

      • Zialus has quit
      • Zialus joined the channel
      • saifulbkhan has quit
      • github joined the channel
      • github
        [picard] samj1912 opened pull request #697: PICARD-1064: Fix verbose tests (master...picard1064) https://git.io/vSiOH
      • github has left the channel
      • reosarevok
        ruaok: are you leading this or me then?
      • (unless Freso is magically around)
      • samj1912
        oh meeting time
      • totally slipped my mind :P
      • samj1912 will brb
      • reosarevok guesses he'll do it
      • samj1912 \o
      • ruaok
        I'll do it.
      • I thought I sent an email to that effect.
      • reosarevok
        So did I :p
      • That's why I was asking :)
      • Ok, all yours
      • ruaok
        ah, yes. sorry.
      • reosarevok
        (let's have Freso on first so I don't forget to paste his stuff though :p)
      • ruaok
        I've been itching to power through a pile of the open issues since tail end of the meeting always seems to drag on these days.
      • reosarevok: go for freso and then yourself!
      • reosarevok
        no bang? :(
      • ruaok
      • reosarevok
        Freso, go!
      • "🙋
      • In the last week I handled some reported editors, poked a bit more at the KEXP (they seem to be behaving better now).
      • Kept up with forums and IRC.
      • And then on Saturday I went to https://musicbrainz.org/event/1412f700-e9cf-452... and am here now.
      • Tonight I will have just given a talk about "metadata and MusicBrainz for musicians and music fans", which I hope to inspire a couple more Danish (and maybe non-Danish) contributors. I guess we'll see. (I know at least a couple of the people here are already MusicBrainz fans, so I'm not in the toughest crowd.)
      • (I also earlier today talked with a music manager that's involved with the Irish Traditional Music Archive who will put me in touch with some people there who are about to start a metadata project of their own. We'll see what (if anything) comes from that.)
      • I'll be going "home" Friday (to Cph/Lund – ~1½ week then until I go home)."
      • reosarevok: go!
      • Oh, that's me. So, I did support, mostly, and I'm currently finishing a draft of the new and very short feat. artists guideline
      • ruaok groans
      • Once that's done, I'll write a blog post too, in case some other tagger makers or whoever want to know about the changes and adapt to them
      • (Picard is already there, thanks to samj1912)
      • samj1912
      • reosarevok
        Once that's out, I'll dedicate this week at looking properly at the events guideline discussion, and hopefully having a complete proposal for that by the end of the week
      • And Friday to Sunday I'll be in Latvia waking up way too early to take nature photos at dawn, and seeing giraffes and stuff. And Spanish flamenco, because of course the main folk bar in Riga would have *that* the day I'm there :D
      • Fin. samj1912?
      • samj1912
        Hello everyone :D
      • ferbncode
        Hi everyone :)
      • ruaok
        giraffes and flamenco in latvia? odd.
      • reosarevok
        Latvia is an odd place
      • D4RK-PH0ENiX has quit
      • ruaok
        still up: everyone who wants to go who hasn't gone yet!
      • iliekcomputers
        I miss Freso :P
      • samj1912
        so this week I got a ton of work done (100+ commits), first off was the mega PR gh:P#664
      • BrainzBot
        PICARD-558: Initial port to Py3: https://github.com/metabrainz/picard/pull/664
      • zas
      • samj1912
        apart from that, I updated the plugin endpoints on PW to allow it to serve plugins for various versions, specifically gh:PW#59
      • BrainzBot
        Implement plugin api v2 endpoints: https://github.com/metabrainz/picard-website/pu...
      • samj1912
        and gh:PP#79
      • BrainzBot
        Build plugin files for specific api versions: https://github.com/metabrainz/picard-plugins/pu...
      • reosarevok
        (Other people still on: bitmap, Gentlecat, zas, ruaok, Quesito, yvanzo, CatQuest, ferbncode_, iliekcomputers__, Leftmost... and what ruaok said) - iliekcomputers, happier? :p
      • CatQuest
        oh hell :o
      • samj1912
        and fixed other py3 porting bugs
      • CatQuest
      • reosarevok
        !m samj1912
      • BrainzBot
        You're doing good work, samj1912!
      • samj1912
        proud to announce we have an almost working qt5/py3 port :P
      • fin.
      • zas: go
      • reosarevok
        "almost" working means "now the hard work starts"? :p
      • JonnyJD joined the channel
      • ferbncode_ joined the channel
      • samj1912
        reosarevok: tons of bytes/string/bug squashing left :\
      • zas
        well, a lot of code review, thanks to samj1912 ;)
      • samj1912
        and testing
      • ferbncode_ has quit
      • zas
        we released first version of Picard 2.x, work in progress, but it works mostly
      • apart that, i did a bunch of security upgrades
      • plus working on goaccess webstats container, almost finished
      • D4RK-PH0ENiX joined the channel
      • and went a bit further with grafana alerts, enough to say it has some annoying limitations atm
      • plus a bunch of MB edits of course ;)
      • fin. bitmap ?
