And the dependency ppa for the dataset evaluation tool is ready
That's it
Thanks kartikgupta0909 :)
cetko: Go!
Right. So I've been trudging my way through the eldritch horrors of google apis to design the bigquery schema suitable for acousticbrainz queries
I think I've got it but I've just gotten access to a server and acousticbrainz data that I need to upload to test the efficiency of typical queries
That's about it, stay tuned
and I'm thinking of buying the eldritch horror board game
cetko: if you do, let me know how it goes! I'm too dumb for Arkham Horror but I've read this is simpler to play :p
will do :)
cetko out
Freso: prod
Freso: prod prod
Yep, sorry. Was just sending off a friendly e-mail. :)
Freso: Pythonic block of SOLR
CJ_ has stated that his SOLR work is currently blocked by not being proficient/familiar enough with Python, so if any Pythonistas are around who would like to help see the state of SOLR improve, please go poke at tickets in and/or ping CJ_ when he's around.
And I mostly want to know whether that's a program we're going to keep or if we're going to try and phase it out.
(It's been discussed a few times, and I haven't been able to answer.)
it still brings ~300€/month.
so, I'm not not inclined to get rid of it. if both of the projects that are in the program die out we can kill it. but in the meantime I see no reason to fix something that isn't broken
ruaok: But that could maybe be moved to the system(?). Do we accept new applicants to it?
Can we enroll Picard in it so Picard gets listed in the same places as the affiliate program taggers do?
is picard suffering from a lack of exposure?
I think that was the conclusion in one discussion at least.
Can we keep those that are grandfathered in, but not accept new taggers?
picard is not in the tagger program.
My understanding is that there may be little/no demand for new entries into the program...
so, lets not put it in there. let's just highlight in more clearly on the new site design that gcilou is working on
correct, this program is on the way out since people do not really care about their music collections anymore.
not the way they used to. thanks for spotify et al
I have no issue offering a new tagger the option of the old or new support model
I'd say for now, no change, but highlight Picard on our home page.
Freso: Summit 16
So we've finally decided on dates and place for MB Summit 16!
Freso's house!
Details at - but for those who don't want to click stuff: dates: Sept. 22nd-24th in Barcelona (hopefully at the office (which is apparently going to be my new house to - the more you know!), if it's gotten power by then).
ruaok: is it safe to ignore this warning while building the search-server: "'build.plugins.plugin.version' for org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-resources-plugin is missing. @ line 113, column 12"
i get like 5 other warnings like that for other plugins
i also tried to install the plugins using centos package manager but I keep getting the warnings no matter what
what matters is BUILD SUCCESS or BUILD FAILURE in the end.