

May 1st 2016

      • bitmap
        "Attribute (data) does not pass the type constraint because" is gonna haunt me for years
      • I'll gladly switch to Moo if it means we get error messages like https://gist.github.com/tobyink/5781007
      • MBJenkins
        Project pytools build #12: SUCCESS in 33 sec: https://ci.metabrainz.org/job/pytools/12/
      • Gentlecat
        uh, finally done
      • I'm actually like that more now. properly tested and portable
      • r/like/liking
      • loujine
        reosarevok: regarding the auto-editors election process, there were some problems when you tried in January right? do you know if it was fixed?
      • bitmap
      • MBJenkins
        Project pytools build #13: SUCCESS in 31 sec: https://ci.metabrainz.org/job/pytools/13/
      • MajorLurker
        reosarevok, I have nominated loujine again, if it has not been fixed??? And seconders required if it has :)
      • bitmap
        ok, I'm sold, Moo + Types::Standard is everything I ever dreamed of
      • except MooseX::ABC, MooseX::Role::Parameterized are used extensively and probably break
      • sigh, so tired of OO in perl
      • Gentlecat
      • MBJenkins
        Project pytools build #14: SUCCESS in 28 sec: https://ci.metabrainz.org/job/pytools/14/
      • Leftmost
        bitmap, do you see any way forward for getting rid of Perl incrementally, or does it have to be all-in?
      • bitmap
        hmm, well, it's not something I've thought about too much, since I've been too busy working on features
      • needs a lot more discussion to come up with a plan, if we ever want to do that
      • Leftmost
        Fair enough. It's been in the back of my mind for a while, but it's non-trivial.
      • bitmap
        when we finish porting templates to React, that will remove some large chunks of perl
      • ws3 may be written in a different language, too, but that's still vaporware
      • Leftmost nods.
      • darwin
        perl is the language for 2016 and beyond
      • perl 6, specifically
      • it's going to be great
      • bitmap
        right, lol. though I'll admit perl 6 is actually really cool
      • reosarevok
        Freso: what's the situation re: autoeditor group?
      • (oh wait, I guess he was at some festival or something)
      • loujine, MajorLurker: I don't think there's any automatic mailing yet, but *maybe* we have a way to contact all autoeditors now. Freso will know, once he's back...
      • Leftmost
        He'll probably even know before then, but it will be more difficult for him to tell us.
      • reosarevok
        ... you're a terrible human being, Leftmost
      • Also correct :p
      • ruaok: I have no idea about how any of the donation stuff works so please take that one :)
      • (but not today I guess, it's DO NOT WORK day :D )
      • ruaok
        reosarevok: lol.
      • the bottom line: make a donation, get credit for $donation / $4 per month credit.
      • $4 = 1 month, $8 = 2 months.
      • so, tell him he is right, new donation needed. :)
      • reosarevok
        Tricking me to work on Labour day. Dirty capitalist.
      • Ok, will do :)
      • ruaok
        ha. that was just info, not a demand to work.
      • :)
      • reosarevok
        But you know I'll forget it all by tomorrow otherwise :D
      • Ok, answered
      • ruaok supresses another snarky comment
      • suppressing snarks sounds almost like work
      • TOPIC: MetaBrainz Community and Development channel | MusicBrainz non-development: #musicbrainz | MeB meeting [at 19 UTC] agenda: Reviews, SSO (Sean), New Search Servers?
      • LordSputnik
        Leftmost: we did come up with a plan for ditching Perl in Berlin :) I'll try to remember what it was
      • KodeStar
        zas, you are going with SOLR for the new search servers right?
      • Freso
        reosarevok: Situation re: autoeditor group is that we need someone to write a plugin for Discourse to deal with it.
      • TOPIC: MetaBrainz Community and Development channel | MusicBrainz non-development: #musicbrainz | MeB meeting [at 19 UTC] agenda: Reviews, SSO (Sean), New Search Servers? (zas)
      • zas: Please do add your name when you add a topic so I know why I have to poke about talking about it. :)
      • reosarevok
        loujine, MajorLurker: so, there's still no good way to let all autoeditors know there's an election going on :(
      • MajorLurker
        bugger, so should I just cancel it again? That´s unfortunate.
      • Freso
        Leftmost: Re: gamification, I agree with your sentiment.
