

May 28th 2018

      • rsh7[m]
        fin :)
      • kartikeyaSh: ?
      • kartikeyaSh
      • Finally, I got home on Wednesday from college. I created a script for creating clusters of recording LB-367.
      • BrainzBot
        LB-367: MessyBrainz: Add script to create recording clusters https://tickets.metabrainz.org/browse/LB-367
      • kartikeyaSh
        I worked on the reviews of iliekcomputers on BU-11. And I got LB-352 reviewed today by ruaok. So I worked(still working) on the changes suggested. Some of these reviews apply to LB-367 too. So, I'll have to make changes in LB-367 too.
      • BrainzBot
        BU-11: Add MusicBrainz database module to brainzutils https://tickets.metabrainz.org/browse/BU-11
      • LB-352: MessyBrainz: Add script to fetch artist MBIDs provided recording MBIDs from MusicBrainz https://tickets.metabrainz.org/browse/LB-352
      • kartikeyaSh
      • CatQuest ?
      • Freso
        I haven't seen any word from CatQuest, so I assume they're not around.
      • They did send me a mail earlier with a review—but sent a later follow-up e-mail that they were going to be around anyway.
      • Anyway, since it seems like the 2nd mail wasn't correct, here's what CatQuest said:
      • """
      • mostly I'll be doing nothing except playing in a river today :D, also nothing to report, next week will be tackling much instruments!
      • """
      • And that's it for reviews! Thanks CatQuest and everyone!
      • ruaok: gendered speech!
      • ruaok
      • so, I was reading some code a week ago or so and saw a comment in the code that gendered speech.
      • what this amounts to is making references to "him or her" instead of just using "the user".
      • reosarevok
        If it's easy to find and change, which I guess is grep basically, +1
      • ruaok
        then I looked around a bit and of course it wasn't really balanced between the two genders.
      • in university I was taught to alternate between the two for fairness.
      • Freso
        I'm not sure we necessarily need to go through all legacy code and change it, but it would be a nice guideline going forward.
      • ruaok
        but in code, that makes little sense since things move around. the whole thing seemed silly.
      • Freso
        (And change it when it's come across naturally.)
      • ruaok
        Freso: do you just want to finish the topic, then?
      • :)
      • Freso
        Well, if no one else has any further comments?
      • ruaok
        anyways... there is no really need to use gendered language in our work.
      • so, I propose the following new rule to apply for everything that we do.
      • code, documentation, bugs, etc.
      • CatQuest
      • Leo__Verto
        I kinda agree with Freso in the sense that I don't think we necessarily have to go through all the projects and replace every pronoun. What I think would work better is to use singular they in the future, add that to the contribution guidelines and replace as code is replaced or when someone comes across it
      • ruaok
        "We shall aim to avoid gendered speech whenever possible, unless we are actually talking about the topic of genders. Going forward all code comments, documentation, bugs, etc should use non-gendered speech".
      • chhavi_
        It just reminds me of this thing I read. A user is rather a vague third-party term. People, is what we are making things for. Not sure how relevant it is to us though! :)
      • Freso
      • ruaok
        finally, when we touch a piece of code we should clean up the language as we see fit.
      • so, if you see some gendered speech when doing a code-review, please point it out as needing improvement and request changes.
      • ideally, we could do the same when talking about edit notes and so forth.
      • zas
      • ruaok
        no need to be harsh about it or go out of our way to rush to get this done. let's be aware and work our way there slowly and surely.
      • samj1912 didnt find any instance in picard or sir :)
      • Freso
        «ideally, we could do the same when talking about edit notes and so forth.» Not sure I understand what you refer to here…?
      • ruaok
        any comments, questions or objections?
      • Freso: if someone uses gendered speech in an edit not, kindly nudge them to improve.
      • I'll submit a PR to the CoC in the coming week to codify this as official policy.
      • reosarevok
        Well, if the profile specifies the editor they're talking to or about is a male or female, then I don't see a problem?
      • Freso
        So if I refer to samj1912 in an edit note, I should refer to him as they?
      • CatQuest
        +1 to reosarevok
      • reosarevok
        (and I assume you don't mean "Mozart wrote a lot of music, they were a very good composer" either :D )
      • ruaok
        certainly not worth to call the editor on it.
      • CatQuest
        respect known gender prefrences
      • ruaok
        reosarevok: clearly not no.
      • reosarevok
        But for something like "If an editor wants to do this he should do it this way", I guess it makes sense
      • ruaok
        yes. exactly that, reosarevok.
      • reosarevok
        (I try to use they there already, but :) )
      • Freso
        I'm fine with that.
      • CatQuest
      • ruaok
        last call for objections.
      • Freso
        👍 from me.
      • Leo__Verto
        Sounds sensible to me
      • ruaok
        motion carried. onward.
