

      • CatQuest
        I was like "reo your spanish is showing :P"
      • reosarevok
      • More discussion welcome
      • CatQuest
      • reosarevok
        This week, a fair amount of support. There's a guy who keeps insisting I upload their picture
      • And says they refuse to create a wikimedia account and I should upload their image for them
      • Not gonna happen
      • Other than that no major issues
      • ruaok
        ask colbydray?
      • reosarevok
        No, I won't ask anyone to upload an image to Commons and sign away the license that's not the content owner
      • Freso
        Just asking us to upload an image to Wiki Commons does not legally grant us the rights to do so.
      • reosarevok
        If he doesn't want to do it himself, that's his problem
      • So whatever
      • ruaok
        ah, yea not ok.
      • reosarevok
        Anyway, that's been mostly it
      • That and I forgot Spanish people burn too and now I'm very red
      • (ouch)
      • I'll be here until the 24 so expect another relatively slow week next week
      • fin I think!
      • ruaok
        bread and skin? both??
      • Freso
      • reosarevok
        ruaok: shh
      • ruaok
      • bitmap
        still working on docker last week
      • Freso
        reosarevok: Just dip in olive oil, no?
      • bitmap
        fixed issues with the hot standby stuff which I didn't test at first
      • CatQuest
        reosarevok: it means you've become Scandinavian (a little bit) (ie estonia)
      • ruaok
        olive oil cures everything. if not that, try red wine
      • reosarevok
        ruaok: topically or orally?
      • bitmap
        got an smtp container working minus all the fancy tech that'll prevent the emails from getting marked as spam
      • ruaok
      • CatQuest
        also noo not olive oil! oil is bd for burns! use aloe!
      • reosarevok
        Let's let bitmap talk now :)
      • CatQuest
      • bitmap
        now I'm looking at consul-template this week at the suggestion of zas, which looks more convenient than m4 + make
      • and looking more into postfix stuff
      • fin
      • Freso
      • Gentlecat
        I reviewed GSoC stuff, merged a change to AB that allows to submit non-MBID data
      • reviewed MBS stuff, tried Docker containers there
      • and was finishing my AB work most of the time https://beta.acousticbrainz.org/challenges/1409...
      • fin
      • Freso
      • zas
        I fixed a very nasty issue causing occasional packet loss on gateways (due to iptables conntrack limits and high traffic), it was possibly the cause of reported 504s (and other undetected issues). It required careful tuning of kernel sysctl values, but it looks like it works well now. I increased the global rate limit, as requested by ruaok
      • we are serving 700+ req/s (200s)
      • reosarevok
      • ruaok
        finally answering your question: I've not seen any 504s today. well done!
      • \ΓΈ/
      • zas
        i resumed on docker stuff, mostly collecting documentation on infrastructure and admin tasks
      • i'm preparing the load balancer openresty container
      • which is the main part
      • use docker swarm + service discovery will be great
      • kepstin
        conntrack limits huh? I hadn't thought of that. GJ figuring it out, zas :)
      • zas
        kepstin: yes, it was a nasty thing
      • but we have a lot of traffic
      • ruaok: i think we should get few machines at hetzner now and start preparing them to host docker stuff
      • Freso has quit
      • ruaok
        google not good enough?
      • chirlu notes that we had hit conntrack limits previously already.
      • Freso joined the channel
      • chirlu: a pile of times, yes. I wish we would've licked them by now. :(
      • zas
        well, to test containers yes, but physical nodes will need proper setup (firewall, kernel, sysctl, ...Β°
      • ruaok
        ok, I see.
      • Freso
      • ruaok
        I think we should get closer to the date when we're happy with our docker stuff.
      • at the point when all three of us shrug our shoulders and say: "this should work!" is probably the right time.
      • zas
      • ruaok
        then we'll have quite some time to actually get it right.
      • Freso
        zas: Got more?
      • zas
        nope, fin.
      • ruaok
        I can call them and ask them what is easiest for them.
      • Freso
      • ruaok
        I have to talk to them about babar and spike too.
      • speaking of LordSputnik...
      • CatQuest
        ugh yea LordSputnik
      • ruaok
        LordSputnik: Leftmost: I believe you two are up for going to the GSoC Summit.
      • wanna go?
      • Leftmost
        When is that?
      • ruaok
        oh well, I guess not.
      • damn.