      • LordSputnik Leftmost, re: Google Fonts API, we could possibly copy the fonts over to staticbrainz once that comes around. Or does Google Fonts provide something more than just the font?
      • KodeStar
        Freso: I think google font provides he best option depending on what the browser supports iirc
      • i.e. OT, EOT, WOF, or SVG
      • also if you are using a popular google font like open sans or lato then it's likely to be cached on the users machine already anyway so no extra download
      • Freso
      • KodeStar: The second part is kind of what staticbrainz would also alleviate. :) https://tickets.musicbrainz.org/browse/MBH-413
      • bitmap: Is https://community.metabrainz.org/t/musicbrainz-... something you can answer?
      • Or Gentlecat perhaps?
      • KodeStar
        Freso: yeah, that would work for regular visitors
      • madmouser1
        hi all, just out of curiosity (I am busy with freemusicarchive seeder - testing it now) but something I am thinking off is ... how do we link things like the FreeMusicArchive album id to the MB release id ? else we just end up with another release of the same album with a different external link... surely catching / storing the freemusicarchive id's againgst MB id's make more sense ? or am i on the wrong track here
      • like discogs id's
      • Freso
        madmouser1: Are FMA id's "URLable"?
      • If so, it might make sense to have FMA added to the "other databases" whitelist and you could link up MBID→FMA ids.
      • madmouser1
        hi Freso. no but it is in the API
      • Freso: let me quickly check if tere is a correlation
      • Freso: I can't find a correlation between FMA URL & FMAid, but teh FMA id is in FMA API for each album & track and that can be referenced in the api.
      • can I pass (via web seed iow. add realease a "other database" id ? that way I can seed the FMA id for each track and album.
      • I can get the FMA URL from the FMA id via the API ...
      • Freso
        madmouser1: Can you get the FMA id via an FMA URL?
      • Freso has no idea how the FMA looks like
      • madmouser1
        Freso: No you can't, currently I get it via jQuery in the page then i make an FMA API call to get all the info
      • two examples below just to demonstrate
      • the APi have a album_url property that link to FMA URL
      • zas
        I'm thinking about centralizing logs from all servers we run, currently log rate is about 1Mbytes/s (all servers cumulated), this will multiplied by 3 at least soon, and to be safe i target 10Mbytes/s . If someone has experience with a tool able to centralize syslog logs as well as user-defined logs (our nginx logs are not in standard format, and we have
      • various apps around with very specific log format), i'm curious about that. For now, we just want to centralize, but in the future parsing/analyzing/etc ...
      • madmouser1
        so what I want to do is push (link that FMA album_id to a MBID
      • zas: what about logstash into elasticsearch for the logs
      • zas: logstash have grok patterns you can use for logs
      • zas
        madmouser1: yes, that's a possibility, do you use it atm ? at which rate ?
      • ofc i saw fluentd, nxlog, etc... but my question is more about actual experience with those tools and performance/resources/hardware
      • madmouser1
        zas: yes i do, not at a 10mb rate, at most i do few 1000 log lines from about 10 sources
      • per second
      • but logstash can handle it and Elasticsearch can be in a cluster (for scaling)
      • Freso
        madmouser1: I don't think there's a good way to have FMA ids in MB at this moment though. We'd either need to add a new field for it (unlikely to happen) or get attributes ("single point releationships") ported to releases. Either approach would be a schema change and would thus not happen before November at the earliest.
      • s/though/then/
      • But we can probably link to the FMA pages anyway, using either "download for free" relationships or something else. reosarevok would be the one to know that.
      • reosarevok
        Yeah, I've linked to FMA before I think with download for free
      • madmouser1
        Freso: noted, yes I do a "download for free" link at the moment, but just thought it is such a waste to loose a opportunity to pass the FMA id to MB
      • reosarevok
        (you can also store the license as a URL)
      • Is there a way to get from the URL to the ID?
      • madmouser1
      • currently i get the id from the "embed in page" and tehn to a API call
      • but as I have both pieces of info in the seeder I thought .. let me ask :-0
      • )
      • reosarevok
        I mean there's nothing wrong with seeding the ID to the annotation at least
      • madmouser1
        do MB store the notes for each import somewhere ?
      • or a "comments field" then I can seed the FMA id to that, else I will just leave it for mow and revisit later