

May 21st 2018

      • rdswift
        Might look to your autoeditor list as a starting point to identify the right personalities.
      • drsaunder
        was hoping for a few specific people here to say i'm in
      • CatQuest
        actually i thikn it might be fine. since as a mentee it might be ok to have a second oppinion and other people explianing things better
      • Freso
        CatQuest: I don't think consistency is much of an issue.
      • CatQuest
        i mena ,i work well with reosarevok
      • drsaunder
        as well as a few others i know are down (like Major Lurker)
      • CatQuest
        rdswift: hmmmmm
      • my experience form gci was:
      • drsaunder
        will revise my proposal and I will include some specific alpha mentors and try to get everything ready as a ready to go proposal i think would be next step
      • CatQuest
        we initially wanted to do that same thing (only one at a time) sicne we didn't wanted ot "opeverwhelm" students
      • but it eventualy was hat peopel wanted fedbakc asap rather thna *fro mthe same person*
      • Freso
        drsaunder: Let's try and go with that then. :)
      • CatQuest
        so they were usualyl happy with other peopel taking over
      • Freso
        CatQuest: GCI is a contest where time actually matters. This isn't.
      • CatQuest
        I mean, i think it's useful to have not liek 11 person on one newbie
      • drsaunder
        rdswift: does that mean you would like to volunteer?
      • CatQuest
        Freso, drsaunder: i problem is that: i'm afraid that I wont be able to respond in a timpyl manner, or be left with a situation wher i simply don't kno how ot repsond. i'defintily want ot hlep out and be guiding people
      • drsaunder
        for timely manner we are talking weeks not days
      • yvanzo
        I casually subscribe to beginners so as to “mentor” them, but it is not easy.
      • Leo__Verto
        I'd love to be a mentor but as I mentioned last time, I don't think I could mentor classical
      • Freso
        CatQuest: You can always ask for help, obviously, if you don't know how to reply to something.
      • Anyway.
      • rdswift
        I'm not an AE, and not sure I've got enought knowledge, but I'd be willing to try if you think I could contribute.
      • Freso
        It feels like this topic is somewhat stalling.
      • CatQuest
        Freso: wel that's my exact point :)
      • I think having non-AE as mentors woudl also be very very beneficial
      • ruaok
      • drsaunder
        onkay FIN for mentorship i will get back to everyone next week or the week after
      • agreed also
      • Freso
        drsaunder, can you «revise my proposal and I will include some specific alpha mentors and try to get everything ready»?
      • Leo__Verto
        (how is rdswift not an AE yet?)
      • CatQuest
      • Freso
      • drsaunder
        this is different than autoeditor...different skills are required
      • ruaok
        drsaunder: have a look at this article: http://communitymgt.wikia.com/wiki/Cookie_Licking
      • Freso
      • bitmap: MBS-9680 + user renames
      • BrainzBot
        MBS-9680: Ping other MetaBrainz projects when a user is deleted, for *Brainz-wide account removal https://tickets.metabrainz.org/browse/MBS-9680
      • CatQuest
        i mena becasue not ae's will have a better view of how to do non-autoedits liek a newbies
      • ruaok
        a kind of important concept about signing up volunteers....
      • bitmap
        hi again (going to paste some stuff:)
      • CatQuest
      • bitmap
        LordSputnik pointed out a problem with the api in MBS-9680, which is that if a user is renamed on mb, the downstream projects won't have the new name, thus can't be identified for deletion later
      • BookBrainz stores the editor row ids, so we can work around the problem there (by sending the row id to /delete-user). iliekcomputers says the python projects don't have the ids (and if they relog it looks like it'll just create a new account?)
      • 3 solutions I see:
      • (1) be careful to hand-update user names in other projects after we rename them in mb
      • (2) add another endpoint to mb's sibling projects, /rename-user, that mb can ping
      • (3) start storing editor row ids in the python projects
      • thoughts? I'd like to decide what to do here so I can finalize the /delete-user api
      • Freso
        My personal preference, in order: 3, 2, 1
      • bitmap
      • CatQuest
        i vote for 3
      • Freso
        bitmap: Did you see my message about acoustid.org and there possibly being other sites too?
      • bitmap
        yeah, I did
      • ruaok
        3 is the least long term complexity, with a more drastic short term consequences.
      • bitmap
        I think it's another can of worms :)
      • LordSputnik
        If you do 3, you can also update the editor name each time they log in, which is what BB does
      • Freso
        Since MeB sites are not the only ones using MB OAuth authentication.
      • bitmap: Sure, but if it's only acoustid.org that's using MB OAuth in the wild, we can probably coordinate with luks too.
      • But if there are multiple sites, it may be more cumbersome.
      • yvanzo
        (3) makes MB row id the new id over MeB projects?
