hrm, just imported my data on and my listen count is 0. There's no delay on having the data visible, right?
drsaunders joined the channel
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Sophist-UK joined the channel
pprkut: it is a bug, we're working on it, your listens should be visible when we fix it, ideally.
right, just wanted to make sure :)
ruaok: but we're _n_ever gonna say goodbye!" surly?
yes. :)
the big question is this: Do we want to rickroll everyone who ever looks at this public version of Beethoven's 5th?
reosarevok: futrue
the true future
ruaok: obviously. of course!
TOPIC: MetaBrainz Community and Development channel | MusicBrainz non-development: #musicbrainz | MetaBrainz meeting agenda: reviews, pruning old account privs (Freso), Changing the default font for MeB websites (samj1912), OpenSCORE dedication (ruaok)
samj1912: are you sure you want to open the can of worm on the font?
ruaok: I have brought it up mutiple times, there was some agreement to it the last time about a change, lets see what happens in the meeting
ruaok: I'd rather just have a serious(ish) dedication to all the people working for open music data, but eh :p
I still say we should do the 7th not the 5th, but if we're doing the 5th then lets rickroll people (or you know, tell them two different ones and say "use the rickroll one in like 1 in 10/0 or something")
besides. *everyone* wil do "serious(ish) dedication to all the people working for open music data"
or even "[the rickroll text] nah just kdding [seriousish deidication]"
will respond in a bit.
interviewing a UX person
person must like cheese, chocolate, music and cats!
let me rephraze that
person must like cheese, chocolate and cats oh, and music
chocolate is already on the list.
i like chocolate, at least
no Rotab sorry
You can't get an MB job, because ruaok would be too confused having reotab and Rotab
im confused enough with reosarevok and ruaok
agentsim joined the channel
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I was hoping ISRC would be a good way to cross-reference spotify with musicbrainz without doing string distance matching but the band Rancid doesn't have any ISRCs associated
I suppose maybe duration & name could be used for match.
Also- now that you guys have built projects to enable recommendation algorithms. Have you tohught about creating a project to actually do the recommendations? (e.g. start out with simple collaborative filtering and move into more complex recommendations like playlisting).
RecommendBrainz would be pretty cool :-P
(Saying this because i'd love to help out with it if there's been interest)
arbenina_ joined the channel
cjnolet: yes, we're going to do that, but the requisite data sets (AB, LB) are not quite there yet.
iliekcomputers and I are working to get LB off the group. once we have 1B listens, then it might be time to write a recommendation engine.
ruaok: Keep me in mind if you'd like help. I'd absolutely love to help with that.
you should keep in touch with us here or on our blog.
we're going to write a recommendation engine that will do something. very likely badly.
then post about it. see where it goes from there.
Sure, I don't plan on going anywhere, lol, I'll be idling in here from now on.
seems like the collaborative filtering / matrix factorization model (via alternating least squares) is a common starting place.
I've been doing this in Spark but would be great to have soemthing the whole community could share / contribute to
my whole motivation isn't to build the best recommendation engine. My point is only to show that it can now (in a little while anyway) be done with our data and to seed the idea in hopes that others will embrace it and help move it along.
hmm. queues are still backed up on
we haven't figured out how to solve this latest problem yet.
I was hoping to get to it today, but big companies are wasting my time currently.
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demonimin has quit
demonimin joined the channel
don't they always
Freso: I might not be able to make it to the meeting tonight. (with some family).
last months largest invoice ever sent has already been supplanted. :)
reosarevok/ samj1912 ping me on KassOtsimine for the meeting. ok?
CatQuest: I'm not around for the meeting tonight, maybe Freso can :)
oh, right
pachulo joined the channel
TOPIC: MetaBrainz Community and Development channel | MusicBrainz non-development: #musicbrainz | MetaBrainz meeting agenda: reviews, OpenSCORE dedication (ruaok), pruning old account privs (Freso), Changing the default font for MeB websites (samj1912)
hello everyone! I've made a snap of MusicBrainz Picard 1.4.2 and I'm trying to get it in the snap store, who should I speak to? (what is a snap?
I also closed some very old style tickets, mostly but not only as wontfix
iliekcomputers: Go!
saifulbkhan joined the channel
iliekcomputers says:
Fixed a few bugs for LB, didn't get the time to work on the BigQuery stuff, I was just a bit hesitant to continue without reviews on the current work first, will continue this week if there's not much to do on the beta.
So this week I am back to full time gsoc. Worked on a huge pr refactoring the picard webservice module. It is now possible to add various parsers and it also adds support to easily implement api calls. Also wrote a tests for the same.
Freso go
Upstream Discourse fixed the bug we discovered on our own instance, so I went and got that merged in.
And then they released a new version, so I also updated to that.
Spent some time on getting the MB User Survey pushed out on Wednesday.
Which seems to have gone really well, but I'm sure Leo_Verto will talk more about that if he's around. :)
Spent a bit of time on reported editors, but I do have some backlog that I plan on getting dealt with this week. (Sorry people who have reported!)
Also spent some time on IRC and forums.
Fin; ferbncode: Go!
This week was quite productive :). I worked on extending the presently written functions for fetching multiple entities.
Also, completed the work for the release group info. And started out (and close to completed) work for fetching info of releases.
Other than that, worked on the broken spotify integration in CB (CB-261), since spotify now requires OAuth tokens. Also, fixed some minor bugs in the browse release group pages.