to do it.
      • LordSputnik
        adesh: there used to be a bot, Freso is just standing in
      • adesh
      • Freso
        Anyway, that's it for reviews!
      • adesh
        thanks Freso :p
      • Freso
        And we're not even a half hour in!
      • :o
      • Freso: Bot CoC!
      • I've made some slight changes to our Bot Code of Conduct as per our discussion two weeks ago.
      • I believe all points that were brought up in the discussion on the forums ( https://community.metabrainz.org/t/rfc-revised-... ) have been resolved.
      • Any objections to adopting this?
      • Anyone approving of adopting this?
      • LordSputnik
        Freso: looks good to me
      • +1 to adopting
      • Freso
        Alright then.
      • Freso: HTTPS!
      • LordSputnik
        Freso: 1/1 votes for adopting, I guess that's a majority ;P
      • Freso
        Incl. me it's 2 of 2 votes. :p
      • Per the ticket, the reason we stopped requiring/forcing was because Picard didn't support HTTPS'ing. AFAIK Picard does HTTPS by itself now, so it would probably work now.
      • It it time to implement this?
      • zas bitmap chirlu?
      • bitmap
        re the bot stuff I haven't read all the changes but what I saw lookedgtm
      • zas
        same for me, looks ok
      • Freso
      • chirlu
        Can other relevant clients access the WS via HTTPS?
      • Freso
        Jaikoz? :p
      • Kodi should maybe be reached out to.
      • I'm pretty sure beets can.
      • Mineo
        I think it would be good to test picard with the minimum supported versions of pyqt and python just to make sure nothing there causes any problems
      • LordSputnik
        Blog about it and ask for feedback?
      • Freso
        LordSputnik: Alright.
      • LordSputnik
        And also maybe contact the developers of any clients we know about besides Picard
      • Freso
        Do we have an extensive list somewhere (on the wiki)?
      • LordSputnik
        Freso: at minimum I'd go with the affiliate taggers plus beets
      • Freso
        zas: Perhaps you can grep the logs for what clients are using /ws/?
      • kepstin
        check all the official libraries, e.g. libmusicbrainz, etc.
      • LordSputnik
        And maybe acoustid uses the WS?
      • kepstin
        probably better to check the libraries than individual clients
      • Freso
        Perhaps we can make musicbrainz.org/(!ws)/ go HTTPS and let /ws/ sit as HTTP+HTTPS for some time yet?
      • kepstin
        individual clients that we suspect aren't using the official libraries should be notified tho
      • LordSputnik
        (actually acoustid uses a local DB IIRC)
      • Freso
        zas: ^
      • zas
        Freso: yes
      • chirlu
        Yes, AcoustID has an mbslave-run DB.
      • bitmap
        we can try making beta https-only first too so clients have something to test against
      • Freso
        Would any object to making non-/ws/ HTTPS-only and then we can blog and contact devs about possibly making /ws/ HTTPS only later on?
      • zas
        bitmap: +1
      • Freso
      • bitmap
        what Freso suggested sounds fine too I think
      • zas
        Yes; we'll do it on beta first
      • Freso
        So resolution is: make non-/ws/ HTTPS-only, make beta.mb HTTPS-only, blog about making prod. mb.o/ws/ HTTPS-only and poke clients about it (and that they can test against beta.mb.o)?
      • bitmap
        thought /ws/js should also be https if the site is
      • *though
      • Freso
        Doesn't that already use // links?
      • bitmap
        possibly, yeah
      • Freso
        But resolution is fine in general and we can see if we stumble over something while implementing it?
      • bitmap
        sounds fine in general
      • Freso
      • Motion carried then.
      • Freso: PYMB!
      • https://tickets.musicbrainz.org/browse/PYMB is not used; they use GitHub for ticket tracking. alastairp said earlier: "I think I asked for it be created... Maybe 6 years ago?" and said it was fine to delete it.
      • Any objections?
      • zas
        Fine ;) it shouldn't be change anything :P
      • Freso
        Not at all.
      • I just like to ask before doing what amounts to a destructive edit.
      • (The name changes I did without asking first could easily be reverted, it will be somewhat more work to restore PYMB once I delete it.)
      • Okay, I guess motion carried again then.
      • Freso: ISNIs!
      • After 2½ years of nothing happening, we have started up talk again about becoming an ISNI member. So yay for that. :)
      • We have also been offered a recent dump of the ISNI database, if anyone wants to write a bot or something to scrape the data and add it to MB.
      • Do anyone want to write a bot or something that gets the data into MB? :)
      • Or have any other questions about ISNI stuff? Not sure how much I can answer, but some stuff maybe. :)
      • chirlu
        I.e. the existing MBIDs in the ISNI database?
      • Freso
        I would assume that they're part of the dump, yes.
      • Leftmost
        Freso, I'm curious what our obligations are and how we benefit, but that might be a bit broad of a question for the meeting.
      • Freso
        Leftmost: Yes, and I'm not sure what obligations would be, but I understand that one benefit would be API access.
      • I'll have them send the dump to info@meb and we (me, reo, ruaok) can forward it if someone steps up and wants to look into it, so just let us know.
      • Anyone have any final comments?
      • Leftmost wants to, but probably shouldn't commit to it. :-P
      • ;)
      • I'm thinking it might also be interesting for BB.
      • Leftmost
      • Freso
        Alright, let's close up the meeting then.
      • Thank you for your time. :)
      • </BANG>
      • With more than 12 minutes to spare. :)
      • I felt the reviews ran much smoother today.
      • Leftmost
      • If I want to update my bio on the MeB site, who do I submit that to?
      • Freso
        chrisskye and zas got a bit pressed for time, but otherwise it seems like everyone had enough time and we managed to get them done in less than half an hour.
      • Leftmost
        You mean I have to learn how to use git? Boo!
      • gcilou
        ^ I'll do it for ya if you wanna be lazy ;)
      • Freso
        Leftmost: Yeah, we haven't switched that project over to Mercurial yet. Soz.
      • zas forgot another thing: i upgraded to grafana 3.0 beta5 today, final version will be out soon, and 3.x has better support for latest influxdb versions (that i will upgrade too, as it provides interesting features for us).
      • Leftmost
        I miss the days of CVS. Didn't have to worry about all this branching and pushing and pulling. You just wrote your changes and committed!
      • zas
        "I miss the days of CVS" <--- not me ;)
      • Leftmost doesn't actually miss the days of CVS.
      • chirlu
        All this modern “version control” stuff … I don’t know, you only need the most recent thingy, don’t you?
      • Leftmost
        zas, it's typical that I have to tell my coworkers how much I love git a couple times a day.
      • Interactive rebase before push, good branch management, cherry-pick, format-patch, bisect...
      • The more I use it, the more I love it. Like vim.
      • zas
      • i remember when i first used git, that was on the ELinks project, because Pasky (Petr Baudis) was patching this almost abandonned project that was Git at this time and was contributing to ELinks as well, and we started to use it for ELinks sources (and it was awful... at the start), that was back to ... 2005 (see http://elinks.cz/download.html : "Note, as of
      • 2005-09-15, the ELinks CVS interface has been obsoleted. We have moved to GIT, ..."
      • Freso