      • :)
      • end of oct.
      • Freso
        No Leo_Verto. LordSputnik unresponsive...
      • alastairp!
      • ruaok
        this was discussed at length on the mentors list. I see you're paying attention. :)
      • Leftmost
        I'd go, but not at the expense of someone more core to the project.
      • CatQuest
      • hmm
      • that didn't work
      • reosarevok
        Leftmost: I think people "more core to the project" have all mostly gone there by now
      • (if you mean MeB generally)
      • Leftmost
        I do.
      • Freso
        No alastairp either. :|
      • CatQuest
        ΰ² _ΰ² 
      • Freso
        CatQuest: Go!
      • ruaok
        Leftmost: we're on a round robin basis and Google is paying. by the rules, you're up next.
      • CatQuest
        Last week I did some instruments, as well as moving some "children of" rels to "subtypes" and "derivations".
      • Next I participated in a community-post about descriptions and disambiguation https://community.metabrainz.org/t/instruments-...
      • That brought up translation questions: should disambiguations become translatable strings? how, (or why/why not?)
      • I agree with chirlu that descriptions being copypasta is problematic, and that perhaps they aught to be scrapped,
      • (but I think maybe they should be replaced by annotations/aliases/disambiguations? instead, see my comment on somewhat related style ticket: http://tickets.musicbrainz.org/browse/MBS-8764 as well as comments on the previous mentioned thread)
      • Then I created a task for myself http://tickets.musicbrainz.org/browse/INST-415 to research how those pianos hang together, welcome to comment or watch that ticket! To close of last week, I obtained a frikken sweet title courtesy of reosarevok! yaay!
      • This week I'vn't been able to add much - this week has gone by pretty fast with preparing for school that starts for me on the 24th, uncertainty about disambiguations, and fighting a cold:(
      • ruaok
        of course you can so, no, but you should not feel bad about going.
      • CatQuest
        Next week will be much of the same, but I hope to continue to squeeze in some more instruments.
      • Now as the test.bookbrainz.org is finally up? I've been doing some testing there too, but I'm a bit blocked by ben always being away when I have https://paste.ee/p/1uGw9 to tell him :P
      • eh sorry for the wall of text
      • Freso
        CatQuest: Don't be. :)
      • reosarevok
        thanks again for working on instruments, CatQuest :)
      • Freso
      • CatQuest: fin?
      • CatQuest
      • Freso
      • rahulr
      • CatQuest
        but I do want people to reply to links
      • rahulr
        Fixed some rebase issues between track and album search dialogs. Opened up a PR (https://github.com/metabrainz/picard/pull/486).
      • Mostly worked on getting covers displayed in the album dialog.
      • Also most of my SoC work (https://github.com/metabrainz/picard/pull/475) got merged into master last week.
      • That's all.
      • Freso
      • QuoraUK
        Okie dokie
      • So all of my branches are mostly ready to merge, a few already have been
      • just need checking over now
      • Got the video of the system sorted
      • and blog post mostly ready
      • Just some tidy up and testing to go now :)
      • fin
      • Freso
        No hellska. :| kartikgupta0909, go!
      • CatQuest
        and I've testedbadges, they work!
      • Freso
      • kartikgupta0909
        Last week I worked on the code for evaluation of a dataset on a user machine
      • Done with the basic version
      • Need to get the pending PRs for the server API merged
      • and then modify the evaluator script to use them instead of reading the datasets from files
      • fin :)
      • Freso
      • armalcolite
      • Freso
      • armalcolite
        This week was spent in rebasing the playing_now branch and then resolving a lot of issues. Issues that got introduced both via merge-conflicts and user_id schema change.
      • Then fixiing the tests, which had a wierd problem. They were failing because of no reason. I spent lot more time fixing them than i anticipated. But success!! :)
      • I spent a lot of time testing the new API(api_compat), hoping all the bugs get resolved before merge in the master.
      • Freso
      • armalcolite
        And a simple addition, now api_compat's playing_now gets updated as per the duration of the song.
      • ruaok
        armalcolite: I'll finish testing that branch tomorrow. and hopefully merge it.
      • armalcolite
        And, my GSoC work got merged. Yippee!!
      • ruaok: awesome!
      • fin.
      • CatQuest looks forward to testing ListneBrainz stuff too
      • Freso
        Great! Thanks all!
      • Freso: GSoC Final Evaluations!