

October 17th 2017

      • loujine
        bitmap: ack
      • bitmap
        ruaok: there is another explanation for how the oauth_client row was deleted
      • 1. all OAuth clients are associated with a user. if Gentlecat set things up, then the officebrainz client was likely associated with his user account. according to IRC logs, he added the client: https://chatlogs.metabrainz.org/brainzbot/metab...
      • 2. the oauth_client table REFERENCES "user" (id) ON DELETE CASCADE
      • 3. Gentlecat's MeB account no longer exists, so it was deleted by someone, which could have been done through the admin UI by you or him or Quesito
      • 4. when his account was deleted, all rows in oauth_client that referenced his account were also silently deleted due to the CASCADE (I've tested this locally via the admin UI)
      • FTR I asked him about this and he said he doesn't remember deleting his account through the admin UI and hasn't touched the database directly since long before he left
      • there are no container or nginx logs from sep. or early oct. to see when his account was deleted, but even so, it's easy to see how that could have had an unintended effect
      • samj1912
        Morning o/
      • MajorLurker
        Good evening samj1912
      • ruaok
        bitmap: I deleted his account, but only AFTER I fixed three sets of OAuth keys.
      • Given that there is no admin view of OAuth keys and that I was really pissed, I deleted his account to see what else would break. Nothing else broke and the case was closed for me.
      • pprkut
        win 47
      • zas
      • ruaok
        moin, welcome back.
      • are home yet?
      • zas
        not yet, at mom's house, driving to home this afternoon
      • arrived later yesterday, because my one-hour flight from Zurich was converted to a 4 hours mix of plane/bus/waiting time ...
      • ruaok
        that sucks. :(
      • rsh
        hello everyone, it's Rashi. I am new to metabrainz. I want to contribute to Listen Brainz. Could you please help me how should I start?
      • zas
        Swiss was kind enough to provide me vouchers... 60 CHF of beer ;)
      • ruaok
        ffs, this day is already fired.
      • zas
        Hey rsh, welcome
      • ruaok
        airbnb found against us about the damn washer.
      • we owe $214 for something we didn't break.
      • zas
      • ruaok
        I'n not going to rent from them in the future, this is BS.
      • zas
        dont they have insurance for this kind of issues ?
      • rsh
        hi zas , thank you!
      • ruaok
        they should, I guess.
      • but the washer was broken when we arrived. and they blamed us for it.
      • zas
        ofc... bastards
      • ruaok
        I guess you need to test and every damn little thing before you check into a place.
      • zas
        it's almost impossible, how do can you check a washer machine on arrival ?
      • s/do//
      • ruaok
        sigh. really quite sick of my job right now.
      • just dealing with BS. piles and piles of it.
      • zas
      • how can we help ?
      • ruaok
        I'm off to paris tomorrow. I might just leave my laptop at home and not be online for a week and take a break.
      • keep MB running while I am gone. :)
      • not sure what might happen over the weekend though. :)
      • zas
        ahah, trying ;))
      • ruaok
        also, zas: they mistakenly reserved a hotel room for me for the last two nights. not sure if I can get out of that. I'll keep ya posted when I get there.
      • zas
        i'll be at Paris on Friday, around 10:30
      • for the hotel, well, it can be more confortable than the shared room at Gerard's flat... ;)
      • Btw, i think i'll go to Fosdem in 2018, Feb, anyone planned to go ?
      • ruaok: can you give some pointers to rsh about LB ?
      • ruaok
        not right now. torrents of shit for me to deal with before I leave. iliekcomputers and jwf should be able to help.
      • zas
        rsh: ^^ ping iliekcomputers & jwf for help about ListenBrainz
      • jwf|matrix
        Sure, what's up?
      • iliekcomputers
        rsh: hi! :)
      • rsh
        zas: okay thank you
      • DjSlash
        "torrents of shit" .. at least it's distributed ;)
      • rsh
        iliekcomputers: jwf|matrix hi
      • iliekcomputers
        rsh: welcome to metabrainz! Nice to see familiar faces here :)
      • rsh: feel free to ping if you need any help.
      • rsh
        thanks iliekcomputers !
      • am trying to build LB, is this - https://github.com/metabrainz/listenbrainz-server, the right place to follow build instructions from?
      • iliekcomputers
        Yep, the README is good.
      • rsh
      • ruaok
        Freso: ping
      • samj1912
      • I am also planning on fosdem
      • zas
        oh :) good news
      • samj1912
        Should we apply for a talk on MeB together?
      • zas
        Hmmm, we can think about something
      • samj1912
        Cool :)
      • I'm out shopping for diwali, I'll ping you later today if you are free :)
      • reosarevok
        ruaok: IIRC he's at a wedding
      • ruaok
        ah, ok
      • reosarevok
        What did you need?
      • ruaok
        a brainstorming discussion on how to handle contractor conflicts like the one with quesito.
      • zas
        samj1912: i'll drive back to my home soon, so i'll be offline for few hours
      • ruaok
        we need to discuss this in public I guess, but given the nature of it it can be really hard. since it involves private stuff.
      • this shit is draining me and I'm sick of being the punching bag for everyone
      • reosarevok
        That's definitely a conversation that needs to happen, yes
      • If you're planning to go travel and keep away from your laptop as I read, maybe it makes sense to have it after you're back? Then everyone can think about how they think this should be dealt with and present it during the discussion
      • CatQuest
        but like, what is the problem, does she want more money or what?
      • because i relly approve of this beign public, as soemone who isn't in the know, on the outside, this is jsut "stuff isn't owkring"....and that is it, us we have no insight in what the problem is, so we cna actulaly hlpe or mitigate or whatever
      • ruaok
        before I delve into details, I want to establish a game plan. I just dont know where to start and I'm really burnt out.
      • CatQuest
        take a break, things will look better after a break
      • ruaok
        next 3 days are in paris for a music conference. all work.
      • jwf|matrix
        samj1912, zas: re, FOSDEM: I was planning to submit a MB talk of some kind, we should maybe start a scratch pad for any of these ideas so we don't overlap. :)
      • ruaok
        just be aware that it can be hard to get a talk accepted. while we are all open source and shit, we're not a critical piece of infrastructure that really benefits FOSDEM attendees.
      • reosarevok
        yvanzo: https://tickets.metabrainz.org/browse/STYLE-835 - would it be possible to give a custom error for anchors?