

February 26th 2018

      • bitmap
        yup, couldn't fall back asleep
      • uditgulati0[m]
        iliekcomputers: Ok, I'll try to keep it similar.
      • CatQuest
      • samj1912
      • codacy seems to be complaining about some unrelated changes though
      • zas
        yes, i saw, i'll fix it somehow
      • samj1912
        the easiest way would be to abstract a base case since all the derived classes share the same methods but keep on overriding it
      • zas
        i think i'll merge it as is, so you can provide a PR for that, it is faster than explaining it ;)
      • github
        [picard] zas closed pull request #835: PICARD-1187: Add DSF file support (master...dsf) https://git.io/vAIwu
      • travis-ci
        metabrainz/picard#3218 (master - a8e416a : Laurent Monin): The build passed.
      • iliekcomputers
        ferbncode[m]: ruaok: we should discuss what to do about CB-269, it causes a bunch of ISE's in prod
      • BrainzBot
        CB-269: Delete reviews for entities deleted in the MB database https://tickets.metabrainz.org/browse/CB-269
      • iliekcomputers
        I was thinking of having a script that would run in cron to find reviews that don't have an entity associated with them in MB and make them private or something.
      • ferbncode[m]
        that seems a good solution, then we can exclude those reviews from dumps too
      • ruaok
        How many do we have?
      • iliekcomputers
        just the one that seems to be causing the error now
      • ruaok
        We should check to see if the mbids have been redirected. If so, we should update the CB database accordingly.
      • If not, point them to deleted artist?
      • I can't imagine we get a lot of reviews for things that then get deleted.
      • Why MBID does it refer to?
      • iliekcomputers
      • it is a deleted release group
      • Guest13812
        [critiquebrainz] paramsingh closed pull request #184: Initialize Flask-DebugToolbar correctly (master...debugtoolbar) https://git.io/vAgin
      • ferbncode[m]
        ruaok: for CB, redirects do work. so, only deleted entities cause problems. Should we add a check if any review is present for that entity and then show something like an `Unknown Release Group`?
      • with the review
      • travis-ci
        metabrainz/picard#3218 (master - a8e416a : Laurent Monin): The build passed.
      • ruaok
        ferbncode[m]: yes
      • ferbncode[m]
        okay, got it. thanks,:)
      • LordSputnik
        bukwurm_: what's up?
      • ruaok
      • I was talking shit about the name of the band "A" and then one of the band members, who is one degree is separation from me chimes in that they formed the band before search engines were a thing.
      • I guess I need to be more careful where I shit talk bands.
      • ruaok still thinks !!! needs to piss off
      • CatQuest
        maybe you need to be more careful before taking shit in general 😽
      • ruaok
        what is the fun of that? :)
      • TOPIC: MetaBrainz Community and Development channel | MusicBrainz non-development: #musicbrainz | GSoC https://goo.gl/7jsjG2 | Meeting agenda: Reviews, OTHER-77: MarkBrainz (yvanzo), Design ticket (chhavi_)
      • iliekcomputers: I've started writing a beta blog post on the blog. you have a blog account, right? If you log in you should be able to see it as the latest (or one of them) post. When you get a chance, see what else needs to be added, please.
      • iliekcomputers
        ruaok: okay, will look at it
      • bitmap
        yvanzo: can you look at #606 today or tomorrow? (you can ignore the conflicts)
      • melloc1 is now known as melloc
      • yvanzo
        bitmap: hi! _YES_
      • bitmap, samj1912, spellew: Sorry, I have been mostly off half of last week, will review your PRs right away.
      • rdswift
        <ruaok> "I think we should aim at calculating them asap if requested." If wait times become a real problem, an option would be two queues -- one for user requests (immediate) and the other for cron requests. The processor could check and pull from the "immediate request" queue first (until it is empty) then pull from the "cron queue" until there is something in the "immediate queue". That would allow "queue jumping" for
      • immediate requests.
      • bukwurm_
        LordSputnik: I am not very clear about alias_set and alias_set__alias set tables. Can please explain them to me a but roughly?
      • *bit
      • yvanzo
        Here is a draft proposition for a flavor of Markdown dedicated to *Brainz projects, with specific features, equivalents, breaking changes, and migration paths: MarkBrainz Draft #84880.