      • bitmap
      • reosarevok feels most of zas' week is always finding out how something or other is annoyingly limited
      • CatQuest
      • ruaok
        a ninja like zas will always be annoyed by mere mortals
      • bitmap
        I fixed up & submitted https://github.com/metabrainz/musicbrainz-serve... since it contains some work useful to extending last-modification date calc. to our main WS
      • CatQuest
        that aplies for most of our team tho (annoyed by mere mortals)
      • except for leftmost
      • reosarevok
        whoo last modified
      • SothoTalKer
      • bitmap
        the rest of the week I mostly worked on debugging unix socket issues and cleaning up https://github.com/metabrainz/musicbrainz-serve... though tests are still failing
      • it renders the sidebar external links with react now too
      • reosarevok
        whoo less TT
      • bitmap
        seems stable so maybe it'll go on beta this week after I fix tests
      • CatQuest
        less TT?
      • ruaok
        template toolkit
      • reosarevok
        CatQuest: the perl templating thing we use, which is slooow
      • CatQuest
      • well yay less of that!
      • bitmap
        but this week I'll be focusing on finishing up the schema change work now that that's done
      • reosarevok
        we're expecting react to make the site faster
      • bitmap
        fin. Gentlecat ?
      • Gentlecat
        I've done some changes in meb
      • mostly related to payment stuff
      • fin
      • (my internet connection is very bad, can someone pick for me?)
      • reosarevok
        ruaok: you, maybe?
      • ruaok
      • last week was accounting and cleaning up invoices so that Quesito can help me with them.
      • then her and I met with loujine and discussed graphs and beautiful data.
      • aside from that I spent a lot of time on listenbrainz, chasing iliekcomputers around a lot to do my bidding.
      • iliekcomputers
      • ruaok
        the important thing he did was create a stress tester script that allows us to figure out where the scaling bottlenecks are.
      • I found one serious problem that would've really screwed us later. I got that fixed up and deployed today.
      • there are two other problems where things are slow, but they are not as pressing right this second.
      • as long as we address them in the next 6 months we should be fine.
      • reosarevok
        ruaok fixed a serious problem? iliekcomputers, go fix the two new serious problems ;)
      • CatQuest
      • iliekcomputers doesn't dare touch new code :P
      • ruaok
        daaaaaayum. snap.
      • reosarevok
        (sorry ruaok, I had to)
      • ruaok
        iliekcomputers reviewed it, so he's guilt by association!
      • iliekcomputers
      • ruaok
        anyways, I'm now setting my focus on getting things critical before a beta release done.
      • I also spent some time grooming our gsoc applications and the results are so far not terribly surprising.
      • iliekcomputers
      • ruaok
        the people who have been part of our community for a while submitted great proposals. those who wandered in in the last days before the deadline, less so.
      • github joined the channel
      • github
        [picard] samj1912 opened pull request #698: PICARD-1066: Fix update_constants (master...picard1066) https://git.io/vSiZB
      • github has left the channel
      • ruaok
        chasing people to review them, asking questions about feasbility and how people feel about the candidates, etc.
      • fin. iliekcomputers!
      • iliekcomputers
        hello everyone :)
      • CatQuest
        hi iliekcomputers !
      • iliekcomputers
        This week I worked on LB as always, specifically LB-125 and LB-147. LB-147 involved breaking the listenstore file into three parts, which was something I had wanted to do since some time.
      • BrainzBot
        LB-125: Refactor code to use MB standard release_* instead of album_* https://tickets.metabrainz.org/browse/LB-125
      • LB-147: Merge listenstore into main python codebase https://tickets.metabrainz.org/browse/LB-147
      • iliekcomputers
        Also, I wrote a script to stress test influxdb for the usage that we expect from it, but ruaok already mentioned that. Nice to see that it was helpful in finding bottlenecks
      • Not much else, I'll probably be away this week mostly (a hackathon), but I think I'll be sporadically online for sure.
      • that is fin for me. CatQuest, go!
      • CatQuest
      • if I may have all your undivided attention for a second:
      • for the first time in... a very, very long time, we now have *more* closed INST tickets than open ones!! https://tickets.metabrainz.org/projects/INST/su...
      • jippi!
      • Leo_Verto
      • reosarevok
        !m CatQuest
      • BrainzBot
        You're doing good work, CatQuest!
      • reosarevok goes open some
      • reosarevok
        (nah, actually not)
      • CatQuest
      • :P
      • this week is easter, and I will be taking a well deserved break! \o/