      • finally, dropping gravatar.
      • Freso
        ruaok: dropping gravata
      • Yeah.
      • CatQuest
        \o/ \o/
      • ruaok
        I guess, really this isn't much of a decision, but an official announcement.
      • reosarevok
        You don't need to drop it, it'll cause it's own fall
      • Get it, because gravit-ar?
      • reosarevok shuts up
      • CatQuest
      • ruaok
        I'm sick of this debate, I've asked bitmap to remove gravatar support from MBS.
      • and in the context of GDPR, it just makes sense.
      • CatQuest
        ♫♪♬ \o/ 🎆🎇 \o/ ♫♪♬
      • Leo__Verto
        MBS uses gravatar?
      • ruaok
        Leo_Verto: optional, for profiles.
      • reosarevok
        Leo__Verto: for the tiny user avatars, yes
      • Opt-in, yeah, IIRC
      • ruaok
        ok, fin.
      • thanks Freso
      • Freso
        Do we want to enable editors to upload user icons on community.meb then? (If possible, just trying to see if it is.)
      • Do we want to pull in icons from c.meb?
      • Or do we just drop user icons entirely for MB?
      • ruaok
        I prefer not to have any at all.
      • Leo__Verto
        Drop first, ask questions later :P
      • CatQuest
        if possible, pull form com i say. sicne thne it's easier ot recognise peope ltoo
      • Freso
        Looks like it's already possible on c.meb to upload custom avatars there.
      • reosarevok
        I'd like to get them from discourse if we can
      • CatQuest
      • ruaok
        storing images is not only a pain,but opens us to spam/porn and other shit.
      • reosarevok
        But it's not high priority
      • CatQuest
        +1 too
      • ruaok
        if we have the capability already fine, then we might as well use it
      • but we should not write a feature to support that.
      • CatQuest
        spam and porn images are clearly against toc and coc so
      • Leo__Verto
        Our current MBS design also doesn't really use avatars anywhere outside of profile pages, does it?
      • ruaok
        CatQuest: yes, but we don't need another thing to enforce.
      • Leo__Verto
        also upload filters…
      • Freso
        Leo__Verto: In edits/edit notes, I believe.
      • reosarevok
        In edit notes in tiny tiny size
      • CatQuest
        chhavi could chip in with redesign ideas here
      • reosarevok
        Still kinda useful to figure out who someone is very quickly, but not too important
      • Leo__Verto
        oh yeah, no one's going to notice if we remove that
      • CatQuest
      • Freso
        Okay, so if someone wants to, they can make an MBS ticket to pull in avatars from c.meb, but otherwise, gravatar is just going to get removed.
      • chhavi_
        yep, we have not reached profile pages yet!
      • CatQuest
      • Freso
      • ruaok: Does that sound sane?
      • CatQuest
        remove for noq, thne see maybe later
      • remove for now, then let's see maybe later
      • ruaok
        gravar gone immediately.
      • everything else doesn't really matter much to me.
      • CatQuest
        ♫♪♬ \o/ 🎆🎇 \o/ ♫♪♬
      • Freso
      • I guess that's a wrap then.
      • Thanks for your time everyone!
      • </BANG>
      • CatQuest
        (sorry this makes me very happy :D)
      • thank you freso!
      • reosarevok makes that ticket
      • link me
      • samj1912
        reosarevok: back to releases?
      • CatQuest
      • kartikeyaSh
        ruaok: can you give me something on the questions i asked in LB-367 ??
      • BrainzBot
        LB-367: MessyBrainz: Add script to create recording clusters https://tickets.metabrainz.org/browse/LB-367
      • reosarevok
        samj1912: I guess!
      • I looked around a bit and it seemed ok to me
      • samj1912
        also check out the basic search for artists once :P
      • reosarevok
        CatQuest: can you try basic search for releases on test?
      • See if you find anything that looks bad?
      • samj1912
        reosarevok: any other people on MB that might be able to help me during your off times?
      • #MB I mean :P
      • reosarevok
        Off times... well, Major_Lurker might be up for it?
      • Dunno how well the AU + IN time zones work
      • CatQuest
        erh basic search? you mena direct search?
      • reosarevok
        CatQuest: no, just indexed not advanced
      • CatQuest
      • samj1912
        well, both should work now :)
      • reosarevok
      • BrainzBot
        MBS-9725: Look into using Discourse avatars in MusicBrainz
      • ruaok
        kartikeyaSh: you are my top priority for tomorrow!
      • CatQuest
        samj1912: whne I'm around (wich wil be usually, i'll try atleast this week)
      • i cna help if oyu want
      • also found an example of my previous: instrument vibraphone with credit "vibes" - has no alias vibes (which will change as I'll add it, but.)