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ping Freso
12:07 am
it's 1:07am in europe. i guess he's sleeping :x
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jesus is also in Europe. :P
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who knows :D
12:12 am
hi, thanks SothoTalker_ and Leftmost :)
12:12 am
12:12 am
I’m in France, 1:12, night indeed ;)
12:13 am
viva el cana...Québec!
12:13 am
12:13 am
frankreich :3
12:13 am
jesus is everywhere at any time
12:13 am
and a booo to canada
12:15 am
Leftmost has nothing to say in this. :P
12:15 am
'murica? :p
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fixing discourse atm
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jesus2099: Pong.
8:31 am
(And I was sleeping.)
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Hi all, does anyone know a website that gathers market share by label on a monthly or weekly basis? So far the best solution I've though of is downloading billboard rankings and then mapping the song to the label, but it feels like a lot of work!
8:59 am
Never heard tbh
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What is it?
10:08 am
reosarevok: Doesn't seem to load for me. :(
10:08 am
It's the conference I'm at, but it does seem to be stuck right now :/
10:14 am
reosarevok: Is it a Facebook stream? Because Facebook stuff is blocked outside of Facebook.
10:14 am
No clue, let me see
10:15 am
Seems so
10:15 am
10:15 am
Has it
10:16 am
reosarevok: Cheers. :)
10:24 am
"One of the messages is that you are important. We can't do this without you."
11:01 am
The stream is very exciting right now.
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rahul joined the channel
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I want to contribute please help
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1 minute and 2 seconds...
11:08 am
quite long for a webchatter ;)
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ZaphodBeeblebrox is now known as CatQuest
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i want to contribute please help
11:36 am
11:36 am
first thing: stay online so we cna reply to you :)
11:37 am
second thing: are you with gci?
11:38 am
11:40 am
no i'm not with gci
11:41 am
rambo: Hi :)
11:42 am
Thanks for helping
11:42 am
11:42 am
samj1912 might partially responsible for an influx of new contributors :p
11:43 am
!m samj1912
11:43 am
You're doing good work, samj1912!
11:43 am
11:44 am
Thanks Fresco
11:45 am
You're welcome rambco
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12:10 pm
Freso: oh btw, I guess all the people who have access to servers can now re-index CAA, bitmap updated the instructions to start from scratch
12:12 pm
samj1912: Great. :)
12:14 pm
Freso, reosarevok: admin report for limited users is now available.
12:15 pm
"Total editors found: 1910410" - and at least half of the first page seems to be spam accounts. :|
12:17 pm
12:20 pm
d4rkie joined the channel
12:20 pm
Newly created users come first, just review the first page, older ones will be batch-cleaned off.
12:22 pm
D4RK-PH0ENiX has quit
12:22 pm
This report is refreshed every hour to begin with.
12:25 pm
d4rkie has quit
12:25 pm
I think I'll need to go full time (or more) if I need to keep up with spam accounts, and I'd rather not until we have SpamBrainz so the data can be used for training.
12:27 pm
reosarevok: Finnish folk music collector! :o :o :o
12:27 pm
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vikrantprasad5[m joined the channel
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reosarevok: I want allll this data in MB! ;_;
12:36 pm
Freso: I know :p