      • BrainzBot
        OTHER-77: Unify all markup syntax to simple markdown syntax https://tickets.metabrainz.org/browse/OTHER-77
      • vishichoudhary1
        samj1912, zas picard-website is in python2 ? Any plan to change it to python3
      • samj1912
        vishichoudhary1: not really
      • py2 is nearing EOL soon, so yeah, we should
      • converting PW to py3 should be an easy task
      • vishichoudhary1
        should i add this in my proposal
      • while updating the picard website for hold link we will update this to python3
      • * for/to
      • samj1912
        vishichoudhary1: you should stick to 1 thing and research it thoroughly first rather than trying to do everything, plus I think the time taken to port PW to py3 should be at max a day or two
      • you can add it if you want but it should not be anywhere near the main focus of your proposal
      • vishichoudhary1
        ok ..
      • samj1912
      • ran a simple 2to3 on PW
      • I dont think there are many ambiguous cases
      • vishichoudhary1
      • samj1912
      • Freso
      • Hi people!
      • Yet another sunny Monday morning… somewhere in the world. It's pretty dark outside here.
      • (And also not morning.)
      • People up: ruaok, Freso, reosarevok, bitmap, zas, yvanzo, samj1912, iliekcomputers — other people maybe up (please confirm!): LordSputnik, Leftmost, Leo_Verto, alastairp, CatQuest, chhavi_, ferbncode. Anyone else, let me know ASAP.
      • samj1912
      • CatQuest
      • Freso
        ruaok: Take us away!
      • ruaok
      • iliekcomputers
      • akhilesh
      • ruaok
        well, a piece of business to close out a long standing piece of drama that started last year.
      • vishichoudhary1
        hi all
      • ruaok
        as you may know, Elizabeth and I got into it wrt her contract renewal and she took the conflict to the board of directors.
      • the board of directors has been investigating the situation and working out how to address it.
      • today the board issued the following statement that (hopefully) closes this chapter:
      • I did not write this statement, nor did Freso.
      • If you have any questions about this, then please mail your questions to freso. freso@ , as per usual.
      • Freso can confirm, did not write
      • this drama has been weighing very heavily on me and zapping my motivation to get things done.
      • I'm very much hoping to move past this and to finally find my motivation again.
      • last week was the usual BS for me. conference calls, dealing with this drama and the positive bits, doing some LB work.
      • (and spending some time in a forest freezing my ass off with hippies, but that is another story)
      • onward and upward.
      • Freso
      • ruaok
        zas: go!
      • zas
      • yagyanshbhatia[m
        Hi o/
      • zas
        apart usual supervision, upgrades, restarting stuf, etc... i mainly worked on Picard, investigate the plugin system and possibilities
      • yagyanshbhatia[m
        Hi o/
      • zas
        concluded it is something that could fit GSoC, and we shouldn't delay Picard 2 even more
      • bukwurm_
      • zas
        PR reviews, feeding forums with dumb ideas, edit reviews, and usual bunch of MB edits
      • fin.
      • samj1912 ?
      • samj1912
        hello o/
      • ferbncode
        Hi! o/
      • CatQuest
      • samj1912
        this week was mostly spent on MB apart from picard reviews
      • we are upgraded our JS stack (node -> yarn and bitmap is working on a webpack PR)
      • apart from that typical react stuff and PR reviews
      • CatQuest
        miaow yarn
      • samj1912
      • bitmap: go
      • bitmap
      • Freso
        (People up: Freso, reosarevok, yvanzo, iliekcomputers, dragonzeron, akhilesh, vishichoudhary1, yagyanshbhatia[m, CatQuest, ferbncode — other people maybe up (please confirm!): LordSputnik, Leftmost, Leo_Verto, alastairp. Anyone else, let me know ASAP.)
      • bitmap
        I spent most of the week testing/reviewing/rebasing/merging react prs mostly from samj1912
      • ruaok
        damn that samj1912, he's one of the most effective PR spammers I've ever seen!
      • bitmap
        I submitted some more prs to move the migration along
      • ruaok
        I mean, I <3 you, samj1912 !
      • bitmap
        along with a pr to fix our site in IE11
      • reosarevok
        Thanks for that one!
      • bitmap
        and a giant pr to move our build system to webpack which will bring a host of improvements to make development much easier
      • samj1912
      • !m bitmap
      • BrainzBot
        You're doing good work, bitmap!
      • bitmap
        I believe that's all, Freso next?
      • Freso