zas: Is there a reason for someone who's making 1 request every 5 seconds to the ws to be getting 503? Assuming a proper UA. Or is it just the server load being too high again?
reosarevok: since we are at max capacity, some requests are refused due to global limit
Thought so. Thanks!
even if someone respects 1 req/s, he still gets refusals
not very happy with it, but we handle 700+ req/s atm, mostly for web service, and we can't do much more before the move to NewHost
madmouser1 joined the channel
web servers are at max load
Ok, told them
totoro could handle more though, but we are at max bandwidth
Sigh. My "Norwegian" to/from Spain will be a HiFly lease. I bet those don't have free wifi.
Freso: can you highlight me for a sec? i wanna test this "beep" I've set in the prefsto see if it works/how loud
CatQuest: I'm not sure I can highlight you only for one second. :/
lol :P i thikn you knew what i meant
hm.. that wasn't very liud, can you try doing it to , well iant try pinging catcat myself
ok, fres: can I ask you may you ping *both* catcat and catquest?
erh, Freso
higher chance of me hearing you
you need my obnoxious flashing terminal hilight :P
won't help because I'm not looking at this screen (else I'd just see the docker window bouncing)
i'm looking at a screen that is lirreally in front of this one
ahh, fair enough :P
btw anyone that want to play torchlight II :D
diana_olhovyk_ joined the channel
List/order of people for reviews tonight: Freso, reosarevok, bitmap, Gentlecat, zas, LordSputnik, Leftmost, Leo_Verto, alastairp, CatCat / CatQuest, rahulr, QuoraUK, armalcolite, hellska (in ~34 minutes)
Let me know if you want on/off.
Freso: wondering if it's ok if I can go earlier ? (if not that's ok too)
feeling a bit unwell, so I just wanna paste my bit and be done :)
you're call
CatQuest: Okay.
nei.. your call
:o thanks!
hellska joined the channel
Hello people!
diana_olhovyk_ has quit
I'm exhausted, so I hope to keep the meeting short. Rob is on his way home from vacation, so maybe he'll pop in, but if not, I'm letting him have his last few hours off.
People up for reviews: Freso, reosarevok, bitmap, Gentlecat, zas, CatQuest, LordSputnik, Leftmost, Leo_Verto, alastairp, rahulr, QuoraUK, armalcolite, hellska - let me know if you want on/off.