

March 25th 2021

      • ruaok
        oh, I see.
      • I was hoping to make this endoint more generic than that.
      • Mr_Monkey
        Sure. For other potential uses I think returning an html string is the most flexible way we'll have.
      • ruaok
        ok, then I'll leave that feedback on the PR.
      • thx
      • Mr_Monkey
        Well, we've also got specific icons for each event type, which has all the reasons to live in the react component.
      • ruaok
      • Mr_Monkey
        But we could have a generic event type (and icon), and if there's a message associated to that event we parse and render the html.
      • ruaok
        yes, agreed. lets do that.
      • _lucifer
        ruaok, Mr_Monkey: what was finally decided for the endpoint? just keep a link and another endpoint for other generic events?
      • Mr_Monkey
        I'm lacking context to answer, haven't looked at the PR in question at all
      • But we agreed that for generic events the most flexible solution is to send html as a string and parse it on the front-end side
      • ruaok appears in the office
      • ruaok
        _lucifer: we agreed that we should only have a `message` field and remove the link field.
      • _lucifer
      • i'll update the PR accordingly.
      • ruaok
        the message should be HTML and then sanitise it to ensure that no bad HTML is in there.
      • thanks!
      • from a friend of mine and friend of MB: https://r0ml.medium.com/free-software-an-idea-w...
      • _lucifer
        ruaok, sanitizing with the same constraints as in playlist_api https://github.com/metabrainz/listenbrainz-serv... is fine or do we want different constraints for this endpoint?
      • ruaok
        same is great.
      • _lucifer
      • Mr_Monkey
        We can also sanitize on the front-end for double safety
      • We already use a library for that in another page
      • ruaok
        once should be fine, since this is not a public endpoint.
      • only if the submitter token is compromised might this code ever kick in.
      • _lucifer
        ruaok, PR updated.
      • Mr_Monkey, if you are available should we discuss the UI changes mentioned for Youtube Player Implementation.
      • chaban
        artwork-redirect broken? Uploaded this yesterday: https://musicbrainz.org/edit/78345808 but still get 404: "cover image with id 28908237409 not found" The files definitely exist though: https://archive.org/download/mbid-fb8a98c1-2fd7...
      • ruaok
      • that is the PR that allows notiifications to be posted to users timelines. can you have a look and examine how we're doing on icons for that event?
      • Mr_Monkey
        _lucifer: I'll have a look at 1342 first and we can discuss youtube stuff afterwards id it works for you?
      • ruaok: I'll open a separate PR to add support for the notification events
      • ruaok
        Mr_Monkey: +1
      • BrainzGit
        [listenbrainz-server] MonkeyDo opened pull request #1359 (master…monkey-notification-timeline-event-ui): Add support for 'notification' events on timeline UI https://github.com/metabrainz/listenbrainz-serv...
      • Mr_Monkey
        I still have to add some tests, but ^
      • _lucifer: Available when you are :)
      • So, does PR 1342 mean that we won't have specific playlist_created events anymore?
      • ruaok
        Mr_Monkey: I believe so, yes.
      • Mr_Monkey
        OK, my PR should also remove that then
      • yvanzo
        bitmap, reosarevok: https://tickets.metabrainz.org/browse/MBBE-39 is up for review.
      • BrainzBot
        MBBE-39: Remove invalid characters from existing annotations
      • _lucifer
        Mr_Monkey: Hi!
      • Mr_Monkey
        Yo !
      • _lucifer
        I saw our youtube player implementation, it seems to me all we need to do is change a network on that front.
      • Mr_Monkey
        For the search you mean?
      • _lucifer
      • Mr_Monkey
        Yes, with some extra new bits to ensure the user has a token (like we do in SpotifyPlayer)
      • _lucifer
        we need to replace the `loadPlaylist` with a call to data api and pass that to the player and should be done.
      • yes agreed.
      • but we don't need to change anything in the UI?
      • Mr_Monkey
        Not for the youtube player itself, no
      • _lucifer
      • moving on, what UI changes do you think we need to for other players?
      • in context of "Discuss potential UI changes with Monkey in order to reduce the UI work that needs to be done by potential GSoC students."
      • Mr_Monkey
        We need to rework the existing page where we connect to Spotify, is the short story. Instead of being a specific "connect to spotify" page we're going to want to allow various music services
      • I did say I was going to make some mockups for that, and I haven't done that yet
      • _lucifer
        ah yes that makes sense. I had forgotten we need to change the UI for that page as well :p
      • Mr_Monkey
        Yeah, and it's going to need a good refactor.
      • I'll get some mockups done which we can then use as a starting point to talk about
      • At hte moment I have a few ideas in my head, but nothing on paper
      • _lucifer
        yeah right, I'll try to get the player part working this week and take care of connecting at start of next week.
      • cool thanks!
      • *connecting music services
      • Mr_Monkey
        I'll amend the document too. I wrote "This screen should also allow users to disable playback for each music service independently.", but I'm not convinced we want to do that on this page.
      • _lucifer
        makes sense
      • Mr_Monkey
        I quite like the screenshot at the end of the "fron-end" subsection in the document, but I'm not sure we'll be able to both explain the various uses we make (e.g. for spotify record listens vs play music) and player preferences without it getting confusing.
      • So i'll work on a specific "connect to music services" page and we can see about the player preferences another day
      • _lucifer
        yeah, its already complicated to handle as a developer. it could be a nightmare for users if put together.
      • different pages sound good to me.
