alastairp: I have made a new PR with a new branch with the suggested changes.
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kartikgupta0909: I had a look. it's a lot better this time, thanks!
what are you plannin on working on next? can you make a start on the client software without your API being merged into the main website?
I have started
I will make a config file similar to that of the AB-client
where the user will have his API key
the client read the API key from there, makes a login
asks the server for list of jobs
since we only need the API end point we dont need to wait for the server code to be merged
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Freso: I can’t be here for the meeting. My topic is about whether we want to convert Discogs URLs to https like we did with Wikidata (Discogs is now redirecting to https always, too). You can either discuss without me or postpone.
kartikgupta0909: cool. I'm looking forward to seeing it
You need server endpoints to get the lowlevel data, and to submit the results and .history file, right?
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freso: this week I do not have anything to say :( ...stuck with the thesis presentation, is fine if I miss this week meeting because I have to work more?!
People up for reviews tonight: Freso, reosarevok, bitmap, Gentlecat, zas, ruaok, LordSputnik, Leftmost, Leo_Verto, alastairp, rahulr, QuoraUK, armalcolite, kartikgupta0909 - let me know if you want on/off. Meeting is in ~1½ hour.
Oh, I totally forgot it was Monday!
reosarevok: Which is one of the reasons for that notice. ;)
Good you mentioned or I might have gone out with Pokémon Go at the time :p
As I said... :)
Freso: can take me off the list, nothing to report yet
reosarevok: You could also add the MetaBrainz community calendar to your phone's calendar and set an alarm for the meeting. ;)
Gentlecat: I prefer to not take employees off, even if your report is "I did nothing the last week.", you should still report that.
well, you can say that for me if you want
So you
re not going to be present at all for the meeting?
I'm very busy atm, I don't want to wait for my turn or whatever
Freso, no report from me this week.
Freso, neither from me, again D:
mihaitish has quit
(says he, after doing some style work for the first week in a month + )
freso: yes I will be back on Thursday morning :) and for next week meeting for sure!!!
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uhm I have a thing: which is that maye adding a blogpost with the instruments I've added once a week would be a good idea? so that those people with suboptimal credits/annotations/editnotes/etcetra can all go "ooh so that's been added now"
and thne add it
or bi-weekly, if that's better
do you mean semi-weekly? :P
no. like every 2 weeks
btw. any fans of kraftwerk here? can now add the "tubon" credit on the first album :D
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ruaok prods Freso
Psh. Last week I even started a second early!
Hi all! List of people of for reviews: Freso, reosarevok, bitmap, zas, ruaok, LordSputnik, alastairp, rahulr, QuoraUK, armalcolite, kartikgupta0909
Let me know if you want on/off :)
Freso: go!
I helped review a blog post about AcousticBrainz Gentlecat is/was writing (it hasn't been published yet though).
Worked on upgrading Discourse, but something happened, and I had to have zas' help to actually finish the updating.
I also finished up paper work related to the GCI trip and generally been around and about in the community. Been a bit of a lazy week for me though.
reosarevok: Go (no PKMN)!
I finally dealt with that open thread about compilations
(2-in-1s are comps now!)
As mentioned last week, I opened a few threads just before last meeting - after this I'll go and check if there's enough info for deciding stuff now :)
Some support, and tons of editing, aided by loujine's new scripts (thanks loujine)
I worked more on moving chef-cookbooks/server-configs stuff into docker...basically trying to get the equivalent of a ./ working with the docker stuff
closer to having something usable but it'd be good to discuss this more
since I'm not sure if what I'm doing is the best way
I'm down for that.
lets see if we can do that later this week. maybe wed?
yeah, sounds good
I'm hoping to have fixed the VM filespace issue then
bitmap: fin?
I fixed the mbs Dockerfile so it doesn't need a volume anymore...I just have the nginx container based on the mbs one now
Okay then. :)
so they share the same image and have access to the same files, though it probably uses more space
also reviewed some gsoc stuff which I'm now a bit behind on
so I'll check the picard PR again today (sorry rahulr)
Thanks bitmap :)
zas: Go!
Fixed data.mb.o (it was DWNI mess), tried to make some space on Wiley backup disk, which is out of space again, various security upgrades, had to reboot asterix after it freaked out, many MB edits, nothing more, still busy on personal stuff, and that's summer ... fin.