      • bitmap
        we can't really change what we return as the "sub" in the oauth endpoint (currently the user name), but we already include the metabrainz_user_id in the response
      • so it's just up to those projects to make use of that
      • Freso
        I don't know if there's a way to look up approved/stored OAuth tokens in the db to see if sites other than acoustid.org use them?
      • Right, okay.
      • LordSputnik
        Note that the metabrainz_user_id field was only added in summer 2016
      • Freso
        Like ruaok said, 3 seems to be the least pain long-term.
      • LordSputnik
        So older projects will probably use the name
      • bitmap
        it was probably a mistake to use the name as the sub, since it's suppose to be globally unique and never change
      • LordSputnik
        (like acoustid)
      • Freso
        Yeah. I think Gentlecat pointed that out a long time ago, which is probably why the _user_id was added.
      • bitmap
      • CatQuest
        what bitmap said
      • LordSputnik
        Freso: it got added for BB :)
      • Freso
        It looks like there's agreement that #3 is the way forward?
      • LordSputnik
        3 sounds best to me
      • Freso
        Or am I misreading things?
      • yvanzo
        +1 (3)
      • bitmap
        I agree (3) is the ideal solution, but as ruaok said, a lot more effort in the short term
      • Leo__Verto
        +1 for (3)
      • ruaok
        but this isn't the critical path for GDPR, so it is fine to let it run out a bit.
      • as long as we stay on it.
      • CatQuest
        best to do it properly once and have extra work once thnaot do soem shoddy work fast that breaks things later
      • yep
      • Freso
        bitmap: Sound okay to you? :)
      • drsaunder
        lol when has that happened before
      • bitmap
        admittedly, it's not the most common scenario in the world for someone to rename their account and then delete it
      • I think...
      • Freso: sounds okay
      • CatQuest
        i admit, I'm surprised it seems everyoen agrees
      • ruaok
        lets do it right, regardless.
      • Freso
        Alright. Let's move on then.
      • yvanzo
        drsaunder: never ever
      • CatQuest
        go us!
      • Freso
        ruaok: gendered speech now, or should we do t-shirts and have more time for speech next week?
      • ruaok
        bitmap: make a ticket about pestering python projects and assign to me please.
      • CatQuest
        !m us
      • BrainzBot
        You're doing good work, us!
      • ruaok
        I'll do the pestering
      • bitmap
        ruaok: okay
      • ruaok
        t-shirts. speech next week
      • Freso
      • CatQuest
        speech speech speech!
      • sorry :P
      • Freso
        chhavi_: Summit t-shirts :)
      • CatQuest
        5 minutes?
      • chhavi_
        oh we made it
      • Freso
        chhavi_: If you think there's enough time. Otherwise we'll do it next week too. :)
      • chhavi_
        Link to updated artwork for summit tshirts :D
      • LordSputnik
        Oh wow, unicorn of love
      • chhavi_
        The idea is to upload this to redbubble on our shop. And we can order a bunch for the summit from there :)
      • LordSputnik
      • Freso
        So people can get the colour they want? Nice.
      • bitmap
        well done
      • Freso
        chhavi_: I guess this is just an announcement then, no voting? :)
      • CatQuest
        black one \o/
      • Freso
        !m chhavi_ and sister-whom-I-forgot-nick-of
      • BrainzBot
        You're doing good work, chhavi_ and sister-whom-I-forgot-nick-of!
      • CatQuest
      • erh loi
      • chhavi_
        And maybe cups this time, like we had pillows?
      • CatQuest
        wait chhavisister has a nick?
      • :O pillows
      • :o cups
      • chhavi_
        Freso: open to feedback on artwork, color and other goodies :)
      • Leo__Verto
        holy shit burgundy!
      • zas loves those T-shirts ;)
      • yvanzo
        woow, purple 8)
      • ruaok
        yvanzo: +1
      • CatQuest
        i do too, they're pretty awesome
      • ruaok
        an on-gendered speech. <3
      • non
      • chhavi_
        yep. done here. Ping for any feedback later, we have a month or two before we order them anyways :)
      • Freso
      • Thanks for your time everyone!
      • </BANG>
      • CatQuest
      • LordSputnik
      • Snap
      • TOPIC: MetaBrainz Community and Development channel | MusicBrainz non-development: #musicbrainz | GSoC https://goo.gl/7jsjG2 | Meeting agenda: Reviews, gendered speech (ruaok)
      • CatQuest
        today's meeting was fun
      • chhavi_
      • reosarevok
        drsaunder: sorry, missed that bit but I'm in :)
      • CatQuest
        wel i want ot work wit reosarevok (sorry reo :P)
      • reosarevok
        You're going to mentor me?
      • CatQuest
        I mean work with mentioring alongside you, remember how we did gci
      • but i'd like, pull my weight this time :DDD
      • (or maybe not :D)
      • ok I will.