      • shivam-kapila
        Can the "add musuc services doc" be shared with me? I side by side work on the dashboard redesign and if there are some changes to BP I will keep those in mind
      • Mr_Monkey
        No changes to BP in all of that
      • I mean no visual changes, just some implementation changes in the youtubeplayer
      • shivam-kapila
        Cool thanks for the info
      • _lucifer
        ruaok: regarding https://stats.metabrainz.org/d/000000079/alerts... , the queue's size seems to follow a regular pattern. it exceeds the limit to issue an alert once everyday. would it make sense and be possible to either increase the limit at which the alert occurs or if the queue size remains above the current limit for a period of time?
      • ruaok
        zas manages those alerts, but I agree.
      • _lucifer
        unrealted but also i have a couple of doubts regarding consul and services on lemmy.
      • zas
        ruaok, _lucifer : I bump the alert threshold to 25k
      • ruaok
        zas thanks.
      • _lucifer: yeah, I have no idea what causes that.
      • _lucifer
        thanks zas!
      • ruaok, i am checking the logs of spark reader and comparing it with timescale writer to see if i find something. will let you know if i find something.
      • ruaok
        _lucifer: https://github.com/metabrainz/listenbrainz-serv... is ready to merge then, yes?
      • alastairp
        hi, I'm back. will be here for an hour-ish
      • ruaok
        hi back. nice to meet you.
      • alastairp
        now I'm angry
      • look at how quickly I can change!
      • _lucifer
        ruaok, yes. i also made one change after you approved, it now raises `APIForbidden` for non approved users.
      • alastairp
        damnit, why can't we have ser/estar in english
      • ruaok
        I saw, I was just checking. ok.
      • > damnit, why can't we have ser/estar in english
      • you really consider that a feature?
      • alastairp
        at least then you wouldn't be able to make dad jokes
      • BrainzGit
        [listenbrainz-server] mayhem merged pull request #1342 (master…troi2): Add api endpoint for approved bots to post on user's timeline https://github.com/metabrainz/listenbrainz-serv...
      • ruaok
        _lucifer: have a look at this so we can totally finish this feature? https://github.com/metabrainz/listenbrainz-serv...
      • _lucifer
        on it.
      • chaban
        It seems https://musicbrainz.org/edit/78344687 is the last cover art upload that redirects.
      • yvanzo
        chaban: Everything is working for me.
      • chaban
      • yvanzo
        Oh ok, no it isn’t, thanks for reporting!
      • chaban
        This is bad. Picard also can't download cover art for newer uploads
      • yvanzo
        bitmap ^ caa-redirect containers’ logs aare not reporting any issue, might it be an issue with the IA?
      • caa-indexer only reports succeeded uploads too.
      • chaban
      • BrainzBot
        CAA-127: Cover Art Archive redirects don't work for uploads newer than Edit #78344687
      • ruaok
        alastairp: metric names of `listenbrainz:mbid-mapping-writer` vs `listenbrainz-mbid-mapping-writer`. Not sure I understand your argument for not exactly using container names. our container names are nicely separated in the namespace....
      • alastairp
        ruaok: it's mostly a question of how we store the data in redis and how we retrieve all stats in the internal endpoint
      • we're going to want to say "give me a list of all listenbrainz stats"
      • so if we store a key in redis `listenbrainz-mbid-mapping-writer = whatever`, we need a way of knowing that this is a listenbrainz key (without manually iterating through all keys and doing string matching)
      • ruaok
        ah, for the redis keyspace... whatever. that doesn't bother me since we won't be interacting with it. I only care that we really get the metric names right.
      • alastairp
        ok sure, this is an implementation detail. keys can be listed in the json exactly as they are in the container name
      • ruaok
        what do you think of my suggestion of appending some further qualifier, like "module" or "component".
      • because one container may want to report stats in two separate areas.
      • alastairp
        I think I had this in the initial version and we removed it because we thought it was too complex ;)
      • do you think `key: listenbrainz-mbid-mapping-writer:foo` and value: 4, or `key: listenbrainz-mbid-mapping-writer`, `foo:value: 4`
      • yvanzo
        bitmap: should be the IA, there seems to be nothing wrong on our part: https://stats.metabrainz.org/d/000000075/alerts...
      • ruaok
        alastairp: I find that I can think better in context of the gist we've been bantering about. can you update that with this question/suggestion?
      • alastairp
        yep, will do
      • regarding host name, there's no env variable with this set in the startup scripts, but we set the docker container hostname to the service that it's living on. any preferences to `socket.gethostname()` or passing it in as an env variable?
      • ruaok
        zas would be best to answer this, methinks.
      • alastairp
      • ruaok
        my personal pref would be to use gethostname, rather than passing in more info.
      • bitmap
        yvanzo: there's no redirect performed (it's returning a 404 from our own database), so doesn't appear to be the IA
      • and these IDs aren't in the cover_art table...
      • yvanzo
        ok then there is also an issue with errors logging.
      • bitmap
        uhh ok so they are in the cover_art table (on floyd), but not in pink. there appears to be some serious replication lag. looking into it
      • temporarily disabling postgres-pink in consul
      • there's no indication of why the lag is occuring in floyd or pink logs, unfortunately
      • I restarted pink and it's slowly recovering, but so far can't find why it stopped
      • *restarted postgres-pink
      • yvanzo
        Good catch!
      • zas
        bitmap: I just added an alert for this: https://stats.metabrainz.org/d/Ha7ejswMk/alerts...
      • bitmap
        zas: thank you, was going to ask for that :)
      • zas
        I did on wal count
      • set to 500 (for pink & floyd, each)
      • atj
        Some major OpenSSL vulnerabilities announced today, CVE-2021-3449 is pretty bad by the sounds of it (remote DoS). All OpenSSL 1.1.1 versions are affected. If you are vulnerable you will want to upgrade ASAP.
      • Mr_Monkey
        That's a job for… super zas ! *trumpet sound*