

May 26th 2017

      • Matthew_Glubb
        Thanks, zas. I'll let them know - I've got no way of testing this myself.
      • zas
        Ok, np ;)
      • Matthew_Glubb
        Just to explain, we have a BBC wide flag that we can change in order to shift MB web service clients from BBC MB to MB master. A dev team is testing their implementation to ensure it respects the flag. If we had to use the flag in anger, I can assure you that we wouldn't change it until we'd consulted with you!
      • ruaok
      • Matthew_Glubb
        zas - they've completed their testing you can remove the rate limits for those IPs. Thanks very much for your help!
      • zas
        ok, thanks
      • alastairp
        if they used it in anger I'm sure we'd notice immediately :)
      • Matthew_Glubb
      • Quesito
        alastairp: what do you need? I have tons of conductive thread if you want already in BCN-I don't use it often because it's not the best....i have several brands-including adafruit. Anywho let me know!
      • ruaok
        have as much of our crap as you want. first rate crap!
      • lol. :)
      • alastairp
        Quesito: we're less interested in the thread, it was a joke back to when I made https://twitter.com/alastairporter/status/61188...
      • Quesito: the other thing is that both ruaok and I want a handful of things from adafruit, but shipping is more expensive than the components, and as you are currently on the correct side of the atlantic to resolve this situation....
      • ruaok
        not sure what alastairp wants, but my few things all fit into a smallish envelope
      • Quesito
        Vale alastairp ruaok send me an email list
      • ruaok
        might be easier for you to send alastairp your snail mail and alastairp ships there directly, no?
      • alastairp
        I only want a few sensors, so very small too
      • Quesito
        Right on
      • Will do in a min
      • ruaok
        iliekcomputers: I did something wrong in a previous rebase and just made a new branch listen-counts-using-influx-2 . good news? All the tests pass!
      • I have a few more things to do on that branch before PR, so say tuned.
      • iliekcomputers
        hah, that is a relief
      • I was looking at the code just now
      • ruaok
      • ruaok runs off
      • rdswift
        Sophist-UK / yvanzo: I have some form a couple of days earlier (May 22) that are still not available. See https://musicbrainz.org/release/2fbbe6b7-5679-3...
      • s/form/from/
      • reosarevok
      • ruaok: when you're back please look into the latest email by M.S., I can't quickly find and answer and I won't be online on a PC for the next 24 h or so (going to Tallinn to see my team lose a cup final)
      • ruaok
        Isn't the answer to reload?
      • reosarevok
        I have no idea, if I knew I'd answer :)
      • I'd expect bitmap knows but I don't think he's on the list?
      • Gentlecat
        ruaok: looks like you were trying to set musicbrainz username that is already associated with another user
      • CatQuest
        \o oh hai. how does one go about getting posting permission to the blog now a days?
      • reosarevok
        CatQuest: do you have a wordpress username?
      • PM me with it, or an email address if not
      • CatQuest: sent you an invite. I'll be afk but there should be some sort of user creation thing now
      • CatQuest
      • reosarevok
        When are you hoping to post?
      • IIRC I was supposed to add some stuff to the post but I won't be around until tomorrow late evening
      • CatQuest
        hmm.. maybe after monday's meeting. so tuesday? I'll invite peopel to look at it :O
      • reosarevok
      • Perfect then :)
      • That'd work great for me
      • CatQuest
      • WHy does wordpress say "CatQuest" is unavailable" but when I ask them to send an email they say "user catquest doesn't escist" ARG wtf
      • exist*
      • ok so how does this work i cna jsut lin kyou like
      • hmm. is there way ot make the editng area wider :/
      • github
        [messybrainz-server] paramsingh opened pull request #17: Migrate to Python 3 (master...master) https://git.io/vHZS6
      • SothoTalker_
        hello :)
      • danimal4
        i grabbed the latest database snapshot and then tried to run the lucene index on it and got the following error: https://pastebin.com/8jRUwZHk. i don't appear to have a language column in the work table. is this a database snapshot error?
      • SothoTalker_
        danimal4: maybe you need to update first: https://blog.musicbrainz.org/2017/05/16/schema-...
      • danimal4
        SothoTalker: i grabbed the latest code from git and the latest 20170524-001443/ snapshot so figured it was already schema 24?
      • SothoTalker: upgrade.sh returns: Fri May 26 16:55:06 EDT 2017 : Error: Schema sequence must be 23 when you run this script
      • SothoTalker_
        hmm, then i don't know an answer and you need to wait for a dev to magically show up :x
      • danimal4
        k, thanks for the help
      • rdswift_ is now known as rdswift
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