I will switch to herb few minutes in order to upgrade and reboot kiki
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switching back to kiki
zas early up and working :D
!m zas
You're doing good work, zas!
Yup ;)
iliekcomputers: thanks for the approvals
can we do a release today?
maybe 2 - I want to release all the PRs that are pending, and then do another release with rate limiting (so that we can roll back if needed and still have all the other changes merged)
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alastairp: sure, sounds good to me, 8 PM IST around?
mmm, in about 5h30? that might be tight - I have plans this evening
either 1h before or 3h after would be better if possible
either works for me, whichever is more convenient to you.
let's do it earlier
between 7-7:30 ist, then? planning to finish by about 8
it's trying to create a user in the database but it fails (because the user already exists). If you run tests, it'll work fine
I wanted to fix that, too :)
what did you run? test.sh -u ?
That's right, the tests are continuing anyways. Ok it was existing?
I ran ./test.sh -d
then I ran ./test.sh
and now this error occurs whenever I run ./test.sh
right, no problem. tests will continue to run fine
interesting, it didn't occur previously?
This never happened before when I only ran ./test.sh
this is something that I should look into - let me give you an overview
if you just run test.sh, it builds the acousticbrainz image, sets up a separate space for database, starts the database, runs the tests, and then deletes everything
for me, that was a process that took too long to do every time I wanted to run tests, so I added test.sh -u, to start the database server in the background. then, whenever you run test.sh, it'll skip the build/setup process
then I added test.sh -d to shut the database server down
it looks like there are still some small bugs here then, for example in some cases it doesn't seem to delete the database after finishing (which is why you're seeing the error)
we should add some more documentation about how tests work
and try and fix some of the remaining bugs that are in this script
I see, that's interesting given my usage of it.
After you run ./test.sh -u, do you then use ./test.sh every time with server running in the background?
ah, I see that I have a difference between -s (stop) and -d (down)
it's possible that stop will stop it, but leave the data behind (so you'll get the create user error on startup), and down will actually delete it?
I'll check that
alastairp: I'm around
D4RK-PH0ENiX has quit
Okay yeah. This makes sense because usually if I run ./test.sh it doesn't do all of the setup, and it doesn't give output like this https://pastebin.com/zAuStGNS , but after running ./test.sh -d, I start getting that output (and the error I posted)
ok, definitely something that we have to improve then
iliekcomputers: cool, I haven't finished my final changes on the stats PR
if you want to get stuff done now now, we could deploy what's already been merged, or we can wait a bit more
we can wait, no worries
ok, cool
actually, can I get you to do something for me?
ok sounds good. I also agree that adding more documentation on the tests would be good - I can help with that!
Sure, what is it?
aidanlw17: in listenbrainz we have a developers section that shows up on listenbrainz.readthedocs.io, we could do the same for ab
iliekcomputers: AB-413 we have to fix this, it keeps on causing problems
can we force the login button to always go to https?
we'll have to sniff to get the hostname/port that we're running on somehow - e.g. we can't just set the url to https://acousticbrainz.org/{url_for(login), because that won't work on development
cool, I can make a ticket to add something along those lines?
aidanlw17: yeah, go ahead
alastairp: 👍 when you get the chance as well, let me know if there are anymore changes that need to be made on AB-404!
iliekcomputers: thanks. we've talked about a better way of doing this - one thing we might have to do is set up nginx in a local container so that we can force https rewrite for most of our URLs, but this specific error comes up once every few months, doing the rewrite in flask is probably going to be the easiest immediate fix
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Freso: it's Canada Day today and a national holiday, so I was hoping to be out this afternoon participating in some activities. Can I email you my review?
aidanlw17: no problem 🇨🇦
moving day today too? or is that just quebec?
thanks alastairp! No moving day here in Toronto, what is that?
that sounds exhausting! Where I'm from, maybe kind of like the first couple days before school begins in September. Have you lived in Quebec